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Everything posted by MYRIAGON

  1. well I was hoping you would find something Guess I spent my nickel...Talk to ya later
  2. Yeah it shouldn't be there from what I have read. Process File: advapi.exe
  3. Well it was a thought anyway ....have you checked to see if that advapi is listed there or not? if it is shut it off and see what happens. Have a good one......I'm back quiet
  4. 69 RAT.. Do you have a program that tells you what is set to startup when the puter starts? and if so can you shut them off ? choose which ones to shut off ? Just wondering because I have run in to a problem before when my anti-virus had removed an infected file but it was still trying to start it when windows started, and I would get a file not found error, so all I had to do was shut it off in the starup and that took care of it. I use regcleaner just for that purpose, just put a check next to what you don't want to start and remove it, but it does back it up just in case you removed something you need. I'll attach that program if you want it, if not no prob.

    Weird Thing.

    When I click on a link like that it auto plays in WMP, but if I right click I have to "save target as" if you just "save as" it will just save the picture,
  6. Great speed But 200 a Mo.? That's half my house payment.....LOL Gotta pay to play I guess......
  7. Looks like you got it I'm in Mich. been speed testing all day thinking I might get the 8Mbps.......NoGo....LOL Oh well someday soon I hope.........BTW Good speed.
  8. I'm with Comcast.........Not always
  9. OMG!! FREE AOL..........Why didn't they think of that before..LOL! Sorry.......Being sarcastic
  10. As I said above "Looks like you need an updated modem" If what you say is that the new speed for your service is 24Mbps Down, and the modem you have now only supports 8Mbps. product information The BIPAC-5100 complies with ADSL standards for worldwide deployment and supports downstream rates of up to 8Mbps and upstream rates of up to 1Mbps. It is designed for small office, home office and residential users, enabling high-speed Internet connections. Powered by NAT technology, dozens of network users can surf on the Internet and share the ADSL connection simultaneously by using one ISP account and one IP address. Product Features High-speed Internet Access with ADSL The BIPAC-5100 complies with ADSL standards for worldwide deployment and supports downstream rates of up to 8 Mbps and upstream rates of up to 1 Mbps. It is designed for small office, home office and residential users, enabling high-speed Internet connections. User can enjoy ADSL services and broadband multimedia applications such as interactive gaming, video streaming and real-time audio much easier and faster than ever before.
  11. Looks like you need an updated modem.
  12. I heard that Mi, may get an upgrade today (the 20th) but didn't happen, at least by 8:00am. Oh Well.... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 6427 Kbps about 6.4 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 784 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Wed Jul 20 07:53:03 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 115X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.31 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 76.86 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VBK8CAJS7 :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 752 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 92 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Wed Jul 20 07:54:54 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 11.13 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 118.6 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-64ZE1IHPX
  13. I never had one , but it seems like I have heard more good than bad about the Westell. I had DSL about 4 years ago and had a Speedstream that worked well....Not even sure if they still make them.
  14. Yeah I've banged my head a few times not wanting "it" to win either. There have been a few times when I was bound and determined to find out what was causing this or that, and I tried so many things that when I did get it fixed I wasn't sure what it was that fixed it ..LOL! I have been following your thread quite a bit and wished I could contribute, but it seemed anything I thought of you guys already did. Wish I could help more... I do things (BAD THINGS) to this poor PC all the time just experimenting, that I reload XP about every month just cuz I like that fresh install. Got it down so pat that installing it and the many programs I have only takes about 2 or 3 hours. Well good luck with it...Have a good one
  15. Do you have an old H.D.(one you don't care too much about) with an OS on it that you could hook up, and if it does the same thing , it's probably either a memory prob. or MB (corrupt BIOS) Also check ribbon cable for defects, bent pins on the H.D. and MB where the cable connects. Good Luck.....
  16. Hello 69rat... If what I say isn't acceptable in your situation just ignore me....lol But there comes a point when a clean install is the fix, After trying so many things over 5 weeks, Disabling this, uninstalling that, reinstalling, loading windows over windows, copying one install over the other. It sounds like your system will never run correctly no matter what you do at this point. Format and Clean install. Just my opinion, hope you don't take it wrong. MYRIAGON.
  17. Chais82......That is the best speed I've ever seen, without being cached........You be da top dog. Very nice......
  18. Try doing the same but on the H.D. letter. and it might say something like do you want this on all folders and subfolders, click yes. I hope that works cuz I'm out of ideas here.lol
  19. Hi All....... I checked out smoothwall and it sounds good to me, My main question would be, can I still use my router ? what I am thinking is put 2 NIC's in the old puter I have and hook the cable modem to 1 and then run from the other NIC to the WAN on the router and then the out ports to my other 3 PC's. should that work ? Thanks......
  20. No it shouldn't......I did it here before on mine, I think it says (recommended) but after you are done, you can change it back.
  21. These are the minimum requirements for basic functionality. Actual requirements vary, depending on the system configuration and the programs and features that you choose to install. If you are installing Windows XP over a network, you may need additional available hard-disk space. The minimum hardware requirements for Windows XP Home Edition are:
  22. Ok lets try this....... Go to Explore, Tools, Folder Options, View, Advanced Settings, and scroll down to "Use Simple File Sharing" and UNcheck that. Then go to the folder you are trying to access and right click that and go to properties, Click the Security Tab and see if the name that you sign in to windows is listed there, if it is not then you have to add it and then choose that name by clicking on it. When that is done look at the check boxes below and put a check in the box for Full Control. then apply. Now try to access that folder. If that doesn't work then try the same procedure on the drive letter to the New drive.
  23. If you can find a way to still have USB support in safe mode , then what you can try is to right cvlick on that file and go to security and sharing and give yourself Full Permission or Control to that file then you can change it from read only and or to full access. Then you should be able to get to it ok.
  24. I had a couple other thoughts but they would involve going in in safe mode and recovery console , but i don't think the USB would work in either of those modes. Still double check to see if your MB supprts USB 2.0. Also see if anythig shows in device manager that looks funky. So I'm not sure where to go from here. I'm still thinking (can be dangerous) and if I come up with something else to try I'll shoot it back, or maybe one of these other guys out here can think of something we haven't.
  25. OK....it's running a full scan, so it may take awhile. Also check my post above I added an EDIT there. Thought of something else also, sometimes when transfering a large amount of files it changes them to read only, and may make impossible to transfer them back, just change them back to archive with no read only. This usually only happens when burning certain files but being a USB H.D. ya never know.
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