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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. Looks like you've got a firewall or router blocking that tracert. That may also be interfering with your test results. Try to shut down your FW or bypass your router (I know, it's a pain ), retest and repost your download speed. Looks like you're doing much better though!
  2. You're on the 4 mb plan right? you should be able to get some more juice outta that. Read through the links my my sig and try to post as much info about your home connection (without divulging personal info!) as you can, and somebody here will be able to help. The more info you provide, the more help you'll receive (it usually works that way anyway).
  3. It could be the modem. Some units are simply flawed, it happens. Unfortunately, there are not any real steps to see if it's the modem, but what you can do is troubleshoot your connection to make sure that it's not your computer, thus narrowing it down to the modem. These steps include: -making sure that you are spyware/trojan free (to use general terms) -performing regular maintenance on your PC -both found at https://testmy.net/topic-4257 -also look at https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097
  4. Welcome, ppd10526....yeah that modem is a little older...call the local office in your area (the number should be on the bill/invoice) and ask if you can swap it out. They will usually let you bring it in yourself to swap for a new one, you just need to ask. You may bring your speed up a bit with a newer modem, but also be sure to read the stickies and follow all steps, and just read around in the forum.
  5. Right. What you want to do: simplify your connection. Close anything that you don't need. Close downloads, IM's, etc. anything that would/might connect to the Internet. If you want accurate results, that is. This goes for all testing relating to this site. You're not going to get an answer when you've got too many variables to narrow down the problem.
  6. I'm sorry, router or no? And which Internet browser do you use? Norton auto-protect enabled or no? Do you have instant messengers or file-sharing programs running usually, or anything else that uses the Internet connection? Have you checked out the links in my sig? Have you tried cablenut tweaks? SB5100 should be fine for your speeds, btw. Not making any promises (your speeds are just dandy as they stand) but we'll see if we can get you hooked up.
  7. FallowEarth


    how bout http://homestarrunner.com/ ....man, i have wasted SO many useless hours there, Lord knows.....
  8. hey, sholsten. a few questions: what kind of modem do you have? router? ethernet/USB/wireless? what version of windows? firewall/antivirus/spyware? ...just to start....
  9. Your computer.
  10. Cablenut's easy. Basically, download and install the app. Download and run VanBuren's .ccs files. Click 'save to registry' and reboot machine. (somebody correct me if I'm wrong here, i haven't used it for a while and this is from memory ) Basically b00gi mAn, the speed difference you are having is not uncommon or bad. Let me reiterate: nothing is wrong. Cablenut may help you out there, but not very likely by as much as you're looking for. It helps to boost your speed yes, but you must simplify your connection to get maximum test results. Close IM's, close p2p's. etc. Also, be aware that there may be more traffic on your node than yesterday when you tested, meaning that more people in your area are on the net. But still, your connection is very good, beats the hell out of mine!
  11. 6 Mbps is just the cap. That means the MAX. That you were getting over that indicates that you have a very healthy connection. You will observe a degree of fluctuation as traffic varies. I wouldn't worry about being at 5.6 or 5.7, that's still very good. Same applies for the other post you opened (P.S. don't double post! )
  12. That's good news! A very warm welcome to the forum, TDurden1937!
  13. I love/hate to be repetitive, but have you checked for spyware or viruses?
  14. I tried to find a guide on the net for working with RAM in laptops, but I couldn't bring anything up. Ok, laptop Ram sticks are VERY finicky. You have to be careful when working with them because they are much more fragile than normal DIMM sticks. You will want to remove the power supply AND the battery before touching them. Basically, there will be a little hatch on the back/bottom of the laptop where you can access the RAM sticks. On either side of the stick are little catch releases. Once these are released, the stick will pop out a little bit. Try to angle it up and pull out at the same time (very gently) to remove the stick. Check it for imperfections. Put it back in on a bit of an angle and apply some gentle pressure to ensure that the connectors are in all the way. Once the connectors are fully in, push the RAM stick back down to the catches. It will click into place. Make sure that the catches on both sides are in place by pushing down gently right next to them. Replace the cover, battery and power supply, in that order. When Windows boots back up, check the system properties (right-click on my computer, click properties) to ensure that all RAM has been registered.
  15. You should be able to get more, yes!
  16. Yup, those speeds are correct for RR premium service. Enjoy!
  17. welcome to the forum, dogturd! timeouts, ports closed....sound like software interference to me.
  18. Definitely some good info in here. So, you want a hardware firewall, aka a router (near impossible to be hacked when on one). Top 3 free software firewalls: ZoneAlarm: http://www.zonelabs.com/store/content/company/products/znalm/freeDownload.jsp Sygate: http://smb.sygate.com/products/spf_standard.htm Outpost: http://www.agnitum.com/download/outpost1.html A software firewall is basically a mediator between your computer and the Internet. You do have to teach a firewall which programs are to be allowed access to the Internet, which aren't to be allowed, and which are to ask each time they try.
  19. FallowEarth


    testmy.net ... beyond that, what matters?
  20. Those are Rogers speeds? as in Rogers cable? wow, I had Rogers in Peterborough, not too far from TO, but my speeds were upwards of 4 Mbps. Those are just sad!
  21. I don't like this either. By going to these sites and participating, you are encouraging spamming and phishing. You are encouraging the sort of exploitation on the Internet that gives it a bad wrap. Not to mention that what you are looking to do is illegal. C'mon, you should know better than that.
  22. Cholla: correct, but also by the capability of the node (computer) that you are connecting to, and also the lines through which signal is transmitted.
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