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So yeah I was a victim of a hit and run accident today.  The guy ran a stop sign and T-Boned me.  He proceeded to back up and flee the scene, only to hit a couple of other cars after he got away.  Funny thing is, a cop was standing at the intersection when it happend, so he radioed it in.  They caught him within 5 minutes.

Im perfectly fine.  So much for my truck.

Anyone else ever been hit and run?

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Gheesh!! Everything OK with you? Man, what a bonehead. I bet he didn't even have insurance did he? Worse yet, probably didn't even have a license. Sorry about the truck man. That's a pretty Ranger.Well, at least it was before the hit. Its repairable though right, didn't bend the frame or did it? Man, good luck to ya.I haven't been a victim of hit and run in a vehicle. I have had a lady hit me on a bicycle though. Yea, real pain. In Ohio a bicyclist has as much rights as any vehicle. I was at a 4 way stop and it was my turn to go. I started turning and this lady came barreling out of her driveway, throwing me and the bike for about 20 feet. She then just took off like nothing happened. I tore ligaments in my right knee and couldn't walk for 3 months. Had to have surgery and pins implanted. Fortunately everyone saw where she lived and she was caught by the cops. Her insurance company paid all my doctor bills plus $20,000 pain & suffering. I still walk with a limp to this day. Her excuse for leaving the scene of an accident - "I was late for work". What a friggin crock eh?

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Im fine.  Luckliy he actually had insurance, and a license.  He won't now, since Hit and Run is a felony in NC.  I don't know if he was drunk or what, but he was definately stupid.

The bed is bent, I can tell because it is not even on other side.  And it doesn't feel right when I drive it, so Im pretty sure the frame is at least slightly bent.  I hope they total it out.  At least now, I have an excuse to get something good on gas.  I don't want to buy a 4cyl truck, so it looks like I'll get a decent car, and try to find a cheap truck soon.

I'll find out tomorrow.  I'll definately be in a rental though...ugh....I hope its something nice, like a Camry or Accord.

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Well at least your fine, and the guy that hit you had insurance and a license. I dont think they will total it out theres not to much damage there. I just got into a wreck in my fusion i had a tanker truck hit me about 2 weeks ago and the driver side is all pushed in. Im kinda hoping they will total it but I dont know. Thats good your geting a rental car, just be shur you drive it like a pissed off teenager  :haha:

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You'd have to see it to appreciate the damage, the pictures don't do it justice.  The bed is twisted by at least 2 inches.  I don't know.  I hope they total it.  If not, it'll reduce the value for sure...

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I hope they will total it for you if that's what you want.

I had a hit & run but it was during the night & an ice storm.I woke to find someone had hit & run during the night while I was asleep.

It was an older vehicle so no collision insurance on it

I made a police report but they never found the vehicle or driver that did it.

The cop even had the nerve to tell me a pickup had been hit & run (while the owner was driving it)by a vehicle about the color of mine.

Implying that the damage to my car might have been me hit & running that pickup.

I then showed the broken taillight pieces & some other wreckage debris (from the other vehicle) around the damage.Then told him I would have had to have been pretty damn quick to pick that up then leave .So I could place it around my car.

No wonder I don't like cops.

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Well, its still in the shop, and they've got me in a rental.  (giant dodge RAM lol)

I'll know the total amount of damage and repairs when I get it back.  Hopefully that will be early next week.  After the final cost is in, I can make my diminished value claim.  I think Nationwide is going to give me some hush money before that.

If they screw with me, I think my arguement will go something like this:

Sir your client was drunk, T-boned me and aggrevated my sciatica, left the scene, side-swipped 2 cars, hit 4 other parked cars, and hit a house.  You have 2 choices, go to court and lose, and pay my attorney and court costs, or shut up and give me my god da** money....

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Well, its still in the shop, and they've got me in a rental.  (giant dodge RAM lol)

I'll know the total amount of damage and repairs when I get it back.  Hopefully that will be early next week.  After the final cost is in, I can make my diminished value claim.  I think Nationwide is going to give me some hush money before that.

If they screw with me, I think my arguement will go something like this:

Sir your client was drunk, T-boned me and aggrevated my sciatica, left the scene, side-swipped 2 cars, hit 4 other parked cars, and hit a house.  You have 2 choices, go to court and lose, and pay my attorney and court costs, or shut up and give me my god da** money....

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
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I hope they will total it for you if that's what you want.

I had a hit & run but it was during the night & an ice storm.I woke to find someone had hit & run during the night while I was asleep.

It was an older vehicle so no collision insurance on it

I made a police report but they never found the vehicle or driver that did it.

The cop even had the nerve to tell me a pickup had been hit & run (while the owner was driving it)by a vehicle about the color of mine.

Implying that the damage to my car might have been me hit & running that pickup.

I then showed the broken taillight pieces & some other wreckage debris (from the other vehicle) around the damage.Then told him I would have had to have been pretty damn quick to pick that up then leave .So I could place it around my car.

Haven't we all suffered that , especialy the overnight hit and run , over here in the UK a vehicle  that requires more than 30% of it's relacement cost is seen as a total loss,

at the moment my old Citroen 2cv is parked in the road , ( my workshop is full )

I have 2 larger vehicles parked back and front for protection ,  it's value is around

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I've had my run ins with the Police and probably more than most! I've found 20% are OK and the other 80% can suck my Dick. I'm never rude to them because that just don't work. It just pisses you off when your nice and the 80% got to be pricks. Just my 2 cents worth! :wink:

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I've had my run ins with the Police and probably more than most! I've found 20% are OK and the other 80% can suck my Dick. I'm never rude to them because that just don't work. It just pisses you off when your nice and the 80% got to be pricks. Just my 2 cents worth! :wink:

lol Bro , you bikers  top the list , I got a 6 month driving ban UK, for riding a race bike on the road , open exhaust and slicks, with no insurance , but then I was a wild young Turk , now  I have learnt to do it it the right time and place  , and learn't the words "sir "

:2funny  last time I got pulled on the freeway was by mr. nasty and mr. nice cop ,

lol what a team , mr.nasty said get your helmet off , soon as he saw the silver he said "sir "  :2funny:, mr nice said great bike tell me more about it , and we had a great chat about bikes , while mr. nasty beat his head against a road sign ,

Btw never been stopped in a car ,

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I've had my run ins with the Police and probably more than most! I've found 20% are OK and the other 80% can suck my Dick. I'm never rude to them because that just don't work. It just pisses you off when your nice and the 80% got to be pricks. Just my 2 cents worth! :wink:

^^ listen to the man ^^^^

hes tellin the truth!


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I've been stopped many times & received plenty of tickets.For many years now I've had no tickets.Still I've had cops stop me or someone I was with because they didn't see the shoulder harness & thought I wasn't wearing a seat belt.

On two occasions when they saw a seatbelt was being worn they made up another reason for the stop.When called on it they only issued a warning ticket.You see for a while cops weren't supposed to stop a person just to check if the seat belt was being worn.I think this policy has changed.

I hadn't committed either violation so both had to have been made up by the cop on the spot.On one it was a good thing  I knew to ask to see the speed he said I was doing on his radar unit.It didn't match what he said.He also didn't know that I knew what he showed me was the preset speed the radar unit uses before it goes off.That's what keeps it from going off for all vehicles & only warns the cop for vehicles going above that speed.Them clocks the speed above the preset.I didn't tell him I knew this but since I had a witness with me that heard the cop say I was doing 73 mph & the preset showed 70mph .

I once had a cop write me 2 additional tickets because he didn't like my attitude & told me that.

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I would have been cooperative , but immediately  called my attorney, and had him call for a prelim on the case on the court date of the ticket, and pleaded not guilty.

Officer would have had to show un conditional proof that the car was doing that speed. His word against your, with an attorney is matched.

Simply put, prove it.

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I have used an attorney & did on the case where I got 3  full tickets.I got 2 of the 3 dismissed .This has been a long while back but the attorney cost me $150.00 & I had to pay the fine on one of the tickets.So as far as I'm concerned I still paid a $150.00 fine for the 2 extra tickets.The cop cost me this the money just went to a lawyer instead.

btw in this confrontation the cop asked me if " I wanted to go to F__king jail".Witnesses heard this many of whom were minors.You see this happened on a busy street.None of these tickets were for speeding.

On the speeding ticket I just got a warning ticket so no fine.The point is I didn't even deserve the warning ticket.The real reason for the stop was a seat belt check.The ticket was the after thought.Like I posted for a while here policy was drivers weren't stopped just for a seat belt check.

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Well got my truck back.  Still 5000 worth of damage, but its all fixed.  They used all new factory parts.  I ended up getting a new set of Ford chrome running boards since they only match OEM parts.  They look just as good as the old ones. The bed isn't exactly straight, probably off my 1/2 inch.  You have to really look for it to notice though.   

I have another problem though.  The steering is really stiff.  Body shop manager said that it probably has air in the line from being in the shop.  I drove 35 miles home, and its still the same.  He said if it wasn't normal by monday, that he'd take it over to the mechanical side (same shop) and get them to look at it.

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Air in the line from being in the shop, I gotta call BS on that one. geeze.

Doe sit have a " hump " in it, like you turn and in one spot it gets tight and sensitive ? Or is the whole steering tight ?

If it's the first, then chances are it could be the gearbox has been adjusted, incorrectly,or they were pullin the frame and dorked it up, if it is the second, then they replaced the ball joint, or both, and didn't tighten to spec, (to tight).

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its the 2nd.  The steering is too tight in general.  I don't think they did any work on the steering though.  I actually trust this body shop, and it won't cost the manager anything to fix it, but it will cost the insurance company.

Other than that, it really looks great.  I'll need to detail the interior, cause it is black, and they got a lot of dust in there.

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Air in the line from being in the shop, I gotta call BS on that one. geeze.

I'm with muddy on that one. Air in the line would be purged by turning the wheel full lock each way and holding it for no more than 2 seconds with the engine speed at 1500 RPM. You have other problems.

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