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Spill It what did ya get for christmas.......

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Got a external Harddrive, A C.D. shredder and Few odds and ends. Kids got a Wii. New Bikes, GF got a Digital Cam and Few other odds and ends. We really don't go crazy on each other. We want it we go buy it. Think the Wiii is more for the Family. Everyone has fun with that. 

 So what did you guys get..........

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Clothes, special bible reference book, new ext harddrive, RAM, 24.6 widescreen LCD. Girls rated so much it can't be listed.  :twisted: And a very special friend.  :smitten:

Oh tommy not another farm animal darn it we talked about this. Oh settle down. Man I am just goofing with ya. No harm intended. Glad you found love. Now you get to suffer like the rest of us. No matter what they say. You pay for it...........Oh man you pay for it.  :evil6:

I got a TomTom GPS , some other clothes that i needed. Got the wife a couple Batches of make up, some hair tools, some clothes , perfume, stuffed bear, 2 pair of shoes, some college clothes, a sweater, new bag for school, and some other things.. i forget.. got the nephew some talking dog learning tool, the niece some twilight board games, calendar, etc.  Mother in law got some small appliance, and a necklace. My mom got some golden retriever odds and ends ( she loved her dog; RIP ) grandmother got a coffee set, sister got some body sprays and perfumes.. Father in law (sorta) got a 25 dollar gift card to bass pro shop... Wifes grandmother got some foot massagers and some sweets.

Im sure their was more... over 1200 spent lol.. but veryone appears to be happy so :shrug: Merry xmas to all. lol....

Well i got a xbox 360 arcade, and a Wii both with extra controller. a T-shirt and a sweatshirt. Even though i already use my borthers xbox because he never uses it. And I can't use the Arcade xbox right now because its got no hard drive and it doesnt have the cables that i need. So this give me a reason to upgrade everything. I've already been looking for a new TV.

we just did a "family" christmas where we opened some other presents....got the usual....arguing and fighting...I LOVE CHRISTMAS  :uglystupid2:

That does sound like a normal Christmas.  :evil6: Weird how that hits most everyone.  [karma bro]

I did get another present for Christmas. Its by fat the best a man could get. I wanna keep this pg. Lets just say the Girlfriend and a CLOSE female friend spent some VERY quality time with me. The TALK we all had, Was cool and fun, but really not the kinda talk I figured it would be. Just a Different conversation as it were. 

Swallow your pride ........ or what ever  :shocked: and model and  post a pic girl. I wanna see.  :shock: :shock:

I can't :(

or should i say :)

*beams* they dissappeared....

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