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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. try VanBuren's cablenut tweaks found HERE (undo the TCP Optimizer tweaks first!)
  2. perfect, thanks
  3. Is there anyway that a topic can become read-only after it is dormant for a specified amount of time?
  4. I think it's great. I always thought space exploration was one of the most amazing programs....so ambitious and fearless. There are going to be some accidents and losses, that's the unfortunate truth of anything of a bold nature. But it is such a keystone in America's identity, it would be such a shame if the program was abandoned. Obviously people fear for the safety of those brave astronauts, but those aboard a space shuttle know the risks involved....they also know the glory. I would give almost anything to see the earth from orbit, it almost makes me shudder with awe just thinking about it. But most importantly, I think, space exploration is different and virtuous because it isn't a national thing, it is a global thing. It gives us a chance to realize, when we look at the stars, that we're really very small. It gives us a chance to put our sh on pause and all look up in the same sky, and wonder what the hell is out there. 'Tis a beautiful thing.
  5. Xbox should connect really close to those speeds. Keep in mind, it can't be tweaked, but it also doesn't have software running in the background that would interfere with the connection.
  6. i dunno.... here's the manual http://www.audiovox.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10001&productId=13654&langId=-1 ...maybe there's like a reset function. edit: fixed the url...btw, how do you make those really nifty links that just say here or this phone? here AHA!!
  7. So holding the button with the red phone (end?) for like 10 secs won't do anything? Maybe is there like a keypad lock or hold or something, maybe on the side somewhere?
  8. Hyperspace, why is your face is all binary?
  9. Speeds look good, so the NIC must be doing its job! Uploads are a little harder to max out, but using the cablenut tweaks should get you close. Download looks awesome!
  10. where? up here in my head?
  11. haha....aaaaand we've successfully destroyed this one. whew.
  12. I have the original poster for Batman, the movie.
  13. (lol, this guy must be my favorite) Well, my Internet is just some really old cripple guy carrying notes to my neighbor down the road who has a telegram, who transmits to my blind aunt who uses an operator to connect with some monkeys in south-central Amsterdam. :tard: :tard: :tard: :tard: :tard:
  14. Oh yeah? well mine's dial up!
  15. HEY LOOK, LOOK!!!! WOW!!! :icon_cyclops_ani: :icon_cyclops_ani: Sorry, your score of 97615 Kbps is over TestMy.net's max of 90000 Kbps. I doubt your connection is faster than 90000 Kbps... Please RETEST Sorry, your score of 101060 Kbps is over TestMy.net's max of 90000 Kbps. I doubt your connection is faster than 90000 Kbps... Please RETEST Sorry, your score of 104122 Kbps is over TestMy.net's max of 90000 Kbps. I doubt your connection is faster than 90000 Kbps... Please RETEST MY CONNECTION KILLS!!
  16. cessnaflyer123, have you looked into: http://www.dynu.com/ ... it may be what you're looking for.
  17. You'll want to clear your browser cache, and shut down your firewall and other Internet-related programs. Try these for some tips: https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097 https://testmy.net/forum/t-3924 https://testmy.net/topic-4257 and cable nut tweaks are here (there should be one for that package): https://testmy.net/topic-1013 also try some mirrors for testing: https://testmy.net/mirrors.php
  18. hello and welcome, aleksiandrej What are your advertised speeds?
  19. Network Interface Card...the ethernet card in your PC
  20. Have you tried bypassing the router and seeing if it is causing any speed loss? You can connect your PC directly to the modem via ethernet, just be sure to reset the modem. Then try some download tests and compare.
  21. Best way is to go to the manufacturer's website, go to your router and get the latest firmware upgrade. Also, resetting it will do wonders. Is it a wireless connection?
  22. duff, are you connected directly to your modem? I'm wondering because, looking back you your traceroute, that first hop time is awfully high....
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