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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. You think you may be the elder? Perhaps you are. I am 48 ....for a while longer anyway. I believe that I am older than dirt! Ancient! lol.... I've posted somewhere between 50 and 60 posts ........I think. (My memory doesn't work all that well anymore you see).... Cheers! The Reverend
  2. I have had to repoint my dish so many times it isn't funny! I just start a bit 'high', then slowly crank it down to find the max signal, then "skew" it left to right and find the max signal, then I turn the "radio" last. Right now I get a steady 97. Even in a pretty good rain it only falls to about 91. I've never been "washed out" using the .98m dish. I realise that pointing my own dish voids the warranty, but as poorly as they are made it is necessary to constanting tweak the silly thing (or have the installer come out once a week to do the same thing that I do) ...and my pole is drilled into solid rock and cemented! It's the way they designed the dish that's the problem. I have replaced nearly all of the nuts, washers and bolts with superior ones (like nuts with nylon "lock threads", and "no slip" washers, and machine grade "tweaking" posts instead of the large threaded style. It really does make a difference (for me) to make as much as a 1/10th of a turn! My 4000 wasn't as sensitive and didn't slip a bit. This foolish thing slides around like an ice skate! However, no matter what has been done the danged thing will not exceed 1088kbps at ANY time ...and yet a DW4000 blows it away? (So how can DWay call it their fastest system for thrice the price)? Danged idiots! (hey ...I paid $1,000 up front just to have it installed (modem and dish), then another $300 in Commercial fees and other ripoffs they neglect to mention until you've had the system online for two weeks. Cheers! "The Rev"
  3. Yeah, I have found that my speeds increase by about 200kbps if I "check" both proxy boxes too (and use Port 87). I am shooting at G4R @ 1201.0MHz. I really wish I had stuck with my DW4000 system and just bought a larger dish (because with the big dish "rain fade" no longer exists! I still have my old 4000's but I am stuck with a two-year contract ...but I'll figure out something eventually. (I hope). I used Dr Tcp (that added just a wee bit to my speed), yet nothing really helps a DW6000 because THEY have total control over everything (mostly). Oh well.... (anybody know where I can find the schematics for a 6000)? Cheers! "The Rev"
  4. I have a .98m dish and a Commercial Class account (DirecWay's finest ...so they say). My fastest download ever was 1088 (adjusted). Typically, during the day it will run between 346-745 "down"...and that's it. So, I'm paying $129.99 per month instead of $89.99 per month (when I had the DW4000 setup) ...and I am actually running slower! DIRECWAY --- WHERE QUALITY IS JUST A SLOGAN Cheers! "The Rev"
  5. BEFORE YOU TRY THIS BE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR REGISTRY COMPLETELY!!!!! http://www.jsiinc.com/SUBQ/tip8100/rh8134.htm This link just may fix your problem, which is primarily just a messed up section in your registry. (Or, if you have a backup of your registry you could try a restore first). On that website, you'll find this ...to save you some time: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have a missing menu bar, or toolbar, in Internet Explorer, or Windows Explorer, it is generally caused by a corrupt ITBarLayout Value Name, in one of the sub-keys of the Toolbar registry key. I have scripted ITBarLayout.bat to resolve the problem: 1. Copy / Paste the following to Notepad, and save it as ITBarLayout.bat into a folder in your path: @echo off setlocal if /i {%1}=={I} set param=WebBrowser&goto del if /i {%1}=={W} set param=Explorer&goto del if /i {%1}=={S} set param=ShellBrowser&goto del endlocal @echo Syntax: ITBarLayout I ^| W ^| S goto :EOF :del ( @echo REGEDIT4 @echo/ @echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerToolbar%param%] @echo "ITBarLayout"=- ) >"%TEMP%ITBarLayout.reg" regedit /s "%TEMP%ITBarLayout.reg" del /q "%TEMP%ITBarLayout.reg" endlocal 2. Close all open instances of Windows Explorer AND Internet Explorer. 3. Open a CMD.EXE window. 4. Type ITBarLayout x, where x is I if Internet Explorer has the problem, or W if Windows Explorer has the problem. If both have the problem, run the command twice. 5. Open the 'fixed' application. 6. If the problem persists, close the 'fixed' application and type ITBarLayout S. *This restores all of the DEFAULT settings! You cannot just reload IE6 because it will NOT overwrite your registry settings for that part of the program. If you have customized any of it, then it is 'locked down'. Only a reformat would allow you to "clean start" ...and we don't want that! I'll keep searching MSN for Menu Bar related problems. If it has happened to you, then there must be another one posted somewhere! When Australia wakes up I'll IM a guru there that I am fairly sure can nail this for ya. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If that doesn't work just let us know ....somebody is bound to find your solution ....we NEVER give up! (usually). Cheers! The Reverend
  6. Say Troll Guy ...how could that kind of 'report' be generated by a Video problem. I work with high end video all the time and his "solution" blew me away. Like ...DUH! what? Cheers!
  7. If you are dealing with a WEP generated with DLINK ....called their 24/7 number and they can tell you how to 'wipe' it from your registry. (They helped me when I was playing with wireless a few years back ...and I remember it was just a matter of deleting a key in the "reg" ...I think). 1-877-453-5465 for 24/7 DLINK WEP has three levels (or more): 64-bit = 10 digits 128-bit = 26 digits 256-bit = 52 digits *Add that to your Book of Worthless Knowledge (along with mine)! heheh....
  8. Try an online scan at www.trendmicro.com to be sure you are "clean." If so, then you are out of my league with that problem. I've never heard of such a thing! Or....go to www.google.com, type in < Error 432 > ...and see which one "fits" your situation ...there are several! Good luck Cheers!
  9. I am studying up on Trillian Pro. It looks like something that I can understand (and make the best use of!) because it will integrate with (supposedly) the majority of other chat progs....I am checking if Steganos and my other security feaures will "wipe my slates" and such ...but every since the new router went online I've not had a single incident. (prior to that we logged 107,567 attempts on our firewall in a bit over 48 days (o.O) ...that got to be ridiculous. Most of them coming from Japan with some very high-tech methods for getting into systems)! *Sent cha an e-mail too... Cheers!
  10. Let's hope they get your machine reassembled in time for a January launching eh? Holiday Seasons are indeed special, but when it comes to business, everything slows to a "Snail's Pace" for the greater part. (It is such a pain in the patoote to have to ship such things back and forth (handled by apes in transit). Would you believe that the Chat Progs got to be such a security problem that we pulled every one of them? I'd love to chat, as I do keep lotsa digital mailings flying around the planet. Perhaps you can tell me what would be the best Chat Program to install (even if it costs a few bucks) that won't endanger the Minister-Laity confidentiality "firewall" that I believe in holding fast to. So far I keep finding disappointment in everything, (and I'm not exactly "hot" about giving out ANYTHING to America Online)....gawd! (But, I have such a vast amount of security software that I can most likely use it safely now ....12 years ago such things were unnecessary and unheard of)! lol... wow! Or, you can simply use an e-mail box I have just created epecially for you (and any others who wish to use it ...*just clik on my "email button" below! Give me your e-mail and we can do it "normally" if you like. No prob there at all. It is freely offered to anyone who will use it properly (thank you!)). I try to answer all e-mails and, I know how to track down bandits who do things to my mail. Enuff said there! Cheers! "The Rev"
  11. In times past I've had the pleasure of going through 9 PS units ($45.00US each) before finally getting one that would hold up for more than 60 seconds. That's when I started getting the high-end units, and my problems stopped. Presently I am using a "CoolMax" high-end with all the bells and whistles and love it. Built in Surge Protection, Conditions the power for a constant 120vac @ 60cycles, and blue LEDS 'to boot' on the rear fan! (too cool for a Reverend ...heheh). After all, everything in your 'can' is using power right? Heck yeah. So, it is only going to run as well as the 'juice' that it is getting. Funky power = funky output = higher maintenance. Every since I dumped this tri-fan-"does-everything"-jobber into my box I've never had a lick of trouble ...notta. (knock on wood). Same goes for the other PCs under my roof. To me, building a system starts at the House Power Panel. Our four computers are fed "conditioned" power (all on separate Circuit Breakers too ...same "leg" and 'common ground' too *mechanical ground that is)), and that has gone a very long way in giving us an extremely stable (Intranet/Internet) system with NO component failures (yet). It really makes a noticeable difference so I am pleased with that part of the entire investment (upgrade). Battery Backups on all PCs, Router, and even the SAT-COM is a luxury since the power is "wild" where we live. By the time the generator fires up the batteries are still at nearly 100% (big UPS's though ...I think 350's would have been plenty). Just installed HDD coolers with twin fans last night on all the PCs, (but I turned the fans around to draw the heated air away from the HDDS instead of packing dust into them. Dunno if it's wasted bucks or not, but I'll let you know as soon as I get enough numbers to 'average'. I can say the HDDS are running quieter than before, (no 'bearing' noise anymore). Cheers "The Rev"
  12. Hey, don't despair my friend. I use DirecWay's finest system and often times I can't run as fast as a 56k! Sometimes I am running around 28.8 ...that's when I just leave the mail client on and wonder if WIRES will ever come my way? Cheers! The Reverend
  13. I am not a "gamer", but that line you have supplied looks like whoever 'coded' the game didn't do such a hot job, and thus your video card (or something) isn't reading it properly and so it just won't "launch". I dunno if there's a fix or not. Is the game compatible with your O/S and all? There are 'gamers galore' here ....maybe we'll both learn something? Cheers!
  14. Thanks Microwave, I graciously appreciate the "words of wisdom" and partial quotation from The Good Book as you have done wisely, yet rest assured there is nothing about life nor within or about life that I truly hate (except the way DirecWay conducts business, they are "hellish" at best). I have suffered with far slower, and have had the pleasures that Road Runner brought to my cause ...yet I am content with what I am given (after I cool down). I always seem to have exactly what is needed with little need for my intervention ....truth be known. The Reverend, Ph.D. Ordained - Annointed
  15. I have NO clue about what your are using, but this link is very informative. Hope it helps ya! http://www.twckc.com/help/modemsupport/2wire.html If that doesn't help just use www.google.com and type in the keywords <2Wire Portal> (without the < or > ...and you'll get several hits on those things. Cheers!
  16. I bought my wife the Napster thing for $9.95USD a month and even with our d r a g g i n g DWay connection she has no trouble (the FAP limit is 800MB but she keeps her d/l's to 100 songs or less "at a setting" ...or 100 songs per day. That's cheap, always works, and if you transfer the songs to a diff puter they'll still play even if NOT hooked into the Internet. I don't know about the legal side of it, but nobody has been knocking on my door for over 9 months now... Am I missing something here?
  17. Sounds like a "classic" defective unit to me. It happens due to the new way they are made these days ...progress my eye! Sorry to hear. www.tigerdirect.com has some slendid buys this time of year! (Fact: One in every 12 PS is defective on low end Power Supply makers. Gotta get quality these days or you'll just find yourself back at the store buying another. (You can use a tester and check each of the outputs, but I'm willing to place bets that it is defective) ....I learned the hard way about Power Supplies and economics. You need to spend about $50 bucks (mine went for nearly $90.00USD), to get one that will stand up to 24/7 usage. (Or at least that is how it works for my machines). Get more wattage than you need. (I have a 550w stuffed into my box when a 300w would have been plenty. It also came with overload protection, THREE fans, and circuitry that keeps my computer 'eating' a constant 120volts @ 60cycles. I loved it so every computer in the house is now using one ...and has the 'fancy' blue LEDS in the rear fan. (Makes a great nitelight to boot! Cheers
  18. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 962 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 12160 KB) Download Speed is:: 117 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 17 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 8.75 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=252525 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hate you all. Each and every one! But, I am stuck with DirecWay or Dialup ....so I'll always be the lowest man on the totem pole.... (my best on here was a 982 I think, or rather it said I 'factored' about 1088, which is about as fast as this rig gets ...DWay's best). HA! What a joke by comparison. Cheers
  19. Sorry about the triplicate posts, yet I just NOW noticed how to avoid it! DUH! Say, about the BIOS discussion that's over now ...My Intel boards on all four systems had updates to their chipsets days after we purchased them, so I was given the Green Flag to Flash by Intel ...hey! ...nothing to lose. Otherwise the flashing of any CHIPSET is asking for trouble IMHO. (I've lost three perfectly fine boards that-a-way). Cheers
  20. Dear Reverend, **********Please do not respond to this email.********** Your E-Support Case Reference Number is: XXXXXXX Welcome to DIRECWAY E-Support, it is our pleasure to assist you. Hello Reverend, Thank you for contacting DIRECWAY E-Support. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you. I am sorry to hear of the issue you have experienced and I apologize for any frustration or inconvenience. I understand that you wish to file a complaint. I have included the contact information that is available for the Customer Service Department. Letter: Hughes Network Systems 11717 Exploration Lane Germantown, MD 20876 Attention: Customer Service Mail Stop D3B FAX: 301-428-1656 E-MAIL: [email protected] Once again, I do apologize. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us via email or by calling 1-866-347-3292. Thanks for using DIRECWAY E-Support. Again, thank you for choosing DIRECWAY E-Support, Folmer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well "Folmer" ....do the letters F.O. mean anything to you sir? hmm? This exceeds the limits of stupid. Send in two months of complaints, spend over 120 hours on hold getting nowhere, write 37 letters that never get a reply, and they route me directly back into the same loop I've been within for this entire time. I propose they are breathing up valuable oxygen that the decent folks on this planet could be making good use of. heheh Cheers! *Hey ...it's only life, and ya only have ta do it once! But geesh............isn't this ridiculous?
  21. I just got my second letter back from DirecWay ...and you'll love this one. In fact, here's the pathetic run-a-round response I got: Welcome to DIRECWAY E-Support, it is our pleasure to assist you. Hello Reverend, Thank you for contacting DIRECWAY E-Support. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you. I am sorry to hear of the issue you have experienced and I apologize for any frustration or inconvenience. I understand that you wish to file a complaint. I have included the contact information that is available for the Customer Service Department. Letter: Hughes Network Systems 11717 Exploration Lane Germantown, MD 20876 Attention: Customer Service Mail Stop D3B FAX: 301-428-1656 E-MAIL: [email protected] Once again, I do apologize. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us via email or by calling 1-866-347-3292. Thanks for using DIRECWAY E-Support. Again, thank you for choosing DIRECWAY E-Support, Folmer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good God Almighty people! I have spent the last two months on the phone EVERYDAY AND NIGHT (over 120 hours ON HOLD AND COUNTING) ....lol, and these folks think the resolution is going to be found in contacting their pathetic Tech Support? They can't wipe their hineys without a DWay Instruction Booklet. (Buying into DirecWay is sorta like giving yourself "the clap" ya know)? Hard to git rid of the sucker when there is no help! I refrained from posting my reply, but it sure is clear that this one is headed for court, and that sux at best when it is totally needless. They DO have the ability to 'open it up' (because they brought my speed up from 150 to nearly 1,000 (magically) overnight due to my very first letter. So if they can do that, they can give me another 200 for a total of 1.2Mbps (which is 80% of 1.5 (as advertised) ....and I'll be happy. But NOOOOOOO. They resort to the letter like you see above. It's the same number and address I've been writing for two month to no avail. This goes beyond "stupid" ...anybody that dumb is breathing up valuable oxygen that a decent person could be making use of! Visiting India (DirecWay is an India-based company mind you) is NOT on my schedule of "planned, scenic vacations. My God, what does it take to get this company to get off their butts and do something? Even the FCC won't do a thing despite their having received OVER 315,500 complaints and counting. Mine is one of those! lol.... (If this was an AMERICAN company owned by American Indians you can bet it would be looooonnnnngggggg gone by now)! But no ....let's let them rip off our people while we send India billions in financial aid! WOW! We won't help our own "street people" but we have billions for other nations. (Where have values gone in America)? In fact, I just read where a religious group from South America were given permission to use Hallucinagenic 'tea' as a part of their usual Christmas Celebrations ....IN AMERICA! Hey ...cancer patients can't have "weed" which really helps terminal patients deal with the pain, American Indians (no I am not full blooded, but I am 1/8th for what it matters) ...American Indians are NOT allowed to use Peyote, but let an unknown group of misfits roll in from South America and our Courts allow them to use ILLEGAL DRUGS? Is it just me or is there something terribly wrong with this picture? My Dad died of the worst cancer there is. HE was denied "weed" too (but he got it anyway ...screw'em)! Maybe that wasn't the "godly" thing to do, but in my humble opinion it was the human thing to do. Shoot ...enuff said on that.... No worries though ...they were told again that we are in a legal dispute, they cannot legally shut me off without MAJOR repercussions by law, and I am not sending in one penny until a resolution is met ...and they had best send out another tech to fix the errors that the first four didn't repair! lol... (let's keep them running until they have 50 grand sunk into me ...then I'll fire them). Ain't that just great when all ya wanna do is surf and enjoy yourself, and your ISP is going out of their way to try to make it an impossibility? gawd... Cheers!
  22. The Internet STANDARD MTU is 1500 ...period. There are dozens of reasons that ISPs will grab lower numbers, (depends on what 'nix' systems they are running for T-1s or whatever they have. YOU should keep your settings at 1500, because "the backbone" of the entire web is built around an MTU value of 1500. (But there are tons of computers that do better with varying numbers ...that's because there are tons of forces 'at play' which influence the behavior of MTU values and how the router "perceives" them, your Ethernet card "sees" them, and how your system board will handle them. No two are alike ...even two identical motherboards will perform radically differently. Most likely their systems will 'default' to 1500 when it is being 'forced', otherwise they can play with a lesser value for too many reasons to list (and there is far too much misinformation out there to make much sense of it). Road Runner won't tell you the truth, but when I lived in Florida they gave me speeds unlike I will most likely never see again. (They were using 1480 at the time, but it would 'default' to the forced 1500 'on demand'. It isn't really worthy of a 2nd thought. I'd look elsewhere for an answer to such strange behavior. Have you tried swapping out your Ethernet Card with another? Checked your CAT-5 cable or swap it out too? Or, is the Ethernet Card "seated" (with good, clean contacts in its slot)? Clean contacts make for HUGE differences ...that goes double for CPUs and DDR! Cheers!
  23. There is no need to "guess" if it's packet loss. Just get to a command prompt and type: ping www.google.com ..then hit the Enter Key. All four pings should come back as 100%. (....meaning that under the "ping returns" it should say Lost = 0 If you are losing packets it will show less than 100% (loss = ? (higher than 0), which means it is time to call your ISP to get it nailed down It's normal to DROP packets, because they are just resent, but you never want to be LOSING packets ...that will screw up the works bigtime my friend. Loss = 0 is the only acceptable thing you want to see.
  24. I wish to thank the man who "dubbed" me with the honorable description of "king" ...I am humbled and deeply appreciate the upgrade from "cool guy." I graciously thank you. Cheers!
  25. I am half awake and just saw where you are using an intel CHIPSET on an ASUS (so please excuse my last post cuz I was thinking you were running "pure" Intel (sorry))...I strongly advise not touching the sucker unless intel tells you exactly how to go about it, or ASUS ...which is like pulling teeth. It is a good board no doubt, but when it comes to flashing "borrowed" chipsets, I am very leary of such things. (If it ain't broke, don't fix it)! That goes double if the model or part number (P/N) isn't "burned" into the board in a VERY conspicuous place. (usually it isn't and that translates as "Don't Touch Me!" As far as your driver situation goes, you always have the option of replacing the drivers AFTER "whatever" gets installed. In XP you would go through the Control Panel, then System Applet, then Hardware, then find your hardware and locate the "update drivers" tab ..and the rest is easy. There's a website www.driverguide.com (that you have to register to get into) that has millions of drivers and has been around about a decade now. I find drivers there that the companies that made them no longer have access to! So, if you don't have the drivers you want you'll likely find them there. If you do just REPLACE them once windows sticks in whatever Mr Bill decided was best for your machine ...even if it's wrong. lol... danged Microsoft....Where Quality Is Just A Slogan. Cheers!
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