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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. Were you able to browse the webpages at this time? What was your IP address? You need to powercycle your modem when you connect a new device to it so that it is able to register the MAC and assign a new IP address accordingly. If you just hook up your modem to your PC after you have been online throught the router without powercycling, then the modem thinks that you are still on the router, and no connection will be present. Powercycle the modem like netmasta suggests, then try the traceroute with the direct connection, it should be good to go.
  2. Exactly. But the highest package that I'm aware of is the 8/512. Those speeds are definitely exceeding that cap.
  3. 192.168.x.x is an internal network IP address, reserved for designation by a router, as php suggests.
  4. hmmmm...you can try calling up the technical support for you Internet service provider to tell you your speeds... try turning off McAfee (right-click the icon by the time, click exit) and then trying a download speed test. where are you located rapcheng?
  5. That's awesome. For my own education, what did you do that helped?
  6. I'd say good. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1075 Kbps about 1.1 Mbps (tested with 20972 kB) Download Speed is:: 131 kB/s Tested From:: http://s121815182.onlinehome.us Test Time::
  7. Sorry, don't use 'em.
  8. :biggun: :twogun: :uzi: :ar15fire: Die thread, die! Just die already!! Hmmm, must be a zombie....
  9. HERE is a really good support page for your router, with links to troubleshooting documents from Netgear's support site. It seems that there are different versions of that router (FSV318v1, FSV318v2, FSV318v3). The link is for v1, I'm not sure how you would find out if you have a different version if it doesn't say on the diagnostic page. It looks like there's some stuff that pertains to your issue, esp in the troubleshooting doc. I'd also check out the bit about contacting Netgear support via email. It says you'll get a response "in about one business day." You'll probably find help there. I do believe that it is something in the router that is causing your problems.
  10. Do you know the advertised speeds for your service?
  11. hey rapcheng, welcome to the forum. check out the following links for speed help: https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097 https://testmy.net/topic-4257
  12. Hey LZO, definitely a little slow. You'll probably have somebody post here that your problem is AOL. Meh, what can you do? I'll tell you what, try these links and follow all steps. https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097 https://testmy.net/topic-4257
  13. I remember finding a site to download little programs that would rearrange your desktop icons, or randomly change colours and appearance, little animations would come up on the screen. They would wait for the user to be logged in for like 15 or 20 mins or so, then start up real slow and gradually pick up pace. They were fun and harmless, a good practical joke for other users of a computer.
  14. I'm glad Intel jumped aboard with Apple. IBM's PowerPC chips were solid, but I think Intel can really take Apple to the next level. I do hope that Apple gets more popularity so that it gets the props it deserves, but I'm afraid that along with that will come targetting by viruses.
  15. Hi masterpat1000, and welcome to the forum. You can try AVG free edition, downloadable on the net. You can also try to run an online virus scan, like THIS one. Edited to fix link
  16. The biggest difference to the best of my knowledge, is that AMD and Intel make the CPUs as a sort of stand alone sell, designed to be compatable with different hardware (motherboards, PCI devices, RAM, etc.) made by all different companies. Apple designs their computers such that each piece of hardware is designed specifically to work with each other piece of hardware in the computer, there is no mixing and matching as with PCs. This limits how much you are able to configure the components of the machine, but adds to the stability and efficiency of how an Apple runs.
  17. Your test shows that you are only 4 Kbps shy of the advertised cap. I'd say that's pretty good.
  18. IBM thinkpad, iMac, and a homebuilt desktop.
  19. I just found this article on the MS knowledge base, and remembered this topic. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;299357
  20. Hey Sexual Vanilla, and welcome to the forum. Yeah thats a crappy buzz.
  21. how bout those errors? still a problem?
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