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Logic would dictate I'm his son..

I'm just offering my opinions and observances from an outsider's point of view; TestMy.Net was my father's hobby, not mine, so needless to say I know very little of this community except for what I 'trolled' over through it today, just to get a feel for the general site/community.

From that alone I can tell a simple dispute has erupted into a full-blown war over something that really doesn't deserve an earth-shaking flame-tossing duel to the death over.


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Well actually that whole statement is really ironic if you think about it..

I'm not staying though, believe me lol, I have virtually no interest in DWay tech support =(

And I BEG YOU never mention the Young and the Restless again.. My grandmother was a psychotic old woman who loved to force me to watch that show in my childhood -_-;

The rev's son..... you have got to be kidding me... This isnt the young and the restless... the rev disappears, and mysterously a son comes into the picture after the damage is done, after all the lackies are thru making their trollsome posts to further fuel the fire because the good rev asked them to, a son appears..


:oops: I believe this is a family, and the family is more important than one member, and I know this sounds lame but CA3LE GUY is the father and he does whats best for the rest of us.Even if CA3LE took sides which I don't believe, but even if he did so what he is allowed to its his site.This is just like office politics which dont belong here.one guy gets pissed at the boss and gets his buddies

And you, are the biggest shit stirrer here, and i hope ca3le removes you of all people from the forum when he returns to all this crap.

i will take that as a compliment. guess it takes one to know one, but at least i don't have to hide behind a mod status, ferreting uncomfortable posts away.

:oops: I believe this is a family, and the family is more important than one member, and I know this sounds lame but CA3LE GUY is the father and he does whats best for the rest of us.Even if CA3LE took sides which I don't believe, but even if he did so what he is allowed to its his site.This is just like office politics which dont belong here.one guy gets pissed at the boss and gets his buddies

Rev, You are and always will be remembered if you leave or whatever, as you are one of the most helpfull people here. But please, dont get mad at something so silly. Take Van Buren for example, he doesnt come here and fight because he has been Smited... he even decided to stay out of this whole thread (good for him). Don't get me wrong, you are a smart person and all, but dont get mad, get glad  :haha:.

.s1, why even be a mod? Seriously, do mods do anything besides move topics?  To me, you are a funny guy  :evil6:. I don't have anything against you, even when you said cable was unlimited, and we started this fight, at the end, you said it was fun. Heck, it sure was fun. So even if you dont be mod anymore, who cares? What, you cant move topic anymore? Oh man, that sucks.

:haha: :haha: This is the biggest mess over nothing I have ever seen.... s1 is a pain in the ass everyone knows that :haha: But you gotta love him. Rev you do alot of good and leaving over a smite is rediculous. Van and RTB go around with the ol smite all the time :haha:. Cmon guys, this is rediculous. This is all I have to say on the matter. Rev dont leave you do a good job and help alot. This should not be null due to a STUPID incident that was overreacted on by both parties. This is just silly. But I do have to say that CA3LE has always been sensible and if he made a decision on this it was probably a good one.  :haha: :haha: This is just too much... Even for the internet this is toooooo much. :haha: :haha:

Rev, You are and always will be remembered if you leave or whatever, as you are one of the most helpfull people here. But please, dont get mad at something so silly. Take Van Buren for example, he doesnt come here and fight because he has been Smited... he even decided to stay out of this whole thread (good for him). Don't get me wrong, you are a smart person and all, but dont get mad, get glad :haha:.

.s1, why even be a mod? Seriously, do mods do anything besides move topics? To me, you are a funny guy :evil6:. I don't have anything against you, even when you said cable was unlimited, and we started this fight, at the end, you said it was fun. Heck, it sure was fun. So even if you dont be mod anymore, who cares? What, you cant move topic anymore? Oh man, that sucks.

lol i agree, thats why im just lettin um think what they please :)  My fault the rev didnt get his way. I should be hung.

Damn you shug!! your ALSO 

"kicks the first ammendment right in the nuts!!!!"


i should make a poll to have you hung as well>=( !

ooohh!  then get ALL my friends to come and vote on it!!

OOOOHHH!!  THEN get all my friends to email ca3le about how bad you are ... OOOHHH!

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