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Was gonna post, but not sure what to put it in.  :sad:

<a href="http://bbspot.com/News/2003/01/os_quiz.php"><img

src="http://www.bbspot.com/Images/News_Features/2003/01/os_quiz/xp.jpg" width="300" height="90"

border="0" alt="You are Windows XP.  Under your bright and cheerful exterior is a strong and stable personality.  You have a tendency to do more than what is asked or even desired."><br>Which OS are You?</a>

This was a joke right ?

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:2funny:  Me,  WTF is OS X , I thought I was a kinda win 3.1 sort of guy?? I loved win M.E. , aparently some guys didn't ,  :shocked:

:lol: Vern , we meet again  :evil2:

whats this assembly stuff , I used to do that at Jr.school , being apparently the only one that could read , I read the daily sermon at assembly , does that count , :lol:

I forget exactly how we wrote it but it went something like this for assembly: "you always know exactly where you are and exactly how you got there but no one else does, ever."


      ; set some options for the assembler




.Model Flat ,StdCall

mb_ok    equ 0              ;mb_ok gets the value "0"

hWnd      equ 0 

lpText    equ offset text    ;set a pointer to the text

lpCaption equ offset caption  ;set a pointer to the caption

; declaration of all used API-functions

extrn    ExitProcess    : PROC    ;procedure to shut down a process

extrn    MessageBoxA    : PROC    ;procedure to show a MessageBox

; here begins our Data


text    db "Hello World",13,10 ; first row of the text(with word-wrap)

        db "_masta_ greets everybody who reads this tut",0

                                ; second row, terminated with "0"

caption  db "Hello",0 ;Captionstring, 0-terminated

; and here we start with our code



; lets greet the world  :))

        push mb_ok              ;PUSH value for uType

        push lpCaption          ;PUSH Pointer to Caption

        push lpText            ;PUSH Pointer to Text

        push hWnd              ;PUSH Masterhandle

        call MessageBoxA        ;CALL MessageBoxA

        CALL    ExitProcess    ;End (exit) program

End Main                        ;End of code, Main is the entrypoint



tasm32 /mx /m3 /z /q tut

tlink32 -x /Tpe /aa /c tut,tut,, import32.lib


edit: The pain meds are strong today.

Dunno why but I was thinking of the what programing language are you test.

Carry on.

<a href="http://bbspot.com/News/2003/01/os_quiz.php"><img

src="http://www.bbspot.com/Images/News_Features/2003/01/os_quiz/palm.jpg" width="300" height="90"

border="0" alt="You are Palm OS. Punctual, straightforward and very useful. Your mother wants you to do more with your life like your cousin Wince, but you're happy with who you are."><br>Which OS are You?</a>


Was gonna post, but not sure what to put it in.  :sad:

<a href="http://bbspot.com/News/2003/01/os_quiz.php"><img

src="http://www.bbspot.com/Images/News_Features/2003/01/os_quiz/xp.jpg" width="300" height="90"

border="0" alt="You are Windows XP.  Under your bright and cheerful exterior is a strong and stable personality.  You have a tendency to do more than what is asked or even desired."><br>Which OS are You?</a>

Here it is tommie



EDIT: (the site pic hosting is unavailable LOL.. Maybe it will apear later)

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