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Everything posted by just-

  1. 1TB harddisk coming out this year i think
  2. anyone saw the england game yesterday still not convincing enough for me and rooney, well he is just a morable booster for the team i think 2-0 was not bad since they were still 0-0 with only 5min of game to go go on PORTUGAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. just-


    i would buy a new mother board yeah graphic card is usefull and cool but you can get so much more out of a mobo then you can out of a graphics card but in the other hand if u only buy a new mobo and all the rest is the same huh you wont notice a thing so if you don't have a dual screen set up in your house you could buy that and buy a new screen also i don't know its a hard call dude i am adding a pool to help people vote on this matter for you OK
  4. some sort of trick of course he would not be able to do that in the pool in your house
  5. my friend if you want my advice here it goes if u got some money wait for conroe to come out and buy one of those babies they are quick yeah i have seen the benchmarks you have seen guys but i have them here in the lab next to me and yeah they are quick guys. but if you dont have much money then conroe will be too expensive for you wait till it comes out so they drop the prices in the old models and buy a dual core of an old model would still be better then what you have just my 2 cents in terms of CPU
  6. i think the easiest one to learn will be UNBUNTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  7. jypagan whats wrong with ur tracert 2 1346 ms 515 ms 268 ms ip70-173-66-1.fv.dl.cox.net [] your 2nd hop is not acceptable are you downloading or any one using your connection while you testing?
  8. PHAT HOUSE with a swimming pool cool nice house disturbed
  9. my rented house for this year will move out in 2 months so dont come hunting down for me here after that
  10. Thread Locked TestMy.Net is not a place to ask for torrent trackers feel free to discuss torrent industry, technology but we will not facilitate the illegal sharing of files
  11. hummm so they are back in sweeden do you know if they went with the same hosting company ?
  12. hi destructionfever changing your topic to the comcast folder you might get some more help here
  13. This topic has been moved to Comcast Cable Communications. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=14643.0[/iurl]
  14. guys can you just make this clear for me Comcast is still providing internet only via CABLE company (coax cable ). not fiber right ? and this new speed with powerboost does any one know more about the technology how are they doing this?
  15. probably not he is on a business line i have no idea what the packages/deal are but it could be real n641026 do you know what is the speed of your office line ? what about your upload could u post some results also
  16. This topic has been moved to America's Army. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=14641.0[/iurl]
  17. resopalrabotnick where can i get hold of a Beta of office ? is this not a public beta ? can you post some screen shots?
  18. sounds cool what have u use to connect them 802.11 a b g ?? or wi-max or ???
  19. dont know what chmod is have u tried to google it ?
  20. Wanna see some feedback guys i havent downloaded yet and going to wait for a bit
  21. huh this could be quiete big if true
  22. Ok here is a better design what do you think ?
  23. nice stuff guys i dont have a big network at thome Lynksys router |100Mb |100Mb :wireless :wireless MY-Pc Fileserver/Download PC My work laptop House Mate laptop
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