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make your predictions...40K members...on what date??

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Now that would be some very incriminating evidence Roco. Nice pics indeed.  :azn:

I did not know you had such hard evidence. I know a good judge for it also. My lawyer is also a judge in 3 different places. I think he can handle it them.  :twisted:

Get your predictions while their hot.   :police:

Now that would be some very incriminating evidence Roco. Nice pics indeed.  :azn:

I did not know you had such hard evidence. I know a good judge for it also. My lawyer is also a judge in 3 different places. I think he can handle it them.  :twisted:

Get your predictions while their hot.  :police:

*picks up phone* Yea, hi im looking to have a hit on someone named tommie gorman from an internet forum called Testmy.net, oh also if you would like to travel to the UK and hit another guy i would pay double.. his  name is Roco and he is also from Testmy.net. Okay thanks. *puts down phone*

Can we change our guess? :lost:

sorry Sparticus

Rules is rules =

This is just for fun and it's gonna happen soon...predict what day u think will TMN reach 40K members??...only 728 to go as of this posting...so be specific...but just a date (don't need a time)...don't pick someone else's date...and u can't change ur date...

predict away... 

quote Tdawnaz,  author

Sparticus your date of Feb 01, 2007 must be one of the favorites ,  :evil6:

but I predict not the winner  :evil2: ............... :lol:

I think it will all end in a stewards inquiry

I have already heard rumours of phone line and cable cutting + midnight dish realignment , :lol:

So come on TMN members make your predictions now, what have you got to loose ,

you can only gain valuable TMN bucks if you win , if you don't win  :cry2:

at least your post count will have gone up  [nerdly]

P.S. Ryan , I wish you wouldn't play with that Shugs ,I have told you before  :argue: ,

he is not a nice boy  :idiot2:, .......................... :2funny:

You must have missed shug's response earlier Sir Roco.  :icon_jokercolor: There is much more tampering going on than in the last 2 presidential elections. Politician's could take pointers from this thread.  :2funny::haha::2funny:

I have already heard rumours of phone line and cable cutting + midnight dish realignment , :lol:

What the HELL.. thats a lie and you know it... bastard. you still coming over tonight? bring the teddies

Oh and just so everyone knows. If I have to sign up everyone of the Alzheimer's patients in my ward I will win this one. :twisted:

But I have you all beat, I will go down to the local mission with a carton of cigarettes and buy some members. I heard Al Gore likes this method.  :evil: I should be able to get 200 members per carton.  :evil6:

WOW look at those stats.

OK I don't normally loose gracefully , but my predicted date of 15 Feb 07 is way out,          I am pleased too say

around 50 new members a  day , way up on Dec.06

go TMN  :thumbsup:, we are cruising home to the 40k membership,

So how come a Forum has 40K members, well the main thanks is to Ca3le for setting it all up , but it is the members that can also feel proud of this achievement  :occasion14:, Bless them all, including the ones I disagreed with  :evil6:

best regards, as allways

Roco UK


I'll stand on my prediction. When it happens. I think buntz might have it on 1/17/2007

With my luck I be really surprise if I win.  If I am do for some good luck coming my way  I would rather win the lottery. Nothing personal  against this site :haha:

:haha: :haha: Great pics.

:grin2: Sorry to drag the teddy bear thing up again , but I feel I owe Shugs and Ryan an apology , being a hot blooded heterosexual , I failed to make allowances , for the deviant minority , my bad on that ,

so to make amends, I have been studying Teddy bear fetish's

and found a fascinating book that may help out you guys ,  :evil6:

p.s member count now 39884 21.26 GMT, getting mighty close to the 40 K

PPS are we alowing for the time zone Dif. because for me my today is my yesterday in the States  :lol: or something like that  :idiot2:

Oh lol , Sorry Guys , You have just been subjected to true British humoUr ,

The book was printed in 1982 in London UK , I got it in a collection of old books at a auction , it is listed under humour, it was amongst a whole crate of historic books , being sold by the estate of a deceased vicar  :lol:

If you find it offencive  please remove the post, but in my defense I would like to add that there is a huge difference between our humour G.B. /USA, and it ain't allways easy from this side of the pond  :undecided:


Ok those are just disturbing. :shock: Those arent really out of a kids book are they?

:evil6: Shugs I told you I would give you one last chance to pay the money or else ! or it would get nasty  :knuppel2:, and you can tell Ryan the hit man showed , and had a British cup of Tea , and is now my best friend, :evil6:......  :2funny: he comes from Brooklyn, and apart from his acent seems a real nice Geezer,

Best regards

Roco UK ( Troll second Dan ) :evil6:

P.s. I have just found the name Teddy is availible on TMN , so wellcome to new member  "Teddy" member 40 K  :evil6: remember guys , I have the +7 hours jump on you ................................ :twisted:

BTW my daughter has just got Adsl BB, and you think I am evil ?,  :lol: . yeah, she is a Brit. Goth ,

PPS thanks clayjjojo,  :wink2:

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