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Everything posted by 6arett

  1. 6arett


    Well FiOS was SUPOSED to be installed today...and #1 Install crew was 2 and 1/2 hours late. #2 They come and they tell us that our house didnt have the pipe to come up to our house. So now...A servayer wont come out to setup how to put the pipe upto my house here intill Monday or Tuseday (since its the weekend) And I dont even know when the Dig Crew is going to come out and put the pipe threw the ground.... So basicly, the Verizon guy(s) said that MAYBE by next Friday they can come out agaian and try to install it...wow im pissed :evil: :evil:
  2. These servers might go down?
  3. why did u sqweeze the screen in the first place???
  4. Matbe that is your real speed....?
  5. 12/1 that upload is still horribal.
  6. Ive herd the DNS servers go out a lot...
  7. If you ran a 32 Player 1.6 or Source server you'd probably max out your upload b/w.
  8. Might be a 5/1 package?
  9. From Verizon's DSL Service.....its been Rock soild. I hope FiOS is the same, It's just like T1 execept you loose that nice equality of upload.
  10. Have u had this problem before? With your other isp?
  11. 6arett


    Probably becuase the upload is equal to the download and it (usualy) never fluxuates.
  12. My schools internet blows. 200+ Computers on and DL is 300 kb/s and UL is 200 kb/s
  13. Take your computer back to the place that replaced your HD? btw: Welcome to the forum
  14. I'm 15. Will be 16 in June next year...
  15. Norton still is good.
  16. Becuase Upload costs Comcrap! With a 1/10 connection you'd only beable to download at roughly 130kb/s. witch is not very good.
  17. Sophmore at Vista murrieta High school
  18. You probably need to forward the ports AIM or whatever uses. I had the same problem with my old router intill I forwarded ports that AIM or whatever used.
  19. K, I can tell you SoCal or atleast my part of SoCal needs somthing faster than what's provided, we got 1500/380kb dsl, (49.99 /mo) and Comcast 4/370 6/370? ($56.99) Finaly FiOS comes for 49.99 15/2 you guys probably got 6megs dl and 1meg upload by now up their?
  20. How do I see my DSL Router a Westell Wirespeed Dual USB/Ethernet
  21. Ya, Comcast is jewish.
  22. Only VanBuren achchives that.
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