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Buenas Noches! From Arizona, & Suddenlink, 'ISP'

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Hello All! Glad to find you all here! Love the site, its mission, and purpose, :grin2: entirely. I am Drea,(Andrea if Im in trouble :evil6: ), Im a *mostly* single mommy to 2 poorly behaved but terribly cute small children, "'Gellica" & "Gordo", 5 & 3, respectively.I am currently at the grips of my new forced provider, Suddenlink, as my previous (NPG) was bought out by them. Although the relationship is still in the 'honeymoon stage', I am already printing out the annulment forms, as I can see its obviously not going to work. :tickedoff: *Hehhe!* Saddly, the alternatives in my area are, save for mobile, non existent, so Im stuck :shocked: . I tinker with electronics on a almost daily basis, [nerdly] mainly computers, & am a small business owner, preferring to do as much as I can electronically. I also make extra $$ repairing/restoring pcs that get brought to me almost daily, as well. Any how, just wanted to introduce myself, not that its of any importance, but regardless. Happy packets! :blink:

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Welcome to testmy.net Drea, Although I'm not blessed with suddenlink I understand your anguish in your suddenlink relationship, left with no choice, many of us are in that same predicament . Unhappy with the service, calls to tech are more or less a comical mix of robotic answers and flat out denial, gracefully letting you know everything is ok , although you are having issues. lol

Hello All! Glad to find you all here! Love the site, its mission, and purpose, :grin2: entirely. I am Drea,(Andrea if Im in trouble :evil6: ), Im a *mostly* single mommy to 2 poorly behaved but terribly cute small children, "'Gellica" & "Gordo", 5 & 3, respectively.I am currently at the grips of my new forced provider, Suddenlink, as my previous (NPG) was bought out by them. Although the relationship is still in the 'honeymoon stage', I am already printing out the annulment forms, as I can see its obviously not going to work. :tickedoff: *Hehhe!* Saddly, the alternatives in my area are, save for mobile, non existent, so Im stuck :shocked: . I tinker with electronics on a almost daily basis, [nerdly] mainly computers, & am a small business owner, preferring to do as much as I can electronically. I also make extra $ repairing/restoring pcs that get brought to me almost daily, as well. Any how, just wanted to introduce myself, not that its of any importance, but regardless. Happy packets! :blink:

Welcome to the site Drea! Sounds like you'll fit in just fine around here. I hope you stick around to answer questions and chat with us. ;)

Thank you for the kind words. This website is truly my passion. I've been working at this for a long time... during this years rebuild of the site I realized that this site will never be completed, ever. That's what I love about programming, you can never master it. It's like music, constantly evolving... a moving target that's impossible to master. --- That's the kind of challenge that I'm down for.

welcome to the site DreaBabyy...enjoy...as always have fun learn and help where ya can...good to have another female around here

Werd, it's a sausage feast in here. We have something like an 11:1 male/female ratio... most chicks aren't very techie. I am however seeing a slight increase in female members lately.

Werd, it's a sausage feast in here. We have something like an 11:1 male/female ratio... most chicks aren't very techie. I am however seeing a slight increase in female members lately.

Good cause its starting to smell and look like a locker room around here. <kidding> Always refreshing to see the ratio change. :smitten:

Hi an welcome , from Biggles UK ,our UK BB is crap also ,

personally I never underestimated girl power , they never started no war

and sure type faster than me,

BTW , yeah tommie I am a creep , I just know which side my bread is buttered, :grin2:

Hi DreaBabyy, my name is Ashley, and I’m with Suddenlink. I’m sorry to hear that you are unhappy with your Suddenlink service. I’m more than happy to work with management in your area to resolve any issues you may be having. Please feel free to contact me at: ashley-AT-suddenlink-DOT-com.

Hi DreaBabyy, my name is Ashley, and I’m with Suddenlink. I’m sorry to hear that you are unhappy with your Suddenlink service. I’m more than happy to work with management in your area to resolve any issues you may be having. Please feel free to contact me at: ashley-AT-suddenlink-DOT-com.

Very cool... now that's service ;)

Welcome to TestMy Ashley!

Hi DreaBabyy, my name is Ashley, and I’m with Suddenlink. I’m sorry to hear that you are unhappy with your Suddenlink service. I’m more than happy to work with management in your area to resolve any issues you may be having. Please feel free to contact me at: ashley-AT-suddenlink-DOT-com.

reminds me of BBR forums where i've seen cox tech's post on customers issues ^_^

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