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Everything posted by MYRIAGON

  1. I think it would be like any other H.D.just go to explore and find the drive letter, left click it first then, right click on it and go to properties then tools, error checking, check now, then check both boxes and start. click yes and restart the PC. You might want to check the model # of your PC or the MB model and make sure it is USB 2.0 compatable if it is not, that could be the problem. MYRIAGON. EDIT: Also you said you formatted your other H.D. did you reload winXP on the old H.D.? if so did you load SP1 or 2 yet ? if not some USB 2.0 will not work correctly without it.
  2. Hi DaveMan.... Just wondering is it a USB H.D. ? If so is it 2.0 and do you have it hooked to a 2.0 USB port ? Might try shutting all down and try different USB port and or, Depending on what OS you are running, you might try running a full Scandisk for win98 or Chkdsk /r in recovery console with win2000 or WinXP. or in WinXp check disk for errors with both boxes checked. Good luck........let us know
  3. When I had a 15" I always ran it at 800X600 But with my 17" Flat I run it at 1024X768 and it seems just right, Seems like 1024X768 on a 15" would be too small, But it's all about personal preference........Gotta have it the way you like it.
  4. Good suggestion Cak46.... Also you could try going to control panel/Administrative tools/Computer Management/Disk Management and see if Two drives are trying to occupy the same drive letter, if so you can right click on them and change the letter to an unused letter.
  5. Try going to control panel and run add hardware and see if that finds them.
  6. I believe if you bring up cablenut and click delete cablenut tweaks and then save to registry and reboot that should put you back to default.
  7. You might check to see if you accidently disconnected the ribbon cable going to the MB from the CD ROM drives when you took the H.D. out. EDIT: I just noticed also that your A: Floppy drive isn't showing either, so just check all those cables and if they are good we can go from there.
  8. Yeah MarkX gave a good checklist of things to check on, As far as Checking the fans, you can usually just do a visual on them. Just pop the case open and check them out and make sure the power supply fan is blowing good out the back also. sometimes they just get caked with dust, or just wear out I don't know if your vid card has a fan or not , some do, some don't. Good luck, let us know.
  9. Do you have a router ? and is the MTU set to 1500 ? That was my first thought ......But there are a lot more people out here that know more than I, that can most likely offer more suggestions.
  10. My junk DELL just drooled......Nice setup
  11. Sounds like it could be a cooling problem. Might want to check all your fans, CPU,CASE,PS.VID CARD, ETC. If they are working properly.......Upgrade is GOOOD! Also you might want to check for new drivers, or if you have had this problem since newer drivers have been installed ,try going back to older ones and see if that helps.
  12. yeah I redownloaded and tried again and it cleared itself this time when I closed the log. I tried to make a batch file once, I forget what I was trying to do with it , but it crashed my system and I had to reload windows....LOL After that I never really messed around with them again.
  13. Log created by AutoCheck.bat on Wed 07/13/2005 at 22:13:06.25 Windows version: Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=50 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=50 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=50 Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=50 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 40ms, Maximum = 40ms, Average = 40ms Ping Complete. Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 10 ms 10 ms 9 ms 3 9 ms 10 ms 9 ms 4 12 ms 13 ms 12 ms 5 42 ms 41 ms 42 ms tbr1-p012401.dtrmi.ip.att.net [] 6 44 ms 41 ms 44 ms 7 40 ms 42 ms 41 ms tbr2-cl2.sl9mo.ip.att.net [] 8 43 ms 43 ms 41 ms tbr2-cl6.dlstx.ip.att.net [] 9 39 ms 40 ms 39 ms gar1-p370.dlrtx.ip.att.net [] 10 40 ms 41 ms 40 ms 11 76 ms 41 ms 40 ms dist-vlan31.dsr3-2.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 12 43 ms 40 ms 40 ms dist-vlan41.dsr2-1.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 13 42 ms 39 ms 40 ms gig1-0-1.tp-car9-1.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 14 40 ms 41 ms 41 ms 85.67-18-179.reverse.theplanet.com [] Trace complete. Seems to work good
  14. Yeah now that I have read that it clears thing up a bit.
  15. I wonder if they will still offer a business Pkg.? Cuz they have one now at 7Mbps For $160.00 a month. WOW! It seems they would take that to at least 9 or 10Mbps. Hard to tell...... Like I said in another thread though, I would gladly keep the 6Mbps if they would would give me 1.5 to 2Mbps upstream,
  16. I would think that it would work like the last upgrade. I was at 4/384 and I knew the upgrade was coming, so every morning for about a month I would run a speed test and then I would reboot the modem and PC and run another speed test, and finally by just rebooting the modem it changed to the 6/768. So I figured they just did a general upgrade to all the modems at once in my area and a reboot of the modem finalized it.
  17. I would think you would go to the 8/768 @ $77.95 US.
  18. It all depends on what OS you have and what NIC you have, it may reinstall upon reboot of the PC or it may ask for the drivers when you reboot. You could also try to list the options under the advanced tab and someone may know what they should be set to. Also list what type and model# the adapter is.


    I hear ya. And at my age I find myself sounding more like my dad every day, Something like "when I was your age I had to walk 10 miles uphill in the snow to get to school" ..............What a bummer.
  20. I believe what Vanburen is saying is to uninstall and then reinstall it, then it should automatically give you the default settings.
  21. Good info. But I wish Comcast would listen to the customer. I am currently @ 6/768 and by the looks of it I would be @ 8/768. I would gladly stay @ 6Mbps and have 1.5 to 2Mbps Upstream to go with it, but they just hate getting off from that upstream bandwidth


    After reading that.......10 years, We will probably be here complaining how slow 10Gbps is.


    I Googled this........Interesting although a little outdated. September 2, 2004 Scientists Set Internet2 Speed Record By Susan Kuchinskas Scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) set a new land-speed record for Internet2, a second-generation network serving universities and research institutes. The team, which included folks from AMD (Quote, Chart), Cisco (Quote, Chart), Microsoft Research, Newisys, and S2io, transferred 859 gigabytes of data in less than 17 minutes. It did so at a rate of 6.63 gigabits per second (define) between the CERN facility in Geneva, Switzerland, and Caltech in Pasadena, Calif., a distance of more than 15,766 kilometers, or approximately 9,800 miles. Scientists are racing to move gigantic amounts of data by 2007, when CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will switch on. This huge underground particle accelerator will produce some 15 petabytes (define) of data a year, which will be stored and analyzed on a global grid of computer centers. High-energy physicists are excited about the LHC because they hope it will allow them to find the Higgs boson, a theoretical particle that they believe creates mass. "Physicists are trying to fill in the blank spaces in our model of high energy physics," said Jim Gray a Microsoft Research engineer who helped set Wednesday's record. But this $10 billion collider will be of little use if scientists around the world can't access the data. Researchers aren't the only ones excited about blazing data speeds. This record speed of 6.63Gbps is equivalent to transferring a full-length DVD movie in four seconds. There are uses in astronomy, bioinformatics, global climate modeling and seismology, as well as commercial applications from entertainment to oil and gas exploration. Internet2 is fast -- Abilene, a U.S. cross-country backbone network, blasts data at 10Gbps. But transoceanic networking is another story. There are hardware and software issues to overcome, Gray said. For example, one limiting factor is that the fastest available interface for PCs is the PCIX64 Bus Isolation Extender, which can only handle 7.5Gbps. The land-speed test is part of an ongoing R&D program to create high-speed global networks as the foundation of next-generation, data-intensive grids with a goal of transferring data at 1Gbps. The performance also is the first record to break the 100-petabit meter per second mark. One petabit is 1,000,000,000,000,000 bits (define). That may seem like an almost inconceivably large number, but Gray said storing petabits of data is a fact of life for many large corporations. He said Microsoft has about 5 petabits of data, and he estimates Google and Yahoo store that much, as well. "If you have a million customers and they each have a gigabyte of storage, that's a petabit," he said. The technology used in setting this record included S2io's Xframe 10 GbE server adapter, Cisco 7600 Series Routers, Newisys 4300 servers using AMD Opteron processors, Itanium servers and the 64-bit version of Windows Server 2003.
  24. Good ol Comcast. I think they need to get what they have working first.LOL! I was lucky today, just about every town around me has this that started yesterday. Michigan General Outage (Detroit, Michigan/SouthGate/Hillsdale/Rockwood/Melvindale/Garden City/Taylor /Warren 4/Warren 3/RDC-Warren 1 & 2*/Sterling 4/Sterling 3/Sterling 1 & 2/Shelby 3 & 4/Shelby 1 & 2/Macomb 1, 2, 3, & 4/Fraser/Clinton1/Clinton 3 & 4/Clinton 2/Waterford/Pontiac/Grosse Pointe 1/Grosse Pointe 2 & 3/East Pointe/Mt. Morris/Flushing/Flint/State Fair/Southwest/Lafayette/Fenkell/Detroit City/Chandler Park/Central/Airport/Rochester Hills/Auburn Hills/Woodhaven/Walled Lake/Royal Oak/Port Huron Hub/St. Clair Co. OTN/St. Clair /New Haven/Romeo Hub/Westland/Wayne/Van Buren/PLY/Northville/Dearborn Hgts/Dearborn/Canton/West Bloomfield/Southfield/Roseville/Madison Heights/Birmingham/YP West/YP East/Brighton/AnnArborW/AnnArborN/AnnArbor S/Monroe/Springfield/Michigan B/Macomb OTN/St. Clair Shores OTN/Bad Axe OTN/Northville/Jackson/East Lansing/Adrian/New Lafayette /MI OTN/Michigan A/Manitowoc/WI OTN/Richland/Muskegon/Grand Rapids/Battle Creek - Connection to the Internet is currently unavailable. Our technicians are aware of the situation and are working to resolve the issue. This outage was logged at : 7/11/2005 9:48:00 PM EDT.) :haha:
  25. Hi CHOLLA....... The part I can't understand is why they couldn't make the second partition FAT32. I used to run XP PRO with FAT32 all the time, and would usually have 4 partitions, and I could format those any time I wanted to FAT32 or NTFS, I used to run it FAT32 because that way I could use the win98 boot disk and run XP setup without the CD. As far as reading NTFS and FAT32 that's not a fluke it's just what XP does. But win98 can only run on and read FAT16 and FAT32. Believe me I'm no expert, just saying what has worked for me. If anyone can add to this, please do cuz I still learn something new every day
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