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It has been a while since my last visit in this particular forum, as some of you know I got rid of hughenet a long time ago for DSL.  Anyway, I thought I would come back and see the complaints on Hughesnet, but to my shock, no posts since 2012!


So, either Hughesnet have got better at what they do (highly unlikely) or they have less users to complain about the service or maybe people have got used to what they have.


Either way, just dropping into an old haunt to say hi!  :)

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Hello again sparky. Good to see you drop in again. Never left myself .... just replaced Hughes like you except with EVDO.


My intake on it was people are both of your assumptions really. Smoother some but when possible still replacing satellite with something more solid and weather proof. <wink>

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  • 1 month later...

Got rid of Hughes...


For years it was the same game: launch a new satellite up, overload it then lie to paying customers about performance issues. Hughes seems to hope that most people wont ever figure out they arent getting what they pay for....not to mention hope they dont understand data caps. Takes quite an effort to even get past the script readers for a key player in getting problems fixed. 


What a relief dont have that hassle any longer.


Verizon 4G unlimited plan for me.  





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  • 1 month later...

I'm thinking of buying a place in the country because I don't work anymore and don't need to be in the city. What's holding me back, and I can't believe that this is possible, is that I'm addicted to my Rogers cable connection. I rented from a guy back in 2000 who bought a Hughes sat setup. The guy that hooked it all up wouldn't shut up about how fast it was, and he was right. What he didn't say was that when you hit 300MB you're at dial-up speed for the rest of the day. Then you could download another 300MB. I don't remember the price but I know it was crazy high. I called a number looking for info the other day and the person I talked to was like a used car salesman on speed. I'm wondering if their service, or ant sat service is worth getting involved with. My only alternative is Bell and they can't supply much when you get more than a few miles from one of their exchanges. Any ideas?

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  • 2 years later...

Got rid of Hughes...


For years it was the same game: launch a new satellite up, overload it then lie to paying customers about performance issues. Hughes seems to hope that most people wont ever figure out they arent getting what they pay for....not to mention hope they dont understand data caps. Takes quite an effort to even get past the script readers for a key player in getting problems fixed. 


What a relief dont have that hassle any longer.


Verizon 4G unlimited plan for me.  





Is that Verizon a phone or do you live in the city where version has hardline Internet ?

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  • 1 year later...

No they still are terrible. I am stuck with it.  I live rural so it's the only choice I have besides dial up. We can't even stream a video half the time and you still have to do most after 2 AM. Lucky for me I work a late shift so i can take advantage of the 2 AM to 8 AM time frame. I can get decent download speeds but the upload is killing me. I used to be able to game somewhat even with the ping. Now I lose connection even for email and Facebook. This with even a new upgraded hard drive, new router and cables.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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