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Everything posted by just-

  1. so we are almost there guys is every one ready for the big 25000 party !!!!
  2. have you guys heard of voipcheap and voipbuster worth giving it a try i loaded about 5 bucks in each of the accounts and sometimes they stop letting you call unlimited for land line in one so i swtich to the other both usa and portugal and all sort of countries
  3. i dont play battlefiled could that you guys organizing this stuff maybe one day we could do a counter strike game you guys had the #1 game how did it go ?
  4. Does anyone have an idea of how many companies google has aquired ?
  5. seriously google in ur name is way cool huh thinking seriously nha it is just crazy
  6. Happy bot day to all you bots out there LOL this is so stupid LOL
  7. sweet stuff most commonly known as NAKED dsl well i live in the uk and here you need to get a phone line before u get Adsl sucks and we dont get anywhere near good speeds as you guys do
  8. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=12580.0[/iurl]
  9. i cant be asked to get just another pen would like to see some pictures and reports once you guys start getting this pens want to hear about it
  10. thank you for this news we can all so the news on our articles section now here http://www.testmy.net/articles/article-468
  11. yeah we got some sucky speeds indeed have u tried rebooting you modem ?
  12. AlmostHuman use a program like ad aware or spy bot to remove that junk from your pc dude do it as soon as possible
  13. hi stevcha and welcome to the forum i hope some one later on the topic can help you a bit more then me i don't have fios and i haven't heard of any specific problems with fios and that router but what i can tell you is this 1- V4 is not the most popular of version, a lot of people complain about general problems with the V4 version of that router 2- normally people have this fluctuation of speeds when they using wireless not your case 3- is any one else using the INTERNET in your house when you doing the test ?
  14. i found this site while i was surfing on the competion website dslreports and was looking in the fiber optics forum and met this guy called vaburen after one or two messages he recomended this site for something i think it was initially to test my speed and i became a fan since then thank you VanBuren
  15. hi bt_broadband always nice to see some one from the uk could you tell us what router have you got it seems like a dns issue a bit strange to be honest but maybe your pc is trying to look for the ip of the website somewhere else before it times out and goes looking or sends the packets in the right way are all your settings default in your router and in you pc ? for example have you changes your default gateway? are you setting you self an ip manually or getting it from your dhcp in your router ?
  16. i have seen some live in london yeah they are awsome maybe a diff guy but the same art
  17. been a while since i seen this program van nice that its now in english remember a few years ago when u helped me translate it hehe only maybe 1 or 2 yrs ago
  18. check out this website http://www.seagate.com/support/seatools/ might have some tools to help you on that does some one knwo if it is possible to fix bad sectors on a hard disk or once you foudn them thats it ?
  19. yeah i just got my internet back now and when i opened it it has the new look it looks good
  20. boywonder that is what we are here for for you inexpirience about broadband and networking and for you again maybe in a few months or years when u know more about this stuff we are here to help and discuss networking broadband and random stuff let us know what equipment you bought and we could help you set it up if you want
  21. project51 yeah that would be a good idea i can't talk much about that but lets just say i have tried that and i have tried more then just the normal stuff and no my router is not connected to my neighbor wifi fingers crossed they dont cut me untill monday
  22. lol maybe it would come with two robots if it was in japan u know those robots you see once in a while on tv from japan anyway yeah massive tv
  23. ok ok guys so we all came to the same conclusion that is possible but what i am after here is has any one expirience this them selves ?
  24. Thats exactly what i thought and that is why me and my house mate are so puzzled about this issue maybe some one out there has the same situation it is technically possible to hoke us up with adsl not not the phone but normally you need to get a phone line from a compay and then you can enable it to have adsl on without a live phone line no one will install adsl on it. not saying its not techincally possible but its damn weird
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