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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. Looks like times are a little high to the 2nd hop. I'd power down the modem (pull the power cord), shut down your PC, leave it for a couple minutes, then return power to the modem, then boot up your PC and try again. Make sure that you have your firewall turned off when you are testing too.
  2. Be sure to check out this topic for help https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097
  3. Good show. The 5100 series are proving to be very good quality modems.
  4. especially for intermittent issues. comcast and TWC are pretty good for fixing you up if your connection has been crap for a month or better, they'll send techs to replace the lines, let you try other modems, and credit you for lost/crappy time. if you threaten to switch ISPs they will try to offer you some pretty sweet deals, and fight to keep you aboard. but don't threaten too hard or they'll let you sink your own ship. all in all, good customer service, i'd say.
  5. If you make a big enough stink, they will credit you (in valid situations). They value their customers, that's why.
  6. Customer: I can't connect to the Internet FallowEarth: Ok let's check your IP address. Can you click on start? Customer: OK. FallowEarth: Can you click on run? Customer: (silence) I don't see it. FallowEarth: It should be on the bottom right of your start menu (XP). Customer: By the time? FallowEarth: No. When you click on start it pulls up a menu. Run is on the bottom right of that menu. Customer: Nope. FallowEarth: Nope? Customer: Nope. Nothing happens when I click on start. FallowEarth: (stumped, thinks hard) Click it again. Customer: Nope. FallowEarth: Click it a bunch of times. (listens hard) Customer: I'm trying. (ting, ting, ting) FallowEarth: (ting, ting, ting...wtf?!?!) Are you clicking start with your mouse? Customer: (silence) Oh. You want me to click start with the mouse? FallowEarth: (coming to realize that the customer was tapping the screen with a finger) Can I place you on hold for a moment? (...while I pull out my shotgun, pop a shell into the chamber, remove the safety, place the ugly end in my mouth, and Kurt Cobain it) Thank you. I can't remember where things went from there, but in my line of work such treats are not so uncommon. I pity the fools...
  7. Along with cablenut, you'll want to go HERE, download VanBuren's latest file, and choose the one that is best suited to your connection. If you could also let us know what your advertised speeds are? Also try testing at a mirror closer to you.
  8. Hey. What's the advertised download speed on that? As for cablenut, you want to check out THIS, choose the most current zip file for CS tweaks, and use the best one for your package. Try a couple of other ones that are close if you're not satisfied. Also post a screenshot of your cablenut settings and somebody may be able to give you some pointers. For purposes of testing, you also want to make sure that you have turned off any programs that may be interfering, like firewalls, p2p, IM, and others of the like. If you are on a router, you may be interested in bypassing it to see if it is bringing your speed down.
  9. As of right now, this topic has been read 332 times! naughty little boys and girls...
  10. You can link to download the latest drivers for that adapter HERE.
  11. What's your router, Jaxson?
  12. Prolly in the file manager or file cleaner. Looks like good list here, somebody's done their homework.
  13. I believe that you can, but as php suggests, you don't want it. What are you looking to do?
  14. Hey rr-zip, welcome to the forum. Please read through these two topics and then post back. https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097 https://testmy.net/topic-4257
  15. Yup speeds look pretty good. You can try using cablenut to to tweak your connection to the max. Info on that is found HERE.
  16. You don't need both your router and Mcafee, there will be some conflicting there. I back up Mcafee onto CD (if you don't already have it) and then remove it from your PC, see if that helps any. Also try bypassing the router, as in connecting your PC directly to the modem, then reset the modem and PC and try another speed test...that'll let you know if the router is causing speed loss.
  17. Lawsuits won't do any good because it is a public interface...read the license agreement that you agreed to to install the application.
  18. That depends on what your definition of "safe" is.
  19. Welcome to the forum, FinalKM. I would suggest checking out the following: https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097 https://testmy.net/topic-4257 Upload looks good, but your download could use help.
  20. Yeah, wireless is becoming notorious for being unreliable.
  21. nice quote, i'll have to remember that one.
  22. .ccs files are VanBuren's cablenut files, found HERE. firmware upgrades for your router can be found HERE.
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