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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. Your RR email may be presented to you in this format: [email protected] Your email servers will then be: (incoming): pop-server.division.rr.com (outgoing): smtp-server.division.rr.com You will be required to log into the incoming server with your username (not the whole email address) and password. <hr> If you have recently been migrated from Adelphia, then your mail servers will be as follows: (incoming): pop-server.roadrunner.com (outgoing): smtp-server.roadrunner.com You will still need your username and password. <hr> The webmail is located at webmail.division.rr.com, or webmail.roadrunner.com (for Adelphia), where you will also be prompted for username and password. <hr> All of this information is available at Help & Members Services. There are also links from here to change/reset your password, and set up sub accounts.
  2. You may even be interested in hosting the DMZ on the XBox. This way, you will not have to worry about which ports to forward.
  3. I would think fan or HDD. Do you have another PC that you can swap components with?
  4. Our bodies are not designed to take chemicals, whether it is a street drug, or a prescription drug. Putting all these kids on ritalin, people on anti-depressants and anti-psychotics....nothing good will come of it. All we are doing is creating medicated zombie replicas of ourselves, while our spirits weep from neglect. And I have no doubt that there are long-term effects which have not been properly investigated before these products are released and prescribed. We don't need medication. What we need is human interaction. Pills will never be any substitute for a good old handshake, or a philosophic discussion over a few drinks and a game of poker. The corporate doctrines of today's society are turning us into drones. It feels like going to sleep...but then, so does freezing to death (or so I hear). Pills? For me, that is just like hammering a nail into my own coffin.
  5. Dragonbreak; Try running a traceroute to test.tampabay.rr.com while downloading the 50 MB file from that site. This is a Road Runner download test site. You may delete the file once the download has completed. <hr> <u>To run a traceroute:</u> -click start > run -type <b>cmd</b> and click ok -type <b>tracert test.tampabay.rr.com</b> and hit enter -to select text, right-click and choose mark -drag the cursor over text and hit enter to copy <hr> <u>To download the file:</u> -browse to <a href="http://test.tampabay.rr.com">test.tampabay.rr.com</a> -right-click the <b>50 MB HTTP Download</b>, select <b>Save Target As...</b> (IE) or <b>Save Link As...</b> (FF) -save the link to your desktop <hr> Try to start the two at the same time, or as close to as possible. Post your traceroute back here.
  6. Those are some nice speeds, dude. What make/model of modem do you have?
  7. Well thanks guys n' gal! <img src="http://www.twilightbridge.com/hobbies/festivals/thanksgiving/canada/images/head.gif"> <img src="http://www.crewsnest.vispa.com/tgivingcanadatop.jpg"> <img src="http://www.transmedia95.com/Images.NAP/ThanksgivingDay.jpg"> <img src="http://ak.imgag.com/imgag/product/full/ap/3028663/stuffing.gif"> I am thankful for having such an awesome bunch of friends from all around the world!
  8. Cholla, if you like Stephen King's fiction, you will probably enjoy his short stories a lot. Everything's Eventual and Night Shift were mentioned here. Skeleton Crew and Nightmares and Dreamscapes are also excellent collections. He also has collections of stories which are in between novels and short stories (novellas), such as Different Seasons.
  9. I dunno if we got these already: Bad Moon Rising -- CCR Black Magic Woman -- Santana Evil Ways -- Santana
  10. Yeah, another great collection of short stories. Well, I suppose they are all good, but I am most definitely bias. I always liked "L.T.'s Theory of Pets," but that is not necessarily the most festive of the bunch. "Riding the Bullet" is a good one too.
  11. What?? For real??? DLewis -- go get her, congrats!!!
  12. Thanks for your help, everyone. I passed on everything you guys said. He said that he cleaned the CD, and blew out his drive, and it worked on the 2nd time through.
  13. I was thinking maybe the library would have it....
  14. I just searched amazon and there is also an audio version of Night Shift, read by John Glover. My favourites are Jerusalem's Lot and The Mangler.
  15. Or a short story by Stephen King. I'd recommend anything from Night Shift.
  16. Speaking of Ozzy, Bark at the Moon would be a good one.
  17. oo oo oo and sympathy for the devil!
  18. Hello everyone, A friend asked me about an issue he is having installing XP, and I was stumped so I thought I'd ask y'all. He was installing Windows XP Home when an error occurred about a missing file, and it would not continue the installation. This is at Step 3 "Installing Windows." He shut down the PC, but when the machine boots, it asks for the Windows CD. When he puts in the CD, it returns to the same place in setup, but gives the error about the missing file and cannot continue installing. He tries to boot from the CD to run recovery console, or a format and reinstall, but the CD returns to the same place in setup, not to the initial setup menu. He puts in a Windows XP Pro disk and all the same things are happening -- it skips the menu and cuts right to mid-installation. I gave him the link in ROM-DOS's sticky about "Repairing Windows XP in Eight Commands" to check out, but I'm not sure if it will do the trick. I figure there must be some key command to return to the setup menu on the CD to start over, but I can't find anything about it. Any suggestions?
  19. Pantera -- By Demons Be Driven (might be a bit heavy for your taste) Warren Zevon -- Werewolves of London Alice Cooper -- Feed My Frankenstein
  20. How are the speeds, Merch. Any change? And welcome to the forum, walanafas.
  21. I hear ya Tommie. We've seen some good ppl come n go in this forum.
  22. Nothin. Hey, does it smell like updogg in here to you?
  23. My eye sight isn't what it used to be....is that Immanuel Kant?
  24. Then....it's immoral!!!
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