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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. Please do. It's nice to have some numbers to look at.
  2. A Goodnight Go to sleep--though of course you will not-- to tideless waves thundering slantwise against strong embankments, rattle and swish of spray dashed thirty feet high, caught by the lake wind, scattered and strewn broadcast in over the steady car rails! Sleep, sleep! Gulls' cries in a wind-gust broken by the wind; calculating wings set above the field of waves breaking. Go to sleep to the lunge between foam-crests, refuse churned in the recoil. Food! Food! Offal! Offal! that holds them in the air, wave-white for the one purpose, feather upon feather, the wild chill in their eyes, the hoarseness in their voices-- sleep, sleep . . . Gentlefooted crowds are treading out your lullaby. Their arms nudge, they brush shoulders, hitch this way then that, mass and surge at the crossings-- lullaby, lullaby! The wild-fowl police whistles, the enraged roar of the traffic, machine shrieks: it is all to put you to sleep, to soften your limbs in relaxed postures, and that your head slip sidewise, and your hair loosen and fall over your eyes and over your mouth, brushing your lips wistfully that you may dream, sleep and dream-- A black fungus springs out about the lonely church doors-- sleep, sleep. The Night, coming down upon the wet boulevard, would start you awake with his message, to have in at your window. Pay no heed to him. He storms at your sill with cooings, with gesticulations, curses! You will not let him in. He would keep you from sleeping. He would have you sit under your desk lamp brooding, pondering; he would have you slide out the drawer, take up the ornamented dagger and handle it. It is late, it is nineteen-nineteen-- go to sleep, his cries are a lullaby; his jabbering is a sleep-well-my-baby; he is a crackbrained messenger. The maid waking you in the morning when you are up and dressing, the rustle of your clothes as you raise them-- it is the same tune. At table the cold, greeninsh, split grapefruit, its juice on the tongue, the clink of the spoon in your coffee, the toast odors say it over and over. The open street-door lets in the breath of the morning wind from over the lake. The bus coming to a halt grinds from its sullen brakes-- lullaby, lullaby. The crackle of a newspaper, the movement of the troubled coat beside you-- sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep . . . It is the sting of snow, the burning liquor of the moonlight, the rush of rain in the gutters packed with dead leaves: go to sleep, go to sleep. And the night passes--and never passes-- William Carlos Williams (1883 - 1963)
  3. It is a well known fact that American Idol is for freaks, geeks, weirdos, people with dementia, dead-heads, twirps, twinks, special needs children, snoops, cracks, dupes, dorks, ding-dongs, people with webbed toes, nail-biters, truants, flakes, fallout boys, pinkies-inkies-blinkies-and-Clydes, pork chops, officious politicians, land lubbers, and sissies.
  4. This topic has been moved to Make it Faster.... [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=19218.0[/iurl]
  5. What model of Linksys do you have? Are you hard-wired or wireless? We want to see some numbers! We are machines, not ppl ppl. Ping, Traceroute, Speedtest. ....please. Also: http://www.testmy.net/t-2097 ^^start at the top and don't stop.
  6. Can you show us to compare speed tests from each computer?
  7. Often with NIC problems, a simple uninstall & reboot will fix the issue. If you are running XP or better, Windows will reinstall the NIC on reboot. If there is a driver problem, this is a good step to try (at least rule out). The speeds you're referring to (100Mbps, 10Mpbs) are not necessarily the speed of the connection, but the speed of the NIC. You may want to specify the speed and duplex of the NIC, as it is probably set to "Auto" by default. Step 7 from [sTICKY] STOP! Before you post your problems read this! Just ask if you have any further questions on this.
  8. paulC -- you need help. Please start here: http://www.testmy.net/t-2097 Reply to everything with juicy details. Make it easy for us lazy folks.
  9. Well, I think it's safe to say that it's not a line or signal issue -- that leaves your software. Have you cleaned out spyware/virus? Have you disabled browser extensions/toolbars? Cleared cache/cookies? Disabled Firewall? Shut down P2P apps and IMs? Restarted? Tried cablenut?
  10. A lot of ppl jump straight to the tweaking. This is really a "bonus" step after all other preliminary stuff is out of the way. Check out: http://www.testmy.net/t-2097 Post back with answers to all questions, like this: 1. Windows 3.1 2. AOL 56k 3. CN/DrTCP etc. etc. Post results for tests where requested. The more info you throw at us, the more ammo we've got to help you out.
  11. How about showing a traceroute? And a ping too? From command prompt: tracert -d testmy.net (post all results) ping -n 50 testmy.net (post ping statistics)
  12. I am the one and only FallowEarth. There were none before me; none shall follow in my steps.
  13. You're getting what you're paying for.
  14. Looks ok to me. After the 2nd hop on your trace was fixed, it's all good. Other than the Sprintlink network bouncing you around for 14 hops, your connection seems fine.
  15. retiredat44, it looks like the problem is between your 1st and 2nd hop. usually indicates a router. Are you running a router? Have you tried a trace without it in place?
  16. teedizz, what speeds are you paying for and what are you getting? Can you show us some speedtests?
  17. What version of windows do you have?
  18. retiredat44, have you tried cablenut? http://www.testmy.net/t-2097 (step 15, but check out the whole thing)
  19. FallowEarth


    There are usually a few processes named svchost.exe. If you're worried about trojan activity, check this out. Win XP? -Open task manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) -Processes tab -View > Select Columns -enable "PID (Process Identifier)" and click ok -now go to command prompt (start > run > "CMD" > ok) -type netstat -ano You can match the PID to the svchost in task manager. Not sure what the IP is? WHOIS You can also try booting into safe mode or safe mode with networking to see if it does the same dance.
  20. What's a stupid question?
  21. Curiosity killed the cat.
  22. A traceroute will usually indicate packet loss and latency. To perform a traceroute, type this in the command line: tracert -d testmy.net
  23. Sounds to me like it may be a TCP/IP setting on your PC. The trouble is, if you change it so that it works when you connect directly to the modem, it may no longer work when you connect through the router. Can you provide some more details: What is the operating system on your PC What kind of modem and router do you have? How do you connect to your router (ie. wireless or ethernet)? Which connection shows limited or no connectivity (ie. Local Area Connection or Wireless Connection)? Who is your Internet Service Provider?
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