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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. Welcome to the forum, mrxalleycat Check out some excellent help here and here. Post back with some results. Good luck!
  2. Port errors....hmmm, i would try reinstalling TCP/IP for the connection. -right click on the local area connection that is enabled/connected, choose properties -click install -choose protocol, click add -click 'have disk' -where it says 'copy manufacturers files from, type: c:windowsinf and click ok -select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click ok -close windows and reboot your machine see if this helps with the invalid ports issues.
  3. Sounds like a bum deal. If you can be certain that there is nothing wrong on your PC, and that it is either with their service or equipment, then there is no reason that you should not be credited IMO. You pay for their service, you should expect to get your money's worth.
  4. Do you have Earthlink cable?
  5. What is the make and model of the adapter? (go to control panel --> system --> hardware tab --> device manager --> network adapters....it should be listed here) ...and also of the router, it should be labelled on it somewheres
  6. What make and model of router is it?
  7. Try going to control panel --> network connections....how many connections, and which one is enabled/connected?
  8. Welcome to the forum, Digi Have you checked out the sticky and tips? Please post your advertised speeds as well, to help. Are you connected to a router (wireless or ethernet?), or directly to your modem? What OS? What firewall, antivirus, and spyware protection do you use?
  9. After a few minutes, when netstat showed more connections, had you opened any programs that use the Internet, such as IM's and p2p's?
  10. I don't think I'd find any of those things helpful, honestly. I get frustrated when a browser is interfering too much with what I'm doing. If I want to go back to a page, I'll go there, I don't usually have too much trouble remembering. I like to keep my cache as empty as possible, and just type my way around.
  11. A coaxial cable outlet in the home is modified for Internet access. Then, the coaxial cable goes from that outlet to the back of your cable modem. Your cable modem then connex to the router (it plugs into the odd jack out, not into jacks 1-4). Your router splits the IP address issued by the DHCP server into a bunch of it's own IP addresses, starting with 192.168. There is no "main computer." The router is essentially that. You then hook your PC's or PS2's to the router via ethernet, or over a wireless connexion if that is compatible.
  12. Yeah, try the largest test at this mirror.
  13. Try the largest test at this mirror.
  14. I can only imagine that either the switch is bad, or that it is incompatible with the router. What you can try to do is to remove the router from the network. Connect your modem to the switch to your PC (only 1 PC though, unless it's a smart switch). Is there a connection? if not, troubleshoot the switch accordingly. I'm not an expert with this type of set up, but I'm wondering that since the router distributes one IP per port, then that switch is trying to send that IP to multiple clients, which would create a problem. Is that switch also a DHCP server? (Sounds like too much hardware to me...I'd suggest getting another router instead of the switch).
  15. Click here and here for some great pointers on speed.
  16. Hey Lorne. If you have more than one NIC on the one PC, you can try Internet connection sharing, info found here and here. If that doesn't work you can try bridging, info found here. Hope that helps some, good luck.
  17. Try powercycling your devices: -power down computer -power down router -power down modem -wait 1 min, check connections for security -power up modem, wait one min -power up router, wait one min -power up computer
  18. FallowEarth


    Yeah, TCP port 25 = SMTP port, outgoing mail. Try this web scanner, and this spyware scan.
  19. Is it an ethernet or USB connection?
  20. I have learned so much from this site and its members that it makes my head spin! Definitely the best place on the net to be a part of.
  21. welcome to the forum eatdirt40 A top $$$ ethernet cable may help you out with a little bit of speed, but probably won't push you up all the way to 1.5 Mbps. It's important to remember that certain software on your computer will affect your speed. Firewalls, antivirus real-time protection, instant messengers, p2p or filesharing programs, other downloads, basically anything that connects to the Internet. If you want max connection speed, disable these programs and simplify your connection. Obv. running without a firewall, etc. reduces your security, but for the purposes of testing you may be curious enough to try it to see results. Also, be sure to clear your browser. Check out the links in my sig for further info.
  22. Of course! Right here and here! btw: what are you advertised speeds?
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