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Everything posted by MYRIAGON

  1. Yes, it is........ https://testmy.net/s_engine.php?type=comp_id&q=22180425286
  2. They are in the process of upgrading now, and all markets should be completed before the end of the summer.

    Got Sound?

    No sh*t ! Wow glad you told me that... it was just a suggestion ........don't like it, don't try it....

    Got Sound?

    Might try to shut PC off, and unplug the power cord, then power it all back up. If that doesn't work, Uninstall reinstall SoundCard drivers.
  5. If you just ran a speed test here at testmy , you might want to try one some place else first, I have had very low readings here all afternoon, but seems good at other sites. Not sure if it's Comcast or if something going on here. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3722 Kbps about 3.7 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 454 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Mon Aug 1 15:50:08 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 66X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.26 sec Diagnosis: 90% + Okay : running at 95.68 % of your hosts average (Comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-P840HR2WU I usually get close to 6400 every time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEB100 Enabled Statistics: Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  6. Hello Shadow.......and welcome to the forum. You might want to inspect your cables as well, or just get new ones, also I would call Comcast and let them know what happened so they can inspect their equipment too. Lightning does weird stuff, hopefully it didn't do any damage to any more of your hardware.
  7. Good post netmasta That answers a lot a questions I had often wondered about...
  8. I was checking out the speedtests page at BroadBandReports and found the link to TestMy.net. I added it to my favorites and it's now truley my favorite..
  9. Hi all..... I'm like DUH!! when it comes to digital cameras, the Q: is can any digital camera be used as a webcam using the USB port ? I wasn't sure if it would hurt anything being on for long periods of time like that. I can't seem to find out anything about that anywhere. This is the camera I was thinking about HERE And as cheap as Webcams are it's not that big an issue just curious. Also does that seem to be a fairly decent camera for the money? Thanks.
  10. Good stats Bones.... Looks like it's getting closer to my state (Mi).........Or doing a complete circle around it....LOL
  11. I believe that was just a list of modems that won't make the grade when the updates takes place. I think the SB5100/5120 can handle something like 35 to 40Mbps downstream.
  12. I just copied that part off from a website. didn't want to leave anything out cuz I wasn't sure what info you needed....... And I don't do stickies, and why?
  13. Nice speeds bwt1953 Congrats on the FIOS
  14. You can try to go to explore and click the + next to windows and go to the INF folder and find the "dfrg" file and right click and then install. BTW this is a hidden system folder , so you have to have show hidden system files and folders checked to see it. Good luck.......hope that works.
  15. I second that... I have a Dell, Compaq and two I built....
  16. take 4 and add 50% then take 6 and add 33.4%
  17. Hi BillyBob..... just open everest and click the + next to motherboard and then click on motheboard, it should show the size there.... Form Factors Form factors define the size, shape, and screw placement on a motherboard. It's usually the technological advancements that have been achieved that allow for these changes so I suppose the form factors also define the technology to some extent. It's important to understand that none of these standards have to be adhered to (other than maybe spacing between expansion slots). So, if a certain manufacturer decides to build a system board with different screw placement or different dimensions than the standard, it's perfectly acceptable. This board then becomes proprietary and can only be replaced by ordering through the original company. However, if your motherboard adheres to one of the form factors, and you decide to upgrade your motherboard at a future date, or have to replace it for any reason, then all you have to do is buy another motherboard that follows that standard. PC/XT When IBM came out with its first Personal Computer (PC), there were no standards and the motherboard tended to be a little on the large size with more space than it really needed. Within a short time, they had developed their Extended Technologies computer (XT), reducing the size of the motherboard to make it more compact and still accept the different circuits and components needed for the system. The XT quickly became a standard for motherboards in many of the clones that were being developed at the time. AT/baby AT Computers quickly became more and more powerful with more system memory installed on the board, faster CPUs, and features that required more circuitry and components. IBM had to increase the size of their boards to accept all these components and developed the AT motherboard. At 13.5" X 12", this form factor soon became another standard followed by other manufacturers. Size, screw placement, expansion slot positioning, and even component placement was followed so closely that some motherboard manufacturers were worried about lawsuits. It wasn't uncommon to buy a computer from an established system manufacturer, with full documentation, but no contact information in the motherboard manual, perhaps in fear of copyright infringement. The AT, however, pretty well became industry standard throughout the 80's and into the early 90's. As technology advanced, circuits and components became smaller and more integrated. Many companies decided to reduce the size of the motherboard again. Because the AT had been standard for so many years they retained the placement of the expansion slots and the screw positioning on a 13" X 8.5 or 9" board. This meant that an AT board could be replaced with a 'baby AT' or 'mini AT' board and still fit in the same case. The baby AT form factor all but completely replaced the AT and is still available, but has never been made a true standard. ATX Because the baby AT form factor was never made a true standard, many companies have taken liberties with different dimensions and design. The ATX is a form factor developed by Intel that closely conforms to the baby AT size. It puts together some of the better ideas, engineering and design to make a standard that is cheaper to develop, allows for better component access, and in some ways is faster and more stable. The ATX board measures approximately 9.5" X 12" and takes the baby AT board and turns it 90 degrees to put the long edge of the board along the back of the computer case, which provides maximum space for expansion slots and I/O ports. The different I/O ports, USB connector and the PS/2 keyboard and mouse connectors are stacked or 'layered' and hardwired directly to the motherboard. The absence of a cable connector reduces radio interference as well as production costs. The ATX motherboard also defines the number and placement of mounting holes and uses a different power connection and a different (PS/2) power supply. The ATX standard also provides for a smaller 'mini ATX' form factor which cuts the size of a board down to 8.2" X 11.2" and removes one row of mounting holes. These boards will fit in a regular ATX style case.
  18. I don't know if anyone else see's this the way I do , but people on the 6/768 pkg. are really getting screwed. If you think about it, people on the 4/384 pkg. are getting a 50% increase in there download and people on the 6/768 pkg. are only getting a 33% increase on download. So we at 6/768 should have gone to 9/768 or 8Mbps/1Mbps I'm sure someone will prove me wrong but oh well....Subscribers Revolt....LOL. I posted this on Comcast forum also. OK so I'm bored........
  19. You said something about a big straw or something going in to the fridge. OH OH!!.......Your PC has been drinking again....... :haha:
  20. I use a legal copy of WinXP Pro, but when I first installed it it wanted all that registration crap, so I dug up a corporate Product Key and never had to go through that again, and it went through the update site today with no problem. It's probably not legal to use a different key, but I payed for the CD soooo whatever, works good for me.......
  21. Best I ever got. Well....Maybe something's happening. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 6850 Kbps about 6.9 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 836 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Tue Jul 26 17:55:45 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 122X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.22 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 77.69 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-GBVQLF80P
  22. Modems that may not comply to new speeds. Jason1 Modem Compatibility
  23. Just saw this in the Comcast forums today.....Not a whole lot of Info.
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