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if you are to eat a human flesh without you knowing,

it will just taste like a normal meat.  :2funny:

i was able to eat a frog and it tastes likes chicken, only when i finished my 2nd plate that the waiter told me what it was, and dang it didn't taste like chicken after that...

they had this very appetizing name!

Im eating Tommie first. Almost for got big Dlewdis. Hes dessert.

:haha: :haha: :haha:  Nice try big boy. But you'd better catch me asleep for that one.

That guys nothing short of a wanna be Gore. Nothing for fame but a bullshit line.  :evil: Just another educated idiot who thinks his opinion matters.  :uglystupid2:  Just one proven fact would be nice.  :azn:

EDIT??? What the heck did they do to you mudman? They triple bronze starred you. MOD??  :?

All i can say is. Ted turner really is a nut...

No kidding, what the hell is wrong with people , they sit there and jump to conclusions in a frenzied state all the while people that really  know no better believe them,  Really, how frickin lost do you have to believe that stuff.

And where is he getting his information, is it some elite group that just " knows " these things? C' mon  :roll:

No kidding, what the hell is wrong with people , they sit there and jump to conclusions in a frenzied state all the while people that really  know no better believe them,  Really, how frickin lost do you have to believe that stuff.

And where is he getting his information, is it some elite group that just " knows " these things? C' mon  :roll:

:haha: yea. This crap is all most as bad as the crap that comes out of al gores mouth. Anyone who belives this or what AL says really needs there head examined.

For the first of april, its still cold here too.  :azn: 

I've said it before, the earth tilts on its axis. Its been doing this for the length of time they claim the global warming was happening  :wink:  (imagine that)  or longer.

Guest ExtremeFusion

global warming? it's cold here.. lol

yes i know you mentioned cold here.. with lol..

may i express the obvious fact, that in global warming it doesn't just have to end at being warm..

global warming causes climate change..

as you can see we experience erratic weather, and catastrophes..

very hot summer (all time high), super strong typhoons like Katrina (to name a few).. so global warming isn't just about warming.. it involves complex interaction between climate and weather patterns in other parts of the world.. it may be super hot here in the phil, but it may be the opposite in the other parts of the world...

yes i know you mentioned cold here.. with lol..

may i express the obvious fact, that in global warming it doesn't just have to end at being warm..

global warming causes climate change..

as you can see we experience erratic weather, and catastrophes..

very hot summer (all time high), super strong typhoons like Katrina (to name a few).. so global warming isn't just about warming.. it involves complex interaction between climate and weather patterns in other parts of the world.. it may be super hot here in the phil, but it may be the opposite in the other parts of the world...

uhhm, i have read about big time hoax and global warming is one of them... i had some nice chat with a professor days ago and asked him to confirm about this stuff for it's really one of the main issue. He said that earth was way hotter 100 years ago compared to now,

climate change happens as a cycle, its not triggered or caused to happen, It just happen!

millions or even billions of years ago there was a climate change, and there were no people during those time who drives a car nor fly an airplane. yet climate change happened! and scientist said that climate change will happen in the next million or billion years after, and probably that million or billion years "after" that they are talking about must be now...

I'm against "earth-abuse" but the people in power can just really give us the right info and reason why we should care, and not make up  misleading stories such as this.. for me this  global warming they are talking about is a  fraud.. can be true but not quite.

there is really a global warming but the story they are telling is not the exact story.

there is a major connivance going on! what it is.. only they know..

there is really a global warming but the story they are telling is not the exact story.

there is a major connivance going on! what it is.. only they know..

  Let me enlighten the masses , It's all about TAXES.

Look , So the earth is a bit warmer due to the natural " wobble" effect, any one ever spun anything......it will spin, sometimes wobble, straighten out spin true again, the wobble to a stop, same thing w/ the earth I'm sure.

What about a football, quarterbacks practice for years to avoid the natural effect that comes w/ something spinning, together w/ gravity, this once again is natural.  We all know the sun plays a large part in the orbit of the earth, as well as the rest of the planets.

They played this in the 70's about the ice age, but people are much more connected now , so the left plants ideas out there , sees which one takes hold, and runs w/ it.

There are foundations out there, that will accept large amounts of cash from companies that pollute more than others, they call them carbon credits. This way , on paper at least it appears as if company #1 isn't polluting as much.

It's all about $$$$$$'s, and your next if you allow this.  What do you exhale? Your killin the earth they say  :roll:

very hot summer (all time high), super strong typhoons like Katrina (to name a few).. so global warming isn't just about warming.. it involves complex interaction between climate and weather patterns in other parts of the world.. it may be super hot here in the phil, but it may be the opposite in the other parts of the world...

Katrina actually wasn't that strong when it hit land. Florida actually got hit by a stronger storm a few weeks later that caused the largest power outage by a storm ever. But no one will ever tell you about that because no one cares when florida gets hit by a hurricane.

Here is one contradicting line i have read in some reports/articles.

Statement 1. :

Increase level of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is one of the major cause of Global Warming.

Statement 2.

Global warming produces high concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


i was like "huh?" who creates who, and who warms who?.. seriously.. think it over.

There are foundations out there, that will accept large amounts of cash from companies that pollute more than others, they call them carbon credits. This way , on paper at least it appears as if company #1 isn't polluting as much.  It's all about $$$$$$'s, and your next if you allow this.  What do you exhale? Your killin the earth they say  Rolling Eyes

yes very true, in the long run this is all about money.. and the government are supporting this because the cash donations are actually not tax free so it's a double hit.

and sociologist believes that people needs a little diversion sometimes..

Yes it is a wives tale this global warming. NOW if you ask your self what did he just say and why. Think about it for a second. Men used to be grounded and responsible. And we all worked. It was the "WIVES" tales created out of boredom from sitting at home. Now there are too many lazy men around that are starting to buy into to these "wives" tales and help spread them. It used to only be women. So men check between your legs and see if you still got them. Gore's crap is for sissies.  :knuppel2:

And he got one of the highest awards for this rumor/gossip story.  :uglystupid2: Now thats was always the really amazing part to me. That he actually was able to sell it to people regarded with intelligence.  :tickedoff:

Apart from Ianonline's professor the rest of the world agree's on these figures ,


Stats supported by NASA ,

also both these statements below are correct

Here is one contradicting line i have read in some reports/articles.

Statement 1. :

Increase level of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is one of the major cause of Global Warming.

Statement 2.

Global warming produces high concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


i was like "huh?" who creates who, and who warms who?.. seriously.. think it over.

It's the domino effect , the higher global temperature caused by the increase in  co2 , the less carbon dioxide gets recycled , leading to higher concentrations of CO 2 , BTW the auto isn't the only  producer of CO2 , some is down to the world population of  6,602,224,175,

Humans exhale about 300 grams CO2 per

person per day X Population: 6,602,224,175 =?  :lol: my Calc threw a fit on that


just my thoughts on this Topic

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