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depends on the state

PA...The stupid lady was on the sid eof the road, had her door wide open and running around the car doing stupid shit...So I slowed down while she was on that side screwing around, then when she walked to the other side I sdped up fast...She chased me down the road and stopped in front of my house like she was looking at my plate. I tried losing her lol.

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i know here in texas school bus drivers are allowed to take licence plates

if a car is going way to fast in a school zone

a car passes them while there letting kids off

and btw way a ticket for passing a school bus while at a stop here is $546

so yeah you dont want to b caught

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i know here in texas school bus drivers are allowed to take licence plates

if a car is going way to fast in a school zone

a car passes them while there letting kids off

and btw way a ticket for passing a school bus while at a stop here is $546

so yeah you dont want to b caught

Didn't pass a school bus lol. The lady was pulled over with her door wide open..So I simply slowed down and then drove around her then sped right up..she came chasing me so I sped up more, then she stopped in front of my house ha ha .I think she was taking the plate #.

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Do something if someone turned in your License Plate # for speeding?

Yes I have a court appearance for testifying against someone who ran myself and my brother off the road...  We took down the license plate and called 911.. then followed the lady for about 10 minutes.. the cops never caught up.. so we pulled off and signed a complaint form and now have a court date to testify against her for reckless driving...  This is all in IL..

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Do something if someone turned in your License Plate # for speeding?

Not to contradict what Swimmer just said but ANY state would have a hard time prosecuting (probably impossible) unless there is more than one witness that does not know each other. Otherwise you could say it wasn't true and a whole car load could say it was. Who's word is gonna be taken? The accused saying hes innocent or a car full of friends saying the opposite. Everyone knows friends will lie to cover each other. We studied this in my Criminal Justice class and at that time nobody had been prosecuted successfully without more than one witness that did not know each other.  :D
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Yeah I dont know about speeding..  If it was excessive lets say 100+ on the highway.. then maybe..  I think you would have to call the cops while it was happening..

I the other thing that was special about our case was this lady forced us into a gravel ditch/sholder..  It was one of those right lane end deals.. she speed up to block us out.. and we went for a little adventure..  There were also 2 of us in the car.. my brother, who was driving, and myself..

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Yeah I dont know about speeding..  If it was excessive lets say 100+ on the highway.. then maybe..  I think you would have to call the cops while it was happening..

I the other thing that was special about our case was this lady forced us into a gravel ditch/sholder..  It was one of those right lane end deals.. she speed up to block us out.. and we went for a little adventure..  There were also 2 of us in the car.. my brother, who was driving, and myself..

Damn glad yall are ok, too bad you couldnt just spin the ol whore out like on cops.  :haha: :haha: Hope you win.
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This is actually hwo it went down. I seen the lady pulled to the side in front of a house, I was like 20 feet away then she opens her door which goes out into the road someway. I slowdown pull to the left giving her a dirty look then stepped on the gas. She then followed me so I sped up. I pull in my drive-way she stops inf ront of the house, and I think she looked at the plate I think.

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I doubt you would get a ticket.. Maybe a call from the cops if anything telling you to slow down.

Still what pisses me off is don't you look to see if someone is coming down the road before you fling a door open into it? Wow seriously should have just hit it.

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Still what pisses me off is don't you look to see if someone is coming down the road before you fling a door open into it? Wow seriously should have just hit it.

You are actually supposed to get out of your passenger side if your drivers door opens in traffic... That was what we were taught in drivers ed many, many, many years ago.

Edit: of course I don't do this, but I do look before I swing my door open into traffic.  I believe if you were to do this, and someone takes your door off, you are at fault, since I believe in some language it states you are supposed to use the passenger door if it is not safe to exit via the drivers door(in New York at least)...Its not really a law I guess, but clears up cases like a door being hit by a passing driver I suppose.

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For speeding I don't think there's much they can do since there's no official recorded speed from the radar.  Reckless driving, running stop signs (bus included) is another story... I have gotten a guy a ticket for reckless driving and passing on a double yellow (he basically ran me off the road...)

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Well should I be worried? Or no?

Don't Worry Be Happy  :haha:

She can't do crap...Unless she is Judge Judy or something...

In NYS, if you call in an aggressive driver on the highway, they will(if a highway patrol is near), make them aware of the make/model/etc, and will pull them over...I've only called on one person, and that is because they were weaving @ about 100 mph, and then proceded to push me off the road, past the rumble strips and onto the grass...Not fun hitting the grass @ 65mph...  :angry5: I managed to not lose it, and basically went off and right back on...Luckily I am good with picking models/makes of cars, so I just called with the make/model, and I assume the cops caught him in the act, because maybe 10 miles down the highway, he was pulled over and out of the car  :haha: I honked and waved when I drove past  ;)  I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one to call on this schmuck.

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Well should I be worried? Or no?

no she has nothing to prove it

if it is so easy to get a speeding ticket trown out

im sure u could get that trown out

by the way when you get a speding ticket ask to see when the instrument that took your speed was last calibrated

most of the time it hasnt been calibrated since its been bought

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All this stuff can be beaten in court by any lawyer.

Plus the fact that most of this wouldn't get past the

trash can at the Police Station. 

Swimmer, if you ever go to court on that deal please

let me know.  I bet you will never go as her lawyer will

get that dismissed.

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by the way when you get a speeding ticket ask to see when the instrument that took your speed was last calibrated

most of the time it hasnt been calibrated since its been bought

wow...now seems a good way to get tazed...who remembers that video we had on here of that lady arguing with a cop and in the end getting tazed for it?

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wow...now seems a good way to get tazed...who remembers that video we had on here of that lady arguing with a cop and in the end getting tazed for it?

yeah i used to have that downloaded. she was like talking on the phone or something right? then she got tazed for not listening to the cops commands. this is the one correct?  :icon_scratch:

anyways, something close happend to my friend like that, all that happened to him was he got a talk from an officer about the speed limits in town.

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i would say no unless they have a video or how would it hold up?  its there word against yours and if you both have very clean records who wins?  i think if its some random person filing the charges you will win but if its a cop you will probably have to pay something.

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