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can you add like music (radio) right when you enter testmy.net? or have like a on or off icon at the main page for the radio?

I already go through too much bandwidth.  With the amount of traffic testmy.net gets even a 100 KB song can add up to Gig's per day....  :(

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i have NEVER seen/heard/talked to/heard about anyone who didnt like pancakes until now :shock::?:shock:

Fun fact... I hate pancakes too, used to always order them when I went out for breakfast..... then one day I said to myself, "Why do I order these... I always have to force myself to eat them... fuck pancakes!"  and I never ordered them again.

TWO EGG BREAKFAST 4 LIFE!  (and country fried steak and eggs.. yummm)

God damn it, Shug has made us talk about stupid shit AGAIN... lol  :lol:

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I must agree with Shug on the music thing.... I don't much care for it either... I didn't even think about the bandwidth implications...

And I'm with Shug and CA3LE on the pancake thing... Screw pancakes, I'd rather eat a sponge.... gimmie some eggs, gritts, bacon, hashedbrowns, and biscuts... Damn, now I'm all hungry..... :haha:

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I must agree with Shug on the music thing.... I don't much care for it either... I didn't even think about the bandwidth implications...

And I'm with Shug and CA3LE on the pancake thing... Screw pancakes, I'd rather eat a sponge.... gimmie some eggs, gritts, bacon, hashedbrowns, and biscuts... Damn, now I'm all hungry..... :haha:


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No kidding... Shug turned a discussion about adding music to the site into an argument about whether we like pancakes or not

NEVAR! bad mouth the pancakes!!!!!

and wtf shug... how can you not like pancakes x_X

I agree with .s1 (except for the "NEVAR!" part -- I like "NEVER!" better  lol)

Approximately what is the site's daily traffic anyway?

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hmmm Title:Music

replies about music:              3

replies about pancake:        11

Should have put title: Who likes/dislikes PANCAKES

javascript:void(0);        <---------  can any1 see smiley icon?    all i see is letters and symbols

Very Happy

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hmmm Title:Music

replies about music: 3

replies about pancake: 11

Should have put title: Who likes/dislikes PANCAKES

javascript:void(0); <--------- can any1 see smiley icon? all i see is letters and symbols

Very Happy

I think since you created the topic you can change the name of it. Just edit it in your 1st post.

I see no smilie just "javascript:void(0); " Yes I do hava javascript enabled.

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