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They just came in... all I have to say is WOW.  You seriously can't turn them up past half way.  The bass is distortion free and hits HARD.  It nearly sounds as clean as my home theater and that's like a 1000 watt sony system.  I highly reccomend these.

I liked my old creative 7.1 system... but this 5.1 system blows it out of the water.  You can see the quality difference right out of the box, the cables are at least 2 gauges larger than the creative system and everything is much heavier.  The total package weighs in at over 40lbs... everything is much bigger and better than I expected.  I thought you had to pay at least $300 for something this nice, I guess times have changed for the better.



pictures >> http://www.testmy.net/tmn_album/index.php?path=L0NvbXAvc3BlYWtlcnMv&page=1

as you can see I used a beer cap so you can judge the size :-P  -- and a CD in another frame.  The frame with the CD is blury because of all the bass.. lol.  And the picture of the wires is showing you the difference between the new wires and the wires of my old creative 7.1 system.

By the way, the mids and highs are cripser than my home theater system...... and that's a really nice system ;-)  -- GET THESE!  lol

logitech makes some really high quality speakers... i have a pair of the 2200s..  Never have been happier..  I have heard just about all of the new ones except for the 5450s

they are making probally the best PC speakers you can get right now. Ive have herd just about all of them aswell and im very impressed. they are almost as good as the old cambridge soundworks stuff.

i wish i could say the same quailty went for there mouses. broke about 2 of them only after a few months of service.

had a corded trackball that only worked up and down, then had a cordless that kept losing signal.

i guess quailty now is not an issues even with microsoft mouses, cause the new one i bought is acting up with the scrollwheel getting stuck.

i wish i could say the same quailty went for there mouses. broke about 2 of them only after a few months of service.

had a corded trackball that only worked up and down, then had a cordless that kept losing signal.

i guess quailty now is not an issues even with microsoft mouses, cause the new one i bought is acting up with the scrollwheel getting stuck.

Really.. I have not had any real problems with their products.. I had to replace one of mine.. but their customer service was more than will to work with me. 

What product have you used?

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