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hello forum!  i found this site while trying to find away to make my playstation work online and ended up finding some good stuff on speeding up my internet connection so i decided to join.  great site!  GO HAWKEYES!!!! BEAT THE BUCKEYES!!!!

Hi there and welcome!

<- has her buckeyes shirt on now! o.O


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Hello everyone.. I work in the IT department and I have been using testmy.net with all my clients for a longtime now... so I decided its time to join in on some of the discussions I have been reading....

Thanks for having me......

Hello everyone.. I work in the IT department and I have been using testmy.net with all my clients for a longtime now... so I decided its time to join in on some of the discussions I have been reading....

Thanks for having me......

Hi and Welcome and thanks for all the support from your clients! Sit back and relax and settle in, it's great to have you!

welcome to tmn CorporateSlave and IowaHawkeyesFan and Snowball312...glad u all finally made the right decision...an joined us in here...CorporateSlave it's always so awesome to find that someone has been using us at their place of work...hope u enjoy ur stay here as much as we do...check out some of the fun topics in the "off topic discussion" area...u can post ur pic...post ur dogs pic...name a song...name a move...name a car...make a wish...scream about gas prices...the list goes on...point is, have fun... and share what u know in the tech boards...

CorporateSlave: it's always so awesome to find that someone has been using us at their place of work and especially if they'v been spreading the word thru their clients...very cool...thx for ur continued support

sup momozono  :angel4:

welcome to "the answer to all computer problems" grasshopper. You're father and I will help guide you through this vast wealth of knowledge so that you may be futher prepared for your journey's into the labyrinth of computers and the internet....

I hope your room is clean!

:haha: *hugs*

CorporateSlave it's always so awesome to find that someone has been using us at their place of work...hope u enjoy ur stay here as much as we do...check out some of the fun topics in the "off topic discussion" area...u can post ur pic...post ur dogs pic...name a song...name a move...name a car...make a wish...scream about gas prices...the list goes on...point is, have fun... and share what u know in the tech boards...

or you can I.M. tdawnaz... or P.M. tdawnaz.... or email tdawnaz.....

what? she's HOT! I do it all the time!

*sneaks off to phone tdawnaz.....*




enough! go clean your room!

sheesh *sorry for this regularly unscheduled appointment peeps, please carry on with introducing yourselves. I'll take care of the kiddies later.*

*grins wickedly at the plans for the future*

Welcome everyone! so how do you like testmy?

(and snowball or the dog, don't even think of posting again unless you're ontopic. Do You Understand? If not pm me. If so.... PM me!)

hi all,

im new to this internet speed stuff but get asked alot of questions bout my bandwidth n upoad speed, is it 8 or 12 somethings, so i hope tp learn heaps n my speed test results got a 1/1/2 stars i take it that is dissapointing, how can i inprove this?

Hi ApanLirre  and welcome :) Glad you joined :)

Hi Empty, go to the "Make It Faster" board, and I believe most of your questions will be answered. Welcome to TMN!

edit: spelling

    I'm a new member, and I'm trying to learn the proceedure for posting. I have bounced around the site for awhile, and I'm not sure if this is correct or not.

    I am trying to find out why flash shockwave ver 9 will not install. I downloaded Belarc Advisor, and that shows me at version 6, yet the Adobe site says that ver 9 is installed.

    I would appreciate any help.

  I'm a new member, and I'm trying to learn the proceedure for posting. I have bounced around the site for awhile, and I'm not sure if this is correct or not.

  I am trying to find out why flash shockwave ver 9 will not install. I downloaded Belarc Advisor, and that shows me at version 6, yet the Adobe site says that ver 9 is installed.

  I would appreciate any help.

:hello: Welcome. Glad to have ya here. As for the posting procedure just try to get it in the right area and dont act like a jerk and your home. If you put a post in the wrong place we will move it for you no big deal. As for your problem, is there a reason you do not trust what adobes site says? Are you having trouble on sites that use shockwave?

I'm a new member, and I'm trying to learn the proceedure for posting. I have bounced around the site for awhile, and I'm not sure if this is correct or not.

I am trying to find out why flash shockwave ver 9 will not install. I downloaded Belarc Advisor, and that shows me at version 6, yet the Adobe site says that ver 9 is installed.

I would appreciate any help.

Welcome leoinnj!

Try the download link from this site (where it says: Click here to Download)


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