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Like 5 years ago we had a summer where every day was triple digits and i mean 105 as the lowest high

that happen for 2 consecutive years

now this last summer we reached triple digits like 5 times the rest of the time it was 99 or 98 degress (still hot but not as hot)

and in the last 3 winters we seen more and more snow

With almost 6 in of snow last year

Remember i live in austin tx ( I say this all the time im so proud of being an austinite and a texan)

We are know for our extreme summers and ok winters

So lately we all been like WTF?

Is the earth getting warner or colder???????

one thing i know is its getting dryer each year theres less and less annul rain

You can see the sunspot cycle in the avg global temperature graph...If you notice though, instead of going up and down in equal increments, the temp just goes up, peaks in 11 years, then drops a little, then back up even higher, etc... Stick that temperature graph on top of the co2/methane chart, and you will see a ~30 year lag in temperature increase after co2/methane increase.

What a lot of people don't understand is that co2 lasts for an extremely long time in the atmosphere...The co2 we emitted 25 years ago is just starting to have an effect..The stuff you are spitting out your exhaust pipe now, won't be felt for up to 40 years..And, the co2 released will last in the atmosphere for 50 - 200 years.

Methane is actually a much more powerful greenhouse gas than co2(10x more), but the reason it is not as much of a problem is that is only lasts about 12 years in the atmosphere, and its concentrations are not nearly as high as co2, but have been rising at a similar percentage.


By burning fossil fuels, we are taking thousands of years of stored carbon, and tossing it into the atmosphere, while at the same time cutting down forests and trees that help to absorb that carbon.  And when the trees are used as firewood, you are releasing that carbon as well.  Hence, global concentrations of co2 have risen extremely fast.  If you look at the co2 concentration graph, you will see little dips down every year.  That is the spring/summer absorption of co2 by vegetation.  If the cycle was balanced, the level would go up and down with the seasons, but would stay at one general concentration level.

Perhaps we are in a natural "warm cycle", but I also believe we have greatly added to the warmth of this warm cycle, and IMHO, we have just begun to see the effects...

OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok.............you have my attention.These  all sound like facts I have heard before , as far as my knowledge goes

  So the damage we have done years ago is just taking effect.And the garbage we out in today , wont even be actively hurting us for a period of 40 years or so . Damn thats not good! seriously.

                Ok to get to my point. What do we do?................................... Please dont give me the" we must find other means" No kidding!

Or the "our children's children are gonna pay". Granted.

                      Or any thing else your fixen to fire at me.

    Do you not believe, ......that if there was an easy way out, it would be done?Also , do you not believe ,    we are all well aware that these problems wont go away? Most people believe , the earth will be rid of us humans well before it gets 100 degrees in the arctic?

  Do you not believe ,............we will not be capable of adapting?What about evolution? Look at all the species of the planet , how well the have adapted to the earths plagues, survival , by default.

Nature, survival of the fittest. Dont take that as me being cold, because I am not.

            Employ your self to come up w/ a solution, not just provring it , you have worked very diligently on proving your facts here. Now it's time to start throwing solutions, ones no one has heard yet, because those statements aren't solutions, just statements, repeated over and over .Give us all something more than the norm, "a post ., a link, or a graph someone  made. (very nice though).Give us something you feel very strong about.

If I am not mistaken, I read somewhere that cutting grass was very good for eating up CO2. Something about early growth in plant life being the  very most important time in the whole life cycle for us and them. They consume a much larger amount of CO2 early in their growth. Like cutting your grass will cause the grass to consume more CO2 also during it's quick growth time. Which is right after it is cut. Mature plant life uses very little by comparison.

Just my thoughts.

"SO CUT YOUR GRASS" often and high.  :cheesy: Ok I had a link on it somewhere, but I am not energetic enough to find it tonight.  :grin2:

If I am not mistaken, I read somewhere that cutting grass was very good for eating up CO2. Something about early growth in plant life being the  very most important time in the whole life cycle for us and them. They consume a much larger amount of CO2 early in their growth. Like cutting your grass will cause the grass to consume more CO2 also during it's quick growth time. Which is right after it is cut. Mature plant life uses very little by comparison.

Just my thoughts.

"SO CUT YOUR GRASS" often and high.  :cheesy: Ok I had a link on it somewhere, but I am not energetic enough to find it tonight.  :grin2:

Yup....There is an ongoing study in the midwest, where they are planting different prairie grasses in vacant fields, cutting it regularly, and leaving the clippings...They are finding that it actually does absorb/store large amounts of carbon.

Methane is actually a much more powerful greenhouse gas than co2(10x more), but the reason it is not as much of a problem is that is only lasts about 12 years in the atmosphere, and its concentrations are not nearly as high as co2, but have been rising at a similar percentage.

So does this also mean we need to stop farting??  :tongue2:

Or just start lighting them?  :evil6:

You go ahead and laugh. Man you know how folks love their onions, sauteed and grilled. Or how somethings just have to have just the right amount of Garlic. Not me. I would blow your fiance out of the room boy.

My wife did not take long to heed my warning. She no longer puts these items in my food anymore. :icon_shaking: She found out the hard way it is a BIG mistake. Unless we are not sleeping togather.  :wink2: Your fiance would be blowing gas just to protect herself while exiting the room.  :evil6:

  • 2 weeks later...

That is impressive. :grin2: I to remember when it would snow ......every year ,all winter long. Makes you wonder if it's just not that cold due to the jet stream being closer to the earth lately, or if it's global warming . I'll say this, I've been on this planet for 37 years, and if in the past 5 years there has been no snow , or much , then were really in trouble if it's Global warming. In that case in ten more years, no winter :shock::icon_pale:.Kinda makes you think though because  I spoke w/ my in-laws in Arizona this past holiday. They told me last week or so, Vegas got some snow, haha, and they,( southern Arizona) , got rain , snow mix. What gives :?:

I think the earth is shifting on its axis a bit. We are  going out of orbit and all going to crash into Mars. That will save a lot of revenue.  :wink: We will be able to walk there then.  :grin2:

Actually you would have to talk to someone reputable and older to see if it has changed mudmanc, things always appear different from you were a kid. Food tasted better, things were bigger, etc...  :wink:

I think the earth is shifting on its axis a bit. We are  going out of orbit and all going to crash into Mars. That will save a lot of revenue.  :wink: We will be able to walk there then.

no!!!...i don't wanna go to mars  :tickedoff: i'm gonna talk to someone older and reputable...we'll just see about this  :knuppel2:

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