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Everything posted by MYRIAGON

  1. netmasta....I think I saw PHP selling your IP on EBay the other day.....LOL! J/K you guys........
  2. Hi mummer43. I was about to say about what milchama just said.......LOL So I'll shutup.
  3. Hey you are the one that started this whole thing, all I did was make a comment a couple weeks ago about an article I read a couple years ago. I'm so sorry you were not able to change my opinion....... GEEEZE...who are you to say what people need or want or how they will use it ? It's obvious you just like confrontation and not conversastion, you are right and everybody else is wrong, I say black you say white...ETC...ETC. Can I say BYE now....Ok BYE........ EDIT: Ya know this is funny, I never heard this teminology before, but I noticed your saying there,troll by nature and it backs up all I just said. Definition of troll: troll From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In the context of the Internet, a troll is a person who posts inflammatory messages intended to cause a disruption in discourse. The word is also often used to describe such messages.
  4. So according to your theory we should still be banging drums? just doing it in a better way....LOL Oh well higher tech will prevail someday soon, just as it has, sinse not too long ago the average person had no choice but dial-up, it wasn't just upgraded to what we have today, it was taken down a whole new path. The only thing that prevents a lot of new tech is what I was saying earlier......$$..... that being, they will only release it when they have squeezed every last cent they can from what is already out there. JMO....
  5. Yeah I figured something like that since I never really heard anymore about it but that one article I read a few years back, I just happen to think about it when I saw VanBuren's 100Mbps speed. Either way The U.S. has to get it together and get some new technology out there so we can start seeing these types of speeds in a real world enviroment. but it's like anything i guess they want to suck every $ they can get from old Tech before applying the new.
  6. I don't know.........As far as I know you should be set to a MTU of 1500 After you applied the cablenut settings did you restart thr PC? that has to be done anytime you change any of those types of settings.
  7. Bring up cablenut and click delete cablenut tweaks then save to registry and restart PC. After restart bring up DrTcp again and set those settings back like in the picture I posted earlier save and restart PC. recheck speed. Were you able to change the NIC setting to 100/Full Duplex ? Just remember one step at a time.
  8. We'll check out what I put above and see what it does and if it helps then if you want you can start fine tuning with cablenut and hopefully take you to your fullest possible speed. I haven't seen VanBuren out here lately, but he is the man when it comes to this type of stuff.
  9. Yeah that's looking much better... Still your download should be even better yet, you are getting about 3Mbps and shoud be closer to 10Mbps. You might want to see what your network card is set to, if you know how to check those setting, try to change it to 100/Full Duplex and restart the PC then run another speed test to see if it helps, don't forget to clear your cookies and temp internet files. If you are not sure how to change the settings on your NIC reply back and we'll get you there. Also you are welcome....No prob. that's why we are here....
  10. In your situation I wouldn't pay any attention to the host average thingy. Just go by your advertised speed (what you are paying for) and see how it's holding up against that....
  11. Thanks MarkX.........Looks real good
  12. Yeah try to do another tweaktest http://www.broadbandreports.com/tweaks and post the url like before so we can see what it's showing now. BTW what are your advertised speeds supposed to be, I saw someone say 10Mbps ?
  13. was that after changing the settings ?
  14. Looks like just the PPTP.... That may not be a problem but I know when a system is using VPN it can change the MSS so we can try that disabled and see what happens. Someone else had a problem similar to this once and they found that they had a program installed that they had forgot about for some sort of VPN and when they uninstalled it it took care of the problem of it automatically setting the MTU back to 1492, so you might want to check ADD Remove programs just to see if something like that might be there.
  15. Ok. Lets try to get this all on one page .......LOL First go to the router settings and I would disable the PPTP setting, double check to see if there is a setting for pppoe if there is turn that off, and set the MTU to 1500 if there is a save , save it and leave the router. Then go to DrTcp and set all the settings like below save and exit. After that shutdown PC and unplug modem and router for about a Min. then start Modem first and let it completly start up then the same with router and last start PC. See how that works and get back with us, one of us will get you going.
  16. I would say to disable that PPTP thing I believe it is for VPN and that may be what's changing
  17. Normal settings ? I don't know what you changed it to or back to. You should set router so it's not on pppoe and set the MTU to 1500 then power cycle PC/MODEM/ROUTER. Then see how it works. EDIT: Sorry DJ I posted after you...
  18. I agree also, but if you look at his tweak test at brodbandreports his MSS is set to 1454 and it should be set to 1460 , so what I think might be happening is he may have the router set to pppoe and it shouldn't be, and he would want to change the MTU to 1500. Also his RWIN is way low for the download speed he is shooting for. He has more than 1 thread going on this, so I replied to his other post before seeing this one
  19. DanM. Per chance did you used to have DSL on that system? I have never setup OOL but I'm sure it is cable and it seems like your MSS: should be set to 1460 and your MTU should be set to 1500. Check your router and make sure it is "NOT" set to pppoe and set the MTU to 1500. The reason I asked if you had DSL is if you did, make sure that the program that ran it on your PC is completly uninstalled because it may be setting your MSS to 1454. Also I noticed on another post that you ran a tweak test at broadbandreports and your RWIN should be set way higher than it is. I hope this all makes sense to you the way I'm wording it. Let us know what you find out........ EDIT: Also if you change the router settings, make sure you power cycle everything.
  20. Hello TheSaint ..........Welcome to the forums. To be honest with you I have seen a lot of disappointed souls go with directWay, So you might want to reconsider unless it is your only choice for a ISP. If you read the heartache some have gone through with them , you will know what I mean. Just my opinion, and good luck with whatever you decide.
  21. Hello markuswellbe.........Welcome to the forum. If you are on the standard tier with Comcast, your speed looks good to me, above your cap.
  22. Michigan was upgraded about 7 months ago to 4/384 and 6/768 And I found this at Comcast forum.
  23. That server must be within walking distance of you.........LOL Damn nice speed. I'm still waiting for my upgrade in MI. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 6472 Kbps about 6.5 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 790 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Tue Aug 2 10:21:36 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 116X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.3 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 66.29 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-NSW84E2DP Not bad for the 6Mbps, but I want 8Mbps.....
  24. You guys make me sick.....LOL !.....J/K Those are some nice speeds. I have the 6/768 but no upgrade yet, we (here in Michigan) are supposed to be next....lol....We'll see. Till then....... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 6472 Kbps about 6.5 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 790 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Tue Aug 2 10:21:36 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 116X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.3 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 66.29 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-NSW84E2DP
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