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Will you guys disown me if I get a mac?

I'm kinda sold on them, I'm so sick of PC-BS. And I think for they type of work that I do (freelance web design and programming) it's much better for me. I'm sorry and as much as it pains me to admit it... OSX is superior to Windows. Plus it seems like Apple's hardware and software function together perfectly, they were made for each other.

Maybe someone here would like to buy my old rig, I'll post some pictures later but some of the stats are...

ZALMAN PROFESSIONAL GS-1000-BK Black Computer Case Aluminum / 1.0mm SECC Steel Full Tower With Hot Swap Bays & PSU Roller Rails


Thermaltake Purepower W0100RU 500W ATX 12V 2.0 Power Supply


SAPPHIRE 100259-1GL Radeon HD 4870 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card


BIOSTAR TFORCE TA790GX 128M AM3/AM2+/AM2 AMD 790GX HDMI ATX AMD Motherboard - Retail


AMD Phenom II X3 720 2.8GHz Socket AM3 95W Triple-Core Black Processor Model HDZ720WFGIBOX - Retail


Also includes 8GB of Corsair XMS2 DDR2 1066 memory and a SATA lite-on DVD burner -- So basically it's a full machine minus hard drives. If you're interested PM me an offer. I'm willing to let this stuff go pretty cheap, I'd like to keep it all together (and if you see picture of how beautiful it is inside you'd understand why) but I may be willing to sell it in pieces if I need to. I'm just seriously sick of Windows and I think I can be more productive in OSX.

BTW, I HIGHLY recommend that case... it's the best computer case I've ever worked with and I've literally built 100+ computers. It's friggen SWEEEEET.


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To disown would be too much. :D The reality of it is no one here has been disowned for owning a mac. Only when feathers are ruffled and PC's are run down in order to make the MAC appear better. Thats when the fire flies really. If MAC owners did not try to look better because they own one I doubt the world would even notice. So to say you bought one is cool. I'd expect the same responce if I told you I bought a PC. Each to their own really. Hope you like it. :lol:

Its really no different than owning an Intel or AMD. Each is just a brand, not one is really better. Without competition we all lose anyway, then only the monopoly wins.

I take that back, I only have one request for you to get absolution. You must post more like you used to. :smile2:

Edited by tommie gorman
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Not sure its a option. It may not be a bad Idea to hang on to your current set-up just in case ? As well, be nice to play games on and such. Just a Idea.

Seem many go with Macs they are nice. Why they don't get them down in price so your average person can afford one is beyond Me. But yea forsure, If you can swing it easy enough, I say go for it.

IMHO sure would be cool if you could just say this is the least I will take for it, If you decide to sell it. Making offers is hard.

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I take that back, I only have one request for you to get absolution. You must post more like you used to. :smile2:

I'm workin on it... I can see myself making allot more posts in this new system, I'm lovin it!

Not sure its a option. It may not be a bad Idea to hang on to your current set-up just in case ? As well, be nice to play games on and such. Just a Idea.

Seem many go with Macs they are nice. Why they don't get them down in price so your average person can afford one is beyond Me. But yea forsure, If you can swing it easy enough, I say go for it.

IMHO sure would be cool if you could just say this is the least I will take for it, If you decide to sell it. Making offers is hard.

Well, I don't play games on my computers anymore... I use my PS3 for that these days. I really don't know what the least is that I'll take for it, haven't really given it that much thought yet, I'll let you know after I think about it.

And they do have one that's affordable... the Mac Mini, check it out...

This is what I may be getting until I can afford the Mac Pro (then use the mac mini for a living room media computer).... from the looks of that video it looks like it should perform for what I need it for.

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For what you do, you should have gone to a Mac along time ago. The programs (Specifically for Web Development) have no windows equivalent. The big 3 Coda (http://www.panic.com/coda/), TextMate (http://macromates.com/) , Transmist (http://www.panic.com/transmit/) are the best for web anything.

For managing your servers its got windows beat too since it has a actual Terminal, so no more shitty Putty.

The Mac Mini is pretty damn fast for just about anything as long as you stick at least 4 GB of ram in it. Upgrading the hard drive to a 7200 RPM drive or going to a SSD will give it a big performance bump too.

One good thing to do is buy it off the refurb store http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/specialdeals/mac?mco=OTY2ODY3Nw I've seen the $799 Mac Mini for $200 less at times but they go out real fast.

There refub store is not really "refurbished" items everything is basically new you just don't get the retail box. I've ordered 3 computers from there and never had a problem with one, and they came in perfect condition.

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For what you do, you should have gone to a Mac along time ago. The programs (Specifically for Web Development) have no windows equivalent. The big 3 Coda (http://www.panic.com/coda/), TextMate (http://macromates.com/) , Transmist (http://www.panic.com/transmit/) are the best for web anything.

For managing your servers its got windows beat too since it has a actual Terminal, so no more shitty Putty.

The Mac Mini is pretty damn fast for just about anything as long as you stick at least 4 GB of ram in it. Upgrading the hard drive to a 7200 RPM drive or going to a SSD will give it a big performance bump too.

One good thing to do is buy it off the refurb store http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/specialdeals/mac?mco=OTY2ODY3Nw I've seen the $799 Mac Mini for $200 less at times but they go out real fast.

There refub store is not really "refurbished" items everything is basically new you just don't get the retail box. I've ordered 3 computers from there and never had a problem with one, and they came in perfect condition.

Bad ass, I'll have to check that out. I was planning on buying a base model then upgrading it to SSD and 4GB ram (I've heard that some people have put up to 8GB in them but Apple doesn't officially support it). I've seen they have a model with two hard drives, I wonder does that mean that I can install an SSD and leave the original drive in there as storage then run the system off the SSD? I need to see if there is mounting available in the base model for the 2nd drive though... otherwise I'll just run storage externally.

So they come pretty much brand new?

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Bad ass, I'll have to check that out. I was planning on buying a base model then upgrading it to SSD and 4GB ram (I've heard that some people have put up to 8GB in them but Apple doesn't officially support it). I've seen they have a model with two hard drives, I wonder does that mean that I can install an SSD and leave the original drive in there as storage then run the system off the SSD? I need to see if there is mounting available in the base model for the 2nd drive though... otherwise I'll just run storage externally.

So they come pretty much brand new?

MAC or PC, it is a tool, to that it is a matter of which tool works best for you.

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Bad ass, I'll have to check that out. I was planning on buying a base model then upgrading it to SSD and 4GB ram (I've heard that some people have put up to 8GB in them but Apple doesn't officially support it). I've seen they have a model with two hard drives, I wonder does that mean that I can install an SSD and leave the original drive in there as storage then run the system off the SSD? I need to see if there is mounting available in the base model for the 2nd drive though... otherwise I'll just run storage externally.

So they come pretty much brand new?

The base model is good, I've see that one for $499 just about once a week. But its gone by the end of the day, so you really gotta watch them. The chipset supports 8 GB, just Apple never put it on the spec sheet as supporting 8 GB. Tho a 4GB DDR3 DIMM is kinda expensive (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231265)

These newer Mac Minis can both take 2 hard drives since the optical drive is SATA in them now. You just have to remove the optical drive. If you want to put in a second hard drive. That may or may not be a problem for you. Apple's 2 drive one is meant to be used as a server so both drives are setup on raid 1.

I just setup a mini for a friend with a Kingston SSDNow (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820139108&cm_re=SSD_now-_-20-139-108-_-Product) as the primary, and a second 500 GB notebook drive inside. For doing what he did (iPhone dev.) that mini was damn fast.

From what I have seen they are brand new, or really cleaned up by Apple, because I have never found a flaw in any of the ones I've seen. I think for the most part they are ones they couldn't sell in retail (Damaged box/Unopened return).

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The base model is good, I've see that one for $499 just about once a week. But its gone by the end of the day, so you really gotta watch them. The chipset supports 8 GB, just Apple never put it on the spec sheet as supporting 8 GB. Tho a 4GB DDR3 DIMM is kinda expensive (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231265)

These newer Mac Minis can both take 2 hard drives since the optical drive is SATA in them now. You just have to remove the optical drive. If you want to put in a second hard drive. That may or may not be a problem for you. Apple's 2 drive one is meant to be used as a server so both drives are setup on raid 1.

I just setup a mini for a friend with a Kingston SSDNow (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820139108&cm_re=SSD_now-_-20-139-108-_-Product) as the primary, and a second 500 GB notebook drive inside. For doing what he did (iPhone dev.) that mini was damn fast.

From what I have seen they are brand new, or really cleaned up by Apple, because I have never found a flaw in any of the ones I've seen. I think for the most part they are ones they couldn't sell in retail (Damaged box/Unopened return).

Nice, thanks for the info Donovan

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Alright, I'll have to say my peace here.................. yes ,please go get a mac, like they say, once you go mac, you never go back lol

And D , I wouldnt know what to do w/o coda transmit , and textmate, but you forgot to mention pathfinder hehehe another must have.

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Alright, I'll have to say my peace here.................. yes ,please go get a mac, like they say, once you go mac, you never go back lol

And D , I wouldnt know what to do w/o coda transmit , and textmate, but you forgot to mention pathfinder hehehe another must have.

IDK about that I don't use pathfinder lol... But I think quicksilver might be a must have.

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Alright, I'll have to say my peace here.................. yes ,please go get a mac, like they say, once you go mac, you never go back lol

And D , I wouldnt know what to do w/o coda transmit , and textmate, but you forgot to mention pathfinder hehehe another must have.

So you run Mac? Who else runs mac?

Dude, that bug on your sig messes with me sometimes... you put it in the perfect spot. AHHHHHHH!

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