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OMG, too awesome!

:2funny:     :2funny:     :2funny:     :2funny:   

:undecided: wait... wait ...  :undecided:

:2funny:    :cheesy:     :grin:     :lol:     :evil6:     :haha:    :2funny:    :cheesy:     :grin:     :lol:     :evil6:     :haha:    :2funny:    :cheesy:     :grin:     :lol:     :evil6:     :haha:    :2funny:    :cheesy:     :grin:     :lol:     :evil6:     :haha:   

Alright, I've got that out of my system now I can talk.  I'm still watching it on DVR but so far I love what I'm seeing.  I've heard about this like a million times but have never got around to recording it.  I recorded Dateline MBC tonight hoping that there would be a To catch a predator segment and WOOHOO I got lucky. 

If you haven't heard it's where they pretend to be like a 14 year-old kid online and they truck perverts into meeting with them.  And when the pedos get there they're met by NBC with cameras, they interview the bastards and ask them stuff like "what the hell is wrong with you?" and "what were you planning on doing once you got here?" and then after the interview is over they say "okay, well... catch ya later." -- the guys walk outside and a bunch of Sheriffs arrest the guys... and the pedos just keep flowing in one after another falling for the bait.

[b]--- Dateline NBC Expense Report ---[/b]

Highest Quality HD Camera  ................................................ $56,000 / camera
Paid TV personality ................................................ $25,000 / episode
Bait Teenager ................................................ $5.15 / hour
AOL Account ................................................ $24.95 / month (still)
Catching a retarded redneck with his pants (almost) down ................................................ [b]=

:knuppel2: PRICELESS!  :uglystupid2:



As you can tell,I highly reccomend that you check this show out.  I don't know how often they run this segment, but I have it set to record from now on... and I've only seen the first 10 minute so far  :wink:

Oh, and they really solicit these people from AOL.  :evil6:

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OMG, too awesome!

:2funny:    :2funny:    :2funny:    :2funny:   

:undecided: wait... wait ...  :undecided:

:2funny:    :cheesy:    :grin:    :lol:    :evil6:    :haha:    :2funny:    :cheesy:    :grin:    :lol:    :evil6:    :haha:    :2funny:    :cheesy:    :grin:    :lol:    :evil6:    :haha:    :2funny:    :cheesy:    :grin:    :lol:    :evil6:    :haha:   

Alright, I've got that out of my system now I can talk.  I'm still watching it on DVR but so far I love what I'm seeing.  I've heard about this like a million times but have never got around to recording it.  I recorded Dateline MBC tonight hoping that there would be a To catch a predator segment and WOOHOO I got lucky. 

If you haven't heard it's where they pretend to be like a 14 year-old kid online and they truck perverts into meeting with them.  And when the pedos get there they're met by NBC with cameras, they interview the bastards and ask them stuff like "what the hell is wrong with you?" and "what were you planning on doing once you got here?" and then after the interview is over they say "okay, well... catch ya later." -- the guys walk outside and a bunch of Sheriffs arrest the guys... and the pedos just keep flowing in one after another falling for the bait.

--- Dateline NBC Expense Report ---

Highest Quality HD Camera  ................................................ $56,000 / camera

Paid TV personality ................................................ $25,000 / episode

Bait Teenager ................................................ $5.15 / hour

AOL Account ................................................ $24.95 / month (still)

Catching a retarded redneck with his pants (almost) down ................................................ = knuppel2 PRICELESS!  uglystupid2


As you can tell,I highly reccomend that you check this show out.  I don't know how often they run this segment, but I have it set to record from now on... and I've only seen the first 10 minute so far  :wink:

Oh, and they really solicit these people from AOL.  :evil6:

Haha, I have it set to record every episode on my Cox DVR.  :wink2:

edit to fix quote

Yeah that show is great CA3LE. Real dumbasses. And they play so dumb sometimes.  :wtf:"I was not going to do anything, I just wanted to help her" or something lame. And when they get busted... 

:knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2:

NO going home.  :haha: :haha:  :haha:

Some rich perv's too. Doctors and Lawyers.

And the guy who called his wife on their phone was great, right on camera, " Honey I need some bail money $, I can explain."  :lol:

Couple corrections:

They never solicit the perv's. The volunteers from Perverted Justice actually just sit there in chat rooms and wait for the sicko's to contact them.

There have been four televised so far but I'm told there is another one just done and being edited.

www.perverted-justice.com has been doing this for years, and they are nearing 100 busts. Most of them not televised, just people volunteering to help out and get Law Enforcement involved.


www.perverted-justice.com has been doing this for years, and they are nearing 100 busts. Most of them not televised, just people volunteering to help out and get Law Enforcement involved.


There should be more organizations like PJ.com. We only hear about the sickos that get caught and unfortunately PJ.com can't catch them all. But when they do....... :knuppel2:  :knuppel2:  :knuppel2:

:) Before Dateline got involved, PeeJ couldn't get LE very interested in doing anything. Sometimes Law Enforcement did get invoved and few (prolly about 50) of those were convicted.

The best part is, PeeJ uses an off-site server to store all the instant messenger seesions with the freaks and the pictures that they send the volunteers. These freaks will hit on someone they believe to be as young as 10 years old. But the courts have found their evidence stone cold solid.

In the early days, when LE wouldn't get involved it was actually the PeeJ volunteers who would do the follow-up investigation to find out who these people were and peeper the schools nearby with the information in order to protect the kids.

Unfortunately you can't read any of this unless you register on their site, and you have to read through the archived busts to get the whole picture. But I found it worth it. They've been protecting our kids for years and we didn't even know it until Dateline got involved.

Since then, the site has exploded with new members, volunteers etc... and the perv's still keep coming, the contributors and Human Sheilds (peeps who talk to these perverts) do this every night without fail until they get them to bite.

The stories there are amazing, and I joined awhile back and every day I am amazed at what those people do to try to clean up our world.


Calm down there a lil boss, we all find raging pedophiles just as funny as you.  :oops::shock:  :haha: :haha: Na that show is funny, in a scary way. I laughed so hard I peed when they busted the same guy under the same screen name TWICE within like 3 days.  :haha: Dumb shit.

i think the show is funny and great... :police: but how do they get around the entrappment law..or is it?? :uglystupid2:

." The Findlaw law dictionary defines entrap as follows: "to cause (a person) to commit a crime by means of undue persuasion, encouragement, or fraud in order to later prosecute."

The above quote is from    http://wwwcj.mnstate.edu/cjhome/newsletter/Vol3/leinfelt1.html

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