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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. Have you tried saving it as a jpeg and resizing it?
  2. Nope. Add the url to the HOSTS file and set the IP to This is called DNS Caching. It prevents the computer from attempting to lookup the site's actual IP, thus blocking it.
  3. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-13966
  4. I spend pretty much every waking moment online.
  5. What file type is it? .bmp, .jpg, .gif, etc. and how are you trying to resize? Image > Image Size? Are you enabling the "maintain aspect ratio" feature (or whatever its called)?
  6. tstillery: be safe, take care, and enjoy! Bring us some pics if you are able to.
  7. Hey Pitbull, good to see ya around. How was your summer? I'll be sure to check that out too.
  8. In Windows 2000/XP Pro, you can use Group Policy to edit how Internet Explorer operates, and how functional it is to the user. You are able to disable the editing of history from Internet Options, so that the browsing history cannot be deleted. You can also disable the user's ability to remove cookies, temporary internet files, etc. To do this: click start, click run type gpedit.msc and hit enter under User Configuration, expand Adminstrative Templates >> Windows Components click to select Internet Explorer Here you will have the option of configuring or disabling dozens of user features in Internet Explorer. In fact, there are endless things you can do in Group Policy. The one I was thinking of is called Turn off "Delete Browsing History" functionality <hr> Here's the hangup: if you have XP Home, you will not have access to Group Policy. However, there is a way to install it. I found and tested a guide: http://www.geocities.com/kilian0072002/GPEditHome.htm I was able to download the DLL files from this site: http://www.webzila.com/?wz=dll And the ADM files from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=92759D4B-7112-4B6C-AD4A-BBF3802A5C9B&displaylang=en Good luck!!
  9. Welcome dattans. Here's your first stop: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097
  10. Try the attached cablenut file. Don't forget to restart your computer after applying the settings. Also, you may want to try disabling all of your startup items, and try testing after a restart. This way, you may be able to tell if you are being slowed down by software. Your trace indicates that you are in Costa Rica. It is possible that you are downloading at your advertised speeds, but the route to our server is not optimized for you. Try downloading from http://test.tampabay.rr.com You can also run a traceroute to that site while downloading. This will show you your latency.
  11. Looks good. I was having trouble with some embedded web objects with beta 3, but it seems to be alright with this release.
  12. Looks like maybe some maintenance was being done on the main server. I wouldn't worry about it, try again after 24 hrs. Seems to be alright for me right now.
  13. Shug7272 would bite, except for the fact that he doesn't have enough teeth.
  14. Unless there is something apparently wrong with the operation of the router, it is likely the way it is due to the firmware version on the router. There is a light on my router that I didn't even know about until I did a firmware upgrade.
  15. Semour06, although the merge has (finally) officially been finalized, Adelphia is still currently supporting their own customers. You will not be on TWC's cable package yet. I'm not sure when this is actually going to happen, but it shouldn't be long from now. Your speedtest shows you as an Adelphia customer, because you are still on an Adelphia IP block. TWC, Comcast, and Adelphia are still working out the details as to the future of these customers. You will be notified, I'm sure. For now, you can read up here: http://www.timewarnercable.com/InvestorRelations/PressReleases/TWCPressReleaseDetail.ashx?PRID=492&MarketID=0 http://www.timewarner.com/corp/newsroom/pr/0,20812,1220821,00.html <hr> Also, you can attach pictures to your post. Below the text box in the post screen, click Additional Options. You can then browse to and attach the picture to your post.
  16. TWC is attempting to phase out AOL. For now they are switching AOL customers to RR, and offering the AOL services for free. If you are already a RR customer, call TWC to see what is offered to you.
  17. Like Swimmer said, from Run you can use msconfig or services.msc. You can also access Services from the System Configuration Utility. From System Configuration Utility (msconfig): Click to select the Services tab Disable services by removing the check Click to select the Startup tab Disable startup items by removing the check Click apply Click close You can sort the Services/Startup Items alphabetically by clicking the column title box. You'll need to restart to apply the changes. From System Configuration Utility (msconfig): Right-click service name Select Properties Click stop to terminate service Set startup type to disabled Click apply Click ok You can sort the the Name column alphabetically by clicking the column title box. For the most part, you can use Google to look up the services and processes. If you are running a software firewall, I would suggest disabling the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service, for starts.
  18. intense, that has a possibility of working. I wouldn't suggest quitting your day job though.
  19. LOL beatcha by 3 seconds!!!
  20. Yep, seen it. Very pretty, but not very accurate.
  21. Can you make the file read-only?
  22. Hi turner7205, I am not as much of a hardware guru as others on this site, but here are a few things you can try. Since you have another computer, you may be able to exchange the power supply unit with the other machine. This will help you to determine whether the psu is the cause. You may want to try this with the hard drive too. Have you tried reseating your RAM, or swapping the sticks around? Does your computer go into hibernation in safe mode?
  23. This topic has been moved to Security Threats. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=15517.0[/iurl]
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