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Post ur Mug & Come see all the friendly people at tmn...and post your mug...

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Bet I get my real whole face up before you do. NAh nah nah nah nah.  :tongue2:

Your just way too observant for me buddy :evil6: :evil6: :evil6:

  So wheres it at....................?????????  huh.?...................  :whaa:

well let us see what happens to this mug

that's a riot...u actually posted ur mug...thx fred... :) is that the one u use every morning?

well I promised

u guys look like ur havin fun...whatcha diggin for?...i see ur holding that stick nice and steady...where is that beach?

Your just way too observant for me buddy :evil6: :evil6: :evil6:

  So wheres it at....................?????????  huh.?...................  :whaa:

SO where's yours at......???? huh.?.......... :huh:

I can only loose if you post one first.  :mrgreen:

SO where's yours at......???? huh.?.......... :huh:

I can only loose if you post one first.  :mrgreen:

well tommie...actually he had two in here and i'll be damned if i can find them anywhere...where did they go...the "cousin it" one and one with him and his wife...where did they go...hmmmmm...magical


I found a picture of the last gaming console I had (seriously  :haha: )

The picture below it shows my parents photography skills...(not sure who's finger that is)

lol what finger ,  Hope you don't mind the changes Voltageman  :undecided:

and as a way of recompense I have posted my pic from a few years, or was that decades ago  :undecided::2funny:

So you married an old trout did ya?  :2funny: Didn't things smell a bit fishy going into the deal? Never take on a fishy deal!  :evil: Nice trout by the way, how old was ya?

Hey tommie....you know the way Roco talks.....I'm suprised there's nothing hanging out of his shorts... :2funny:.....must not really be him.... :undecided:

Hey tommie....you know the way Roco talks.....I'm suprised there's nothing hanging out of his shorts... :2funny:.....must not really be him.... :undecided:

:shocked::2funny: I just wish Aggr , I guess I was near the back of the queue when those attributes were handed out  :cry2: "All mouth and trousers" , as we say in the UK  :evil6: ,

:shocked::2funny: I just wish Aggr , I guess I was near the back of the queue when those attributes were handed out  :cry2: "All mouth and trousers" , as we say in the UK  :evil6: ,

:2funny: :2funny: :tickedoff:

I hear that shit...lol

So you married an old trout did ya?  :2funny: Didn't things smell a bit fishy going into the deal? Never take on a fishy deal!  :evil: Nice trout by the way, how old was ya?

:2funny: I was 20 y and my bride was 17y , seriously, I got the best of the deal,

But as usual  I f**ed up , (story of my life ) just glad we are still best of friends ,


Oh  :lol: did you mean when the photo was taken ?

time to fess up, No it is not me , it was emailed to me by a friend , she said the resemblance was incredible,she added the coments about the trout ! Bitch !  :2funny:


And you said the UK was short on humor.  :2funny:

Right on that Tommie, maybe the UK is short , but remember I was born in the  http://www.antiquemaps.com/uk/channel.htm

and I toast the Queen of Britain as our " Duke" the Queen ,  :idiot2::2funny:

OH lol what a crazy world this is , I hold a British passport , but was born in a independent protectorate, but cant claim citizenship there either ,and to cap it all

I worked in Europe for a lot of my time , SO maybe that clears up the reason why I get confused to whom I really am  :lol:.


that atari picture ROCKS !!

Thank' s "Just" for the atari comments , whatever Atari is  :lol:,I guess I should have PM'd him first b4,, messing with his Pic,  I hope Voltageman see's it the same way ,

BTW. Aggr I still stand by my post , back of the queue  :oops::wink2:

another UK saying , "It ain't what you got , it's how you use it "

in my opinion better than the French " all men are born equal " :oops:

Back on Topic ,

I have about 20 pics saved from the old thread that got lost in the crash , I have pm'd tdawnaz  :smitten:, who is offline,  b4 I email them , any one got an objection too me emailing them ?

I will wait for Tdawnaz's reply anyway ,

edit: spelling


BTW. Aggr I still stand by my post , back of the queue  :oops::wink2:

another UK saying , "It ain't what you got , it's how you use it "

in my opinion better than the French " all men are born equal " :oops:

Back on Topic ,

edit: spelling


Yea Roco I know what ya mean....it's the motion in the ocean......but it still takes a long damn time to get to England in a row boat... :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Those don't count. If you want some like those of me, I will post some now. I meant real pics. So as I could recognize him in a line up.  :shocked:  :uglystupid2:

:2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

......................................Time is on my side ..baby    :grin: :grin: :grin:

that's amazing voltageman...u haven't changed a bit...nice atari

my bad roco

i see it was Voltageman actually with the atari

anyway Voltageman u look cool with the atari7800

Have you noticed you can still recognize Voltageman from his 2 Pics,

Tdawnaz and Just are  right ,he hasn't changed ,  so whats the secret Voltageman  ?

:lol: reminds me of the time I worked in Med.research, a MicroBio. called me over and said I have invented a face cream that makes you look like a teenager again ,

WOW cut me In I will do the marketing , how does it work , does it smooth out laughter lines ,

well no , it just gives you teenage acne (Zits )  :lol:

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