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MJFSOL;Some links may be OK but I don't make the decision.

Like waterRTBH one of the mods has a link to secondshifters radio station.Which CA3LE has approved.

So PM CA3LE  if you really want a certain link .He will tell you yes or no on the link.It sometimes takes him a while to respond if hes busy but he usually will PM you back.

But in general it's a no on adding a link to a site in a sig.

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"You may not post commission, referral or affiliate links anywhere on the forum."

ok so i cant post a link in my signature or something like that referring to like the "fair tax" website or something??

just curious and wanted to b sure...:D

thanx :newbie:

Yes you absolutely may post a link in your sig. As long as you are not advertising or trying to get a commission from other members.

# Currently maxed at 700 characters

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ok im not a feather ruffler...lol


so if this isnt OK let me know ill remove it

Nice site..Its good to see some trance there lol..Ill give it a listen while im working out haha

Btw.. its soma fm..does the soma stand for anything..b/c in greek soma means soul/body :D

so far so good :headbang:

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Thanks Shug7272 ;Yours was a better answer than mine .

MJFSOL ;But no ruffling of moderator feathers that I know about.We try to work togather.& do most of the time.

;) I get some shit right every once and a while.  :evil6: And yea the mods are a pretty good family around here. When daddy (ca3le) aint drunk and cousin eddy (swimmer) inst starting all sorts of rig a maro.  :)  :cool:

ok im not a feather ruffler...lol


so if this isnt OK let me know ill remove it

Not only does it look ok to me, but the Confucius part couldnt be more true.  :evil6:
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Yes you absolutely may post a link in your sig. As long as you are not advertising or trying to get a commission from other members.

# Currently maxed at 700 characters †

# Should take up no more than 225px  of vertical space ††

# Should not distort the way that our pages display ††

# May not contain any pricing, plan, sales, etc. details.

# May contain a maximum of two smilies. Or one animated smiley.

# May include two clickable links.

# May include two colors, plus black. (images of course are exempt)

# Maximum font size cannot be larger than 14pt.

# Please keep special characters to a minimum.

# Any signature that is offensive or insulting to TMN, its members, or its staff, is prohibited.

# We reserve the right to ask you to change and/or remove your signature (or change it for you) at any time, for any reason.

These are CA3LEs rules for sig use. He has given this to all of us mods and as you can see it may include up to two clickable links. Just don't advertise or try to scam some commission.  :D

exactly...and the links can't be to an inappropriate site...or one that's gonna bombard our members with a bunch of popups...or sneaky advertising (u know what i'm talkin 'bout...it looks like it's part of the site...but click it and it's an ad)...

Was told we can't link images in our signatures.. Must be a text link to the site..

Had to remove mine, so just giving ya a heads up before they even message you..

good news vyrax...both of your links are fine...i personally checked them with ca3le...and he said they r fine if u want to put them in an image...

members can post certain image links as long as they adhere to all the other signature rules...but u may however be asked to take it down pending ca3le's approval

as far as image links, it depends what the link is for.

this is totally true...and this is where it may be questionalble and need to be approved by ca3le...common sense will tell u what he will approve

Btw.. its soma fm..does the soma stand for anything..b/c in greek soma means soul/body :D

An intoxicating or hallucinogenic beverage, used as an offering to the Hindu gods and consumed by participants in Vedic ritual sacrifices. :D

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An intoxicating or hallucinogenic beverage, used as an offering to the Hindu gods and consumed by participants in Vedic ritual sacrifices. :D

The soma is the bulbous end of a neuron, containing the nucleus. The word "soma" is from a Greek word meaning "body"

and yep like you said:

# leafless East Indian vine; its sour milky juice formerly used to make an intoxicating drink

# personification of a sacred intoxicating drink used in Vedic ritual

Well that clears it up lol..it has 2 meanings,both that suit the music pretty nicely lol

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