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Hi k2000day,

This has to be something specific to your Chrome installation. I don't know why this would happen, usually Chrome tests better on TMN than IE. You might want to try uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome, it may clear up the problem.

Have you installed any extensions onto the browser?

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Chrome does the same thing to me. Hits 100% and hangs the goes a little farther before it changes over to the results. It just might be a problem wit Chrome. I don't have this problem with Firefox. Its doesn't seem to make any difference in the results of the testing of the two Browsers. :icon_scratch:

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Thanks for the responses... fyi I did do a reinstall of chrome. It did not change the hang issue or the speed.. However I'm beginning to have some suspect of the wireless card in the desktop... the signal strength does not stay very constant. I'm 20 feet from the router and the signal goes from Excellent to poor and sits around at good but then kinda cycles around the spectrum of ratings... I have a feeling this could be an issue. I don't normally run any addons on my browsers unless I actually need it otherwise I disable them...

Edit.... I did some more tests and its hanging on the ie8 now also... Perhaps I'm having some multiple issues... I guess if it was one thing causing issues I wouldn't be posting this .. lol.

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ok this is for the web site programmer.. when I run the smart test i seem to get hangs on the test.. also if i do the retest i seem to get hangs...I will do more runs the next few days but preliminary test show if I run the select size (i chose 7mb) it seems to run smooth.... but again if i run the select size and choose retest it seems to hang... but who knows .. ill run a few more days and see what happens...

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ok this is for the web site programmer.. when I run the smart test i seem to get hangs on the test.. also if i do the retest i seem to get hangs...I will do more runs the next few days but preliminary test show if I run the select size (i chose 7mb) it seems to run smooth.... but again if i run the select size and choose retest it seems to hang... but who knows .. ill run a few more days and see what happens...

What's the test size when this happens?

I test in Chrome ... or any browser ... and it runs smooth for me every time.

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Chrome does the same thing to me. Hits 100% and hangs the goes a little farther before it changes over to the results. It just might be a problem wit Chrome. I don't have this problem with Firefox. Its doesn't seem to make any difference in the results of the testing of the two Browsers. :icon_scratch:

If it hits 100% then regardless of the pause the timer has already been stopped. Once 100% is hit the time is stopped so any delay in transaction beyond that shouldn't effect the test outcome... unless there was a delay in your connection or browser at that EXACT moment. You may have a delay between the pages but the test has already finished before you're sent to the results... if you use the mirrors there is a little more delay in the transaction because the results are served from the central server.

... delays in the middle of the test are a whole different story. Those will obviously effect the outcome and should be addressed. I don't think this is a Chrome issue however, I test perfectly fine in Chrome on many different machines. If it was an issue with the browser it would effect everyone.

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Thanks for everyone taking a look, I think I found a problem here but don't really understand the solution or why it happens. I don't expect a solution and a road map but if someone with more knowledge give me a tip to the solution.

On the attached pic you see my wireless connection, when I access the internet then the bottom icon shows up "internet connection".. I've caught this icon dropping out of site during a test where it hangs.. ie the Icon disappears .. although the wireless connection seems fine.. on the internet connection icon it does not seem to have any adjustable properties.. i was thinking it was just a setting?


sorry if this is off topic for this thread at this point.

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Disappearing icon syndrome on the wireless side, along with your remarks of poor or unstable connection tells us you should install a different driver.

There are several ways to go about this , depending on which you prefer, XP likes to control the wireless connection and does not give up easily. Say you grab the driver from the manufacturers site , which many times will comes with a GUI that allows you to control it. ( which you might think about doing ) yet windows needs to be reprimanded into submitting , and still hangs around complaining at times lol

So looking at the screenshot , lets go find your driver , hold tight.......

Ok have a look at these realtek driver, it's been updates recent too , sweet. Grab the proper operating systems driver !!!

OR... look at these , find the proper driver >>> http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/searchView.aspx?keyword=rtl8169

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ok thanks, yes I will try this out later today when i have time.... back when i set this up about 6 months ago windows and the provided software kept arguing as you say.... so I had been running everything under the xp drivers.. can't hurt to try something different.... :violent1:

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Well I hope I'm at least close to whats going on lol

Between printers and windows wireless , this is my kryptonite I swear it, so whenever I see something that involves either , i tackle it with a lead shield in front of me inscribed "Go home Mister mxyzptlk " :whaa:

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What is the impact of certain AV.. I run Kaspersky AV. I won't know until some time passes for a few days but intially since I added testmy.net to an exclusion list or trusted site list the tests have been going well without any complete hangs.., minor pause sometimes but at least it finishes the test with the speeds expected... (well never as advertised but i'll take it)

Perhaps this is already a known thing but some feedback if anyone else has a comment would be great.... Thanks.. will keep you posted if I encounter any Hang issues.

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What is the impact of certain AV.. I run Kaspersky AV. I won't know until some time passes for a few days but intially since I added testmy.net to an exclusion list or trusted site list the tests have been going well without any complete hangs.., minor pause sometimes but at least it finishes the test with the speeds expected... (well never as advertised but i'll take it)

Perhaps this is already a known thing but some feedback if anyone else has a comment would be great.... Thanks.. will keep you posted if I encounter any Hang issues.

That can definitely do it. Some AV's have TMN whitelisted by default. I'll get ahold of Kaspersky and see if they'll whitelist me. But yeah, some Internet security suites that process browser data in a certain way can definitely effect the results here.

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yes that would be interesting if you check, please post back when you get an answer...until then I will run tests everyday until I'm convinced this was the cause... time will tell.. then at least it may help in any future issues like this. but again. let me keep testing..


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  • 2 weeks later...

On IE9, I get 19-20 Mbps Down and 1.95 Mbps Up. Chrome and Firefox Down usually 20-25% lower than IE9 (around 15-16 mbps down) Up all are 1.90-1.95 mbps.

These are average results, they are very consistent from one test to another (+/- 10%) since I installed a DOCSIS 3.0 Modem. Used to get wide variations with DOCSIS 2.0. On TWC. All 3 browsers are Vanilla, no add-ons or tweaks.

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In conclusion both IE8 and Chrome seem to run about the same. The final result from the speed issues and hanging either at mid stream or at the end of the test was attributed to Kaspersky AV. Testmy.net was required to be added to the trusted URL list in the settings. No big deal, so I imagine this may be causing others issues with various AV programs... :wave:

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