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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. Cached test: basically your browser (Internet Explorer, Nutscrape, Firefox) is storing information about the page and it is compounding results, making them inaccurate and false. Solution: don't use the "back" button on your browser for the test
  2. I have used all three and am not loyal to one over the others. I usually switch after I'm bored with the current one, but I've got ZA right now. It's really simple but I've never had issues with it. I've had good luck with Outpost too.
  3. This is another excellent web scanner by Computer Associates: http://www3.ca.com/securityadvisor/virusinfo/scan.aspx We (RR) generally send customers here when they need an online scan.
  4. Bypass the router with the PS2 directly connected to the modem, be sure to have both powered down when you do so and bring up the modem first...is there any diff?
  5. I don't know too much about this myself, but I found the links that cholla provided very cool. Here are a couple related links I found through whatis.com Ping of death: http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,290660,sid14_gci822096,00.html Denial of Service: http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,290660,sid14_gci213591,00.html
  6. Not an official one for me, out baby doesn't arrive until August, but the wife is taking me out for ribs at Montana's, woohoo! Happy Father's Day to all!
  7. Ambit modems work very well relative to other brands. I work with them on a daily basis and find them very reliable.
  8. Upload speeds for RR Premium should be 512 Kbps, but unfortunately they're not guaranteed. Be sure to run the test with any autoprotection off.
  9. FallowEarth


    I found a couple of things, i'm not sure if this helps: http://www.freedomlist.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=133549 http://www.techsupportforum.com/archive/index.php/t-38329.html
  10. hey xpert and welcome to the forum You should be able to boost your stats by clicking the links below: | | | | | | V
  11. Yeah, if you like the show, you'll prolly find it funny too.
  12. Yes, great show cholla and billybob12345.
  13. You're right, Red Bull is probably not near as bad as smoking, but we know the risks we take when we light a cigarette: it states it right on the packaging (you should see them in Canada, pictures and all). But Red Bull doesn't really have any warnings, and so people probably don't know if there are any health side effects. hmmm, i found this quite interesting: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=92629.
  14. Never had one, but I've heard that they are expensive and high maintenance. But damn cute.
  15. That's some nasty stuff right there. I'm a hunter, I was raised to be one, but I have a lot more respect for animals than that. I have killed animals for sport, but I do not waste anything. I would never dream of skinning an animal alive. That makes me cringe.
  16. What package are you on redragon? is it the premium package? It is 8/512, designed for subscribers who do want more speed. Otherwise, you are getting what you're paying for, 5/384, and your speeds look good. Plus, wireless is a novelty, it doesn't do any favours for your connection speed. Just a pointer too: this thread is a month dead.
  17. Yeah, 2.4 can kinda suck at a distance.
  18. Well, you can use one cable service to network them both together using a router.
  19. Hey killb, and welcome to the forum If you haven't already done so, I'd suggest you check out the links below. Just follow the: | | | | | | | | | | V
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