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I hate thoes damn aol commericals, they make it seem that they're the only ones offering spam/virus blocker and that you have to get them. its so funny  :haha: and when you try to cancel the service they offer you 6 months free as a bribe, I know someone who got over a year of free service

AOL continues to loose subscribers because they suck. the charge you $10 extrax a month to use aol with your exsing broadband connection, and since most broadband connections cost $40-$50 a month its just way to much money. you can get verizon FIOS for $49.99 a month and get more speed then ever. and still use your AOL IM. 

I'm suprised they have lasted this long... Maybe they should have thought about broadband earlier than they did.... maybe they should have put less money in advertising and more money in quality of service...... MAYBE they shouldn have tried to sell people shit every time they tried to log into the internet "Would you like to buy a PRINTER today?" ---'ummmm, does it look like I'm tring to buy a printer... did I ask for a printer... I'm already paying you f*&^ers, can you let me at least sign in before bugging the f$@# our of me'

:evil6: :evil6:

the only reason that AOL keeps their customers is because it keeps them stupid about the internet and basically everything else having to do with a computer.  AOL customers are likely afraid to switch ISP's because they feel they are so far outside the real internet bubble that they are afraid they will be shunned by the rest of the world

Most of the people that aren't switching are older people that don't want go though the hassle of changing ISP's and E-mail addresses. As for everyone else I agree with FallowEarth, they're probably afraid to switch. Most other ISP's don't have their own software separate from a web browser.

Oh, how I miss the days of Prodigy Classic.

welcome to the forum marc57 :hello:

yup, thats the way AOL is, even putting the cd in your drive makes icons all over the place...

Thanks for the welcome, Yeah it took me the better part of 3 hours to get completely rid of it,And of course the antivirus that came with AOL (McAfee) stopped working, so I had to get rid of it also.

  • 5 months later...

Thread Resurrection!

But i totally agree, i used AOL for years, so did my family and what not. But then we dropped it for Wal Mart connect which was only 10 bucks a month for unlimited dial up usage and it was perfect for my dad who traveled a whole hell of a lot back then. Then came Satellite which is a pain in my d*ck to get to work with AOL then cable and NO aol.... been smooth ever since.

my uncle wont switch from aol because then u cant do parental controls easy, cus he has a lot of kids, and even my dad still uses aol because of his businesses e-mail, so we actually have aol and dsl right now, which is a complete waste of money.

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