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Hears my download speed with Google accelerator

:shock: WOW What a difference

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 12623 Kbps about 12.6 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 1541 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (main)

Test Time:: Fri May 6 23:53:39 EDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 225X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.66 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 313.87 % faster than the average for host (adelphia.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-ZIJMHUAKF

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doesnt anyone read the note at the bottom of the test page?

If you have download accelerators  such as the Google Web Accelerator please disable them before testing.  For the Google Web Accelerator click on the speedometer icon in your browser and click "Don't accelerate this website" this will make sure you don't have to do this more than once ;-)

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It won't 'really' speed up ANY actual file downloading.  I am currently looking into how to rework the test to get around this and other web accelerators.  I would imagine I will be done by the end of the month, I'm a pretty fast scripter ;-)

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actualy ca3le it does accelerate actual file downloads, when i download from a really good server with not that many people on it like my server what has a average of 70 people on it. it would normaly go at about 800 - 900KBPS but when i install the google acelerator downloads increased by about 500KBPS pic1.jpg

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u could ban googles web accelerator from all the test pages: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=23051

mine got up to 152X faster than 56k with GWA. pretty cool addition from google. cant wait til yahoo makes Yahoo! Internet Blazer or something stupid like that. :haha:

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actualy ca3le it does accelerate actual file downloads, when i download from a really good server with not that many people on it like my server what has a average of 70 people on it. it would normaly go at about 800 - 900Kbps but when i install the google acelerator downloads increased by about 500Kbps

The extra 500 kbs is only a burst , which the accelerator provides. .. but thats only in the beginning. On that large of a file i dont think it would sustain 500 + extra kbs lol . If that were the case id go back to dialup and just use the accelerator :haha:

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It won't 'really' speed up ANY actual file downloading.  I am currently looking into how to rework the test to get around this and other web accelerators.  I would imagine I will be done by the end of the month, I'm a pretty fast scripter ;-)

cabl3 u can sleep or take a nap once in a while

dont go mental just because u didnt move from that chair untill the end of the month hehe

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My question is, why would someone on broadband even need an accelerator? Besides they only work for text and images on pages, not large files. With Google Accelerator I'm also conserened about privacy, since they temporally cache cookies.

i had 56k and used some accelerators

they are just anoying most of the time

really better off without any of that

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  • 1 month later...

OK try this, use your google accelerator go to a website that has some utility with a 30 day free trial...something  with a file size in the range of 20-30 megs...download it with and without the accelerator...post your results......you will see that the compression is only for text browsing speed....pictures won't be as fast because there is not a lot of room for compression.  Google uses caches, multiple servers and threads to get there speed up......do the test let me know how it works out......nothing ventured nothing gained!  Good learning experience!

Buzz ;)

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