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The forum rules need to be reiterated due to recent events:

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if you so choose to read this topic, it will educate you as to the reasons for this post.

[r.1.03] Warning. Your postings on this public forum will become public. Your text will be available to anyone with an internet connection.

[r.1.04] The basic ground rules for discussions on testmy.net are simple: be polite , use common sense, don't break the law and don't post any message that even hints at advertising.

[r.1.05] We don't intend to censor messages based on the opinions expressed within posts, but we will enforce the policies outlined both here and on the Forum. We reserve the right to remove, modify or move posts at our discretion and without explanation. Please contact a mod or admin if you do not understand any of the rules, guidelines or policies outlined below.

[r.1.06] Suspension of your account is a definite consequence of not adhering to these guidelines.


r.2.14] We take the "Be Polite" rule very seriously! We do not tolerate any rudeness. Any member who is intentionally unpleasant or disruptive may be banned without warning.


[r.4.08] We value all of our members but we also want a clean discussion.  We have no need for anyone that is going to make our users experience less than awesome... therefore we will not and do not hesitate when it comes time to ban.  Please listen to the rules and enjoy your stay.  - Damon


[r.5.06] Any posts not meeting these guidelines may be removed. We do not remove posts by requests... unless the post has slandered an individual, contact admin if this is the case, the request must come from the individual targeted and you must provide proof.

full rules here.  http://www.testmy.net/t-13204

I suggest everyone read them. If the shoe fits, then listen, if it doesn't, please ignore this thread.

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I would pay VERY close attention to this post. Especially the bold.

I agree.


Think that was a good idea. Never hurts to be reminded. Just never be afraid to disagree with someone. As long as your polite and such a good debate is a good thing.

Diddo on that.


Think that was a good idea. Never hurts to be reminded. Just never be afraid to disagree with someone. As long as your polite and such a good debate is a good thing.



I agree.Diddo on that.


pardon me, but, what happened?

P.S.>i agree to this, the rules should be reminded to a lot of people(that includes me too)

Nothing big enough to speak of, but people do need to be reminded from time to time that the place where they sit is not necessarily their own home.



pardon me, but, what happened?

P.S.>i agree to this, the rules should be reminded to a lot of people(that includes me too)



Nothing big enough to speak of, but people do need to be reminded from time to time that the place where they sit is not necessarily their own home.


You mean I might actually be in a girls house?  :wink2: I understand. Even though I might be in my jammies, I might be in some nekked gals house   :oops: I mean some other persons house at the same time.  :cool:


Nah Peep, sarcasm isn't against the rules. Sending mean PM's, posting derogatory comments against another member, making posts that state you are in a fight with someone, that kind of stuff is what needs to be addressed.

Ganging up on people, you know the basic drama bullshit that anyone with integrity wouldn't do anyway.... that's what this forum is not about.

Fight the drama!  :2funny:


So, sarcasm is against the rules now?

This post was edited by Shug7272 The rules of this forum state you must be polite. If you cannot be polite then your stay at this forum will not last long. This post is not directed at peep, but at everyone, including myself.


no offense but seems like every post from you recently has been sarcastic or uncalled for....but, being the nice guy i am, i will explain

'be polite'  Means Dont make sarcastic or unneeded posts/comments. and treat others as you would like to be treated. and just generally be Nice to the other members. 

:grin2: Thank you for the well written post.

Oh good lord. I knew when someone got out of line peep would be by to ask why they were punished.

"What, you mean I cant be rude and try to piss people off? WELL HELL.."

Your never around to help moderate the forum or contribute anything positive at all so why try to make the jobs of those here that DO try to moderate the forum harder?

See ya again in 6 months when someone starts yelling "fuck this forum" again so you can ask more idiotic questions.

If you cant figure out what "be polite" means, maybe you should go elsewhere and educate yourself some more. My 5 year old understands how to be polite. <--- please note no sarcasm here. Its just.... well... the truth.

Just do what everyone else here has always done and ignore him man. He is one of the biggest antagonizer this forum has ever had.

This post was reported as inappropriate with a note saying "who will mod the mods." If anyone other than the reporter  feels this post is out of line. Please tell me, I will publicly appologize and modify it.There will be no hard feelings. Period.  If nobody else feels it out of line it will remain unless CA3LE believes it is wrong.

The bottom line of this post is be polite or be elsewhere. Not much wiggle room there.


You know its right. I wouldn't worry.  :wink2:

Thank you, and that means alot coming from you, considering we have had HEATED disagreements in the past. I know you would have no trouble telling me it is wrong. If anyone else believes it is wrong and you dont want to put it here you can pm me. Im not looking for everyone to come to my defense, I want the opinion of the members who are here day in and day out and know what they expect from me and the other mods.

I don't know why you have an issue with the report Shug. You know that your post was appropriate, and on target.

There is no reason for ANYONE to be inciting drama, bullshit, infighting or merely a bad mood toward others on this site.

This is "testmy.net" and it is a help site. If everyone can't get along under those two topics, then lets get rid of anything that isn't testing, or support and the rest can go to "post your drama bullshit here".

ok joke   :shocked:

but funny  :2funny:

but still true!   :knuppel2:  :tickedoff:


Thank you, and that means alot coming from you, considering we have had HEATED disagreements in the past. I know you would have no trouble telling me it is wrong. If anyone else believes it is wrong and you dont want to put it here you can pm me. Im not looking for everyone to come to my defense, I want the opinion of the members who are here day in and day out and know what they expect from me and the other mods.


I don't know why you have an issue with the report Shug. You know that your post was appropriate, and on target.

There is no reason for ANYONE to be inciting drama, bullshit, infighting or merely a bad mood toward others on this site.

This is "testmy.net" and it is a help site. If everyone can't get along under those two topics, then lets get rid of anything that isn't testing, or support and the rest can go to "post your drama bullshit here".

ok joke   :shocked:

but funny  :2funny:

but still true!   :knuppel2:  :tickedoff:

:haha: Damn maybe we need that section. I have never liked "flame" sections because it bleeds hard feelings into the rest of the forum. I do appreciate your opinion and what you were trying to accomplish by posting this thread. I feel strongly about the politness rule ( I KNOW I am not perfect, but I assure you I try) and I know you didnt NEED me to post after your OP but wanted everyone to KNOW I supported you in the creation of this post. If your here to start shit GO ELSEWHERE. THEY ALLOW IT ALMOST EVERYWHERE BUT HERE!!!


hahahahaha go start shit on the CNET forums...they flamed me for not knowing about ATI cards...im an Nvidia guy...had a question...posted...and got flamed by all but one guy....

JK about sending flamers..but my story about cnet is true...

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