Dark06 Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 Ok now we all know whats been going on here and whats suppose 2 happen tommorow I just want to say that i belive in human rights I have personnally seen the strugles these ppl go through and even thought i will not skip school tomorow i will not spend a single penny tommorow to show my support for immigrants IF YOU BELIEVE IN HUMAN RIGHTS I AM ASKING ALL OF YOU PLZ PLZ DONT SPEND ANY MONEY TOMMOROW OR IF YOU DO KEEP IT TO A MINUMIM I believe in human right i believe in helping Thy Neighbor This country was/ is based on immigrants no matter where everyone is in an immigrant personnaly im 3rd genertion hispanic my famally has been here for over 30 yrs but that doesnt make me any more better than the ppl who just arrive here today. Im american but i also speek spanish i have never spend more than a night outside of the US yet that one night was enught to open my eyes and realized the pain and anguish suffer by those on the other side as they leave in hope for a better living these ppl are not criminals they are hard working individuals who have dreams and want to accomplish them like everyone else How would you feel forv exemple if you had an idea for a buissness but everytime you tried to get it all legalized the goverment keep telling you next year you will have the permision you need and the next year the same thing eventually you would break down and break the law in the persuit of your dream thats the same thing that has happen to these ppl they have dreams but their dreams keep being put aside by the goverment/or the men I wish i would have posted this earlier but whats done is done better late than never I know some of your oppinions are strong on this but IF YOU BELIEVE IN HUMAN RIGHTS PLZ PLZ DONT SPEND ANY MONEY TOMMOROW OR IF YOU DO KEEP IT TO A MINUMIM Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
richcornucopia Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 Why would I not spend money tommorw? (sorry guess I'm not exactly sure what's supposed to happen tommorw) Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139564 Share on other sites More sharing options...
rammolo Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 Hi Folks, What happens or what will not happen if people spend or do not spend any money tomorrow?? Is there any movement going on?? Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139567 Share on other sites More sharing options...
amc11890 Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 Okay here is how i feel, all at one time we were immigrants right? we applied to become citizens and now we pay our taxes. Im also a 3rd gen hispanic but my grandparents moved from Puerto Rico so i guess they were not really "immigrants". I DO NOT think it is rite for illegal immigrants to come here and not bother to become citizens. they should go through the same process as all the other immigrants in the past generations. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139569 Share on other sites More sharing options...
richcornucopia Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 This reminds me of that silly idea of not buying gas for one day . Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139570 Share on other sites More sharing options...
amc11890 Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 Theres a riot amongst the hispanics about the illegal immigration thing or something like that,. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139571 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark06 Posted May 1, 2006 Author CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 This reminds me of that silly idea of not buying gas for one day . Yeah but that has never been about saving your home your family Many homes will b broken and tons of families will be split up if the bill takes effect It has never been about that plus this time we have tons of supporters a half a million in dallas ,another million or so in NY 25,000 here in austin 60,000 in phonix and a shit load more all over the place oh and those numbers where from last time those r sure to go up Hech i even herd that in a small town in tx (brownsville,tx) The mayor had shut doen schools and other goverment related jobs Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139654 Share on other sites More sharing options...
massey Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Have we forgotten the country was found and established by immigrants? I guess that sign on lady liberty simply doesn't apply anymore. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139709 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bricklin Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 Who cares if families are split up, they are not suppossed to be here anyways, get out and come back legal like I did. I'm going out and buying a new car today, made in america. illegals go home! Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139712 Share on other sites More sharing options...
amc11890 Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Have we forgotten the country was found and established by immigrants? I guess that sign on lady liberty simply doesn't apply anymore. I had to memorize that poem in 8 th grade Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139734 Share on other sites More sharing options...
dlewis23 Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Have we forgotten the country was found and established by immigrants? I guess that sign on lady liberty simply doesn't apply anymore. we havent forgotten it, just the sign reads no vacancy now. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139738 Share on other sites More sharing options...
gotmilk Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 I don't have a problem with immigrants, I have a problem with illegal immigrants that don't want to abide by our laws. I'm even more frustrated about the immigrants and the whole "Spanish language" movement. Just because you're too lazy to learn English doesn't mean we should change our national language to Spanish. What a group of Americans went to live in Mexico and started trying to change the national language to English? What if a bunch of Russians moved here and tried to convert our language to Russian? I DO NOT think it is rite for illegal immigrants to come here and not bother to become citizens. they should go through the same process as all the other immigrants in the past generations. My feelings exactly. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139761 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Have we forgotten the country was found and established by immigrants? I guess that sign on lady liberty simply doesn't apply anymore. Thats assuming that they are immagrants that come here legally. Not someone crossing the border at 2 am while breaking about 6 different laws. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139774 Share on other sites More sharing options...
xs1 Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 Thats assuming that they are immagrants that come here legally. Not someone crossing the border at 2 am while breaking about 6 different laws. lol.. If you wanna be here you should do it the right way and take the necessary steps. thats the way i see it. Theirs no jobs for americans as is... mabey this will get people moving about getting their shit straight and/or open more job oppertunities. Sorry.. my compassion for the common man has gone down the shitter with my life these days Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139776 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark06 Posted May 1, 2006 Author CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 I don't have a problem with immigrants, I have a problem with illegal immigrants that don't want to abide by our laws. I'm even more frustrated about the immigrants and the whole "Spanish language" movement. Just because you're too lazy to learn English doesn't mean we should change our national language to Spanish. What a group of Americans went to live in Mexico and started trying to change the national language to English? What if a bunch of Russians moved here and tried to convert our language to Russian? My feelings exactly. Are u nieve we have tried to convert just about every country to try to teach english as a MAIN LANGUGE instead of their own It is actually a law that if you are doing buissness in a foreing contry and theres one JUST ONe american who cant understand the native languge everyone no matter how many speak the native languge have to talk in english Now thats a load of shit like it says at the bottom as my signature I think we risk becoming the best informed society that has ever died of ignorance. ~Reuben Blades Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139777 Share on other sites More sharing options...
richcornucopia Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 How old are you? Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139794 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 1, 2006 CID Share Posted May 1, 2006 I don't have a problem with immigrants, I have a problem with illegal immigrants that don't want to abide by our laws. I'm even more frustrated about the immigrants and the whole "Spanish language" movement. Just because you're too lazy to learn English doesn't mean we should change our national language to Spanish. What a group of Americans went to live in Mexico and started trying to change the national language to English? What if a bunch of Russians moved here and tried to convert our language to Russian? My feelings exactly. Dark06, why the he*l should my 5 & 6 year old have to learn Spanish, when they live in an American English speaking country. Dark06 why should American's living on the border have to put up with people (that do not belong here legally) trampling through their yard at all hours of the night. Wondering whether or not they will be able to sleep in peace. Or whether someone is going to steal, rape, trash, murder, etc.. their property on passing through. I bet you would feel different if it was your back yard. You live at home and have it fairly easy, so this does not bother you personnaly. All we are saying is that they need to do it legally, and the right way. The American Way. And if they or you do not like it, TOUGH!! Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139813 Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted May 2, 2006 CID Share Posted May 2, 2006 I bought what i wanted to today & wish I needed more.We forgot to add to the Statue of Liberty that's only till were full.Now we need a No Vacancy sign. I bet the Native Americans wish they had a zero immigrant policy wheen Columnbus landed. Maybe the natives they took the country from would wish the same if they were still around. The early immigrants fully intended to become Americans & leave their old country behind.The ones now want to bring their old country with them.Even when it was so bad they left.Figure that out. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139855 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 2, 2006 CID Share Posted May 2, 2006 Yeah, i went to Home Depot(crowded like it was a Saturday, must not have been the only one with that idea) and bought a weeks worth of supplies. And then over to Walmart for a bunch of paint. And then to top it off, I took the help out to lunch at Denny's where the manager was doing duty as a cook. By the way there was a "Now Hiring Sign" in the window. I guess his 3 imigrants cooks took a vacation. A much longer than expected vacation. :laughing7: Acording to the waitress. And my helper went and got 4 new tires. For some reason it did not hit the 6:00 news. Hmmm. Just my 2 cents. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139866 Share on other sites More sharing options...
amc11890 Posted May 2, 2006 CID Share Posted May 2, 2006 I went to Home Depot and it looked like any other normal day, there was even a good amount of hispanics in the store buying supplies like it was any other day but however there were 8000+ hispanics that were protesting down the road from me. Kind of odd. They did however make the 6:00 news. I guess most hispanics are against the bill to strengthen borders but my mom, who is Puerto Rican Belives that immigrants should become citizens like evryone else, legally, but i guess she would not have had to worry about that any way because Puerto rico is a commenwealth. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139884 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 2, 2006 CID Share Posted May 2, 2006 Maybe a dumb question, but can't puertican's become citizen's. I always wondered about that territory thing. Seems to me that we should have 51 states. I wonder how long you have to be a territory, to be a state? Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139886 Share on other sites More sharing options...
j3grizz Posted May 2, 2006 CID Share Posted May 2, 2006 I went shopping all over today! Advance Auto, Wal-mart, Burger King, Ingles, you name it. :) I'm with cholla, I wish I had more to get! Oh well I did my part. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139903 Share on other sites More sharing options...
j3grizz Posted May 2, 2006 CID Share Posted May 2, 2006 Dark06, why the he*l should my 5 & 6 year old have to learn Spanish, when they live in an American English speaking country. Dark06 why should American's living on the border have to put up with people (that do not belong here legally) trampling through their yard at all hours of the night. Wondering whether or not they will be able to sleep in peace. Or whether someone is going to steal, rape, trash, murder, etc.. their property on passing through. I bet you would feel different if it was your back yard. You live at home and have it fairly easy, so this does not bother you personnaly. All we are saying is that they need to do it legally, and the right way. The American Way. And if they or you do not like it, TOUGH!! Well Said tommie! Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139906 Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted May 2, 2006 CID Share Posted May 2, 2006 Are u nieve we have tried to convert just about every country to try to teach english as a MAIN LANGUGE instead of their own It is actually a law that if you are doing buissness in a foreing contry and theres one JUST ONe american who cant understand the native languge everyone no matter how many speak the native languge have to talk in english I would be against the citizens of these having to learn or speak English or American.I am not aware of how the United States government or the citizens of the USA.Try this conversion.We don't make their laws they do so the blame is on them. I Would have all of them speak their native language & not cater one bit to Americans visiting their country.This might make Americans stay here & tour here.& I almost for got spend there money here. I would like to see a list of foreign countries with the can't speak the native language if one American that can't is present.& the specific law.Does the same hold true for tourists from England?Or is it onlr Americans? Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-139914 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark06 Posted May 3, 2006 Author CID Share Posted May 3, 2006 All we are saying is that they need to do it legally, and the right way. The American Way. Hold on exp[lain the american way????? Because lets c us americans have come into tons of countries univited and taken over the latest exemple of this iraq Oh but we are not criminals Nevermind that we have pictures of solders humiliating prisiners making them strip and peeing on them Never mind that There are solders out there who have and are rape womanin other countries Never mind that we unlesh the deadlidt wepon ever created the atomic bomb never mind that we still have tons of nukes yet a country such as N korea tries to just built one and points it our way ALL HELL BREAKS LOSE I dont c much diffrence anyway this country is based on immigrants immigrants made it strong immigrants will make it stronger Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/13114-my-2-cents/#findComment-140236 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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