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Saw a small article about fear of kids. Being a guy, in the usa. Lets face it, if ever acused you are guility until proven inocent.  So yea, I am leary around kids. Was that way when my kids were little as well. After the age of 3 I Stoped helping my daughter take her baths. I always try to be just as careful as I can around them. I still refuse to be left alone with my gf kids. While I would never dream of ever hurting a child, the thought of being accused just scares me bad. So how about you. You leary around kids?

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I'm not to bad. I don't bath mine, but otherwise I try to have a normal old fashioned relationship with my two girls. I kiss them and hug them. the hell with society, I want them to know me. And know they can talk to me when they get older and such. Forget the world.  :321:

OK, they are 6 + 8 years. Daddies little angels.  :angel: :angel:

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I had 3 Boys and 1 Girl and never felt weird around people. They were my kids and I loved each and every one the same. Why would someones look make you feel ashamed. Fuck them in the Butt running! Besides that who gives a fuck what other people think anyhow. I know I don't. Be a man, and quit being a wimp about it!! :tickedoff:

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I think we are now more aware of false allegations , that can be made by "mischievous " children , to them it can be just a game and gives them  some  attention , but this has to be weighed up against being a unloving  distant parent ,

I think ninjageek is wise in giving some thought to this , regarding his G/F. children

as there are more likely to be hidden tensions in that relationship , all I can add to that is you know the children best , by holding back this will make you an outsider to the children , remember they have got to learn to trust you also , have you never been alone with them ? like in a public place (McDonald's , playground etc ,)

what is your G/F view on the way you feel ?,  most females are very protective towards their children, and she  obviously trusts you ,

I think these are very sad times when you can't talk to a kid with a new bike in the park , or even remark on a young girls party dress even in front of her Mom,

BTW,I have full UK Gov/Police clearance to be around young children , I used to work full time with special needs kids 8-18 years , and still help out at times ,

yes I am aware of the risks , but you just cant keep those kids stranded in life,

anyway their smiles and laughter make it all worth while ,  IMHO

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I'm not afraid of kids at all, because i would never do anything. But I am afraid of other people around my kid. I have a young daughter, and outside of my family, very view people get near her.

I guess thats part of my point. Maybe with our own kids its not as bad. I saw a article about a lawyer killed someone he thought molested his kid. He killed the wrong guy. We are all becoming so paranoid about everything its getting bad. Let a little girl sit on your lap just for a visit. Next thing you know, people start to wonder. I have been guilty of being a bit paranoid. We are all so sure bad things are gonna happen, we just forget to live and enjoy life, and give into the fear.

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I raised 4 children for 21 years. When I met their mother the oldest one was just turning 4 and the youngest one was 6mo. old. I couldn't of been any prouder of them even if I had Fathered them. Now they are 40,41,42,43! If I've regretted any of my life, this part was not it.

PS: I was 19 when I started this adventure!

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why do they call it babysitting???...it's not like ur sitting on the baby...and it's not like ur gonna get to sit AT ALL...and if u do u sure ain't doin ur job...

just always wondered that...

i've asked myself that also....usually i just end up seeing a shiny object and moving on with my thoughts...but i still haven no....shiny object gotta go....  :2funny:
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Kids and midgets.. both fun to kick around... both eerily evil looking. They look like little people.  :undecided:

...midgets are cool.... there was a radio advertisement one time in joplin, missouri for a place called rent a midget.  :lol:
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so do u have to be a midget to work there...and if so...r they guilty of discrimination??...just like "naturally women" fitness centers for women...only hire women and only allow women members...the one by my neighborhood...just closed down wonder if it had anything to do with discrimination??

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I am afraid. Very Afraid.  :shocked:  ninja is really correct. 

In my family, what started as a disagreement over grandmas will,  ended up with a niece making accusations of alleged events 8 years earlier,  and another family member in jail with a life (without parole) sentence.

After 8 years, his sentence was overturned was released. The alleged victim finally admitted to being coerced into saying this - stating "...mommy and daddy told me we would get a lot of money if I did..."

Don't get me wrong, I am not defending perpetrators of that type of behaviour, but I am stating it IS easy to be convicted.

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