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What you addicted to ??

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When I was a teenager I used to have the fountain at the drivein make a strawbreeycherry with double lime drink.They used the same strawberry & cherry they used for malts so it had the fruit chunks in it. Very tasty.

Does anyone remember Pomac a grape drink that was discontinued ?

Funny as it may sound, it is an investment in your pleasure. Buy a bunch.

I once bought 20 cases of some pop, don't remember what. But you will still miss it after the last one no matter what!  :haha:

I don't know about 20, they'll be long expired before I get around to drinking them all. 


Staying alive, romance , people, nostalgia, puters,  knowledge,  tyestmy.net forums,

things I wish I didn't  do, smoking, lying ( only little ones ,  just to keep the peace )

like underpricing puter bits etc.  

anyone got any tips on giving up smoking ? forget the lying I can cope with that,

tdawnnaz, you still off the cigs, ??any suggestions, anyone ? help !!!! ,


Roco   uk


Vanilla Coke, which was taken of the market at the beginning of the year.  I looked all around town for leftovers about a month ago and I found one 12-pack at Walgreens.  I've only got about 4 cans left and that's it.  I'LL MISS YOU VANILLA COKE!!!  :cry: :cry:

I'm really sad.  :cry:

gotmilk, Google:  ;)


I'd hurry if you are truly a lover of it!  :D

Your thanks is enough!  :haha:

after google...just use vanilla extract...not the imitation vanilla flavoring...if it's not to be heated to extreme temps u need the real stuff...just flavor regular coke to ur liking...try it in ur coffee too :D

anyone got any tips on giving up smoking ? forget the lying I can cope with that,

tdawnnaz, you still off the cigs, ??any suggestions, anyone ? help !!!! ,


Roco  uk


yes i am still off the smokes...i'll pm ya later with the secret...real easy except for the first 3 days...how much do u smoke?...couldn't figure out how u knew that i quit...but it must be in this thread somewhere...huh?

sorry for the double post...the two didn't go together :P ...j/k...actually i didn't think of it til i hit the post button...hahaha

A nurse-practicioner told me the secret was to not quit but choose not to smoke Every morning when you look yourself in the mirror and speak out loud to self that you choose not to smoke anymore. Took me 3 years to get over the urge. That was 11.5 years ago. Stopped when I was 37. Now if I could convince my wife to stop, I'd be happier.

deven...now u know u can't convince her...and lot love of her kids or love of u...only when she is convinced she loves herself enough...and don't go letting her see this post...that comment would have pissed me off 2 years ago...and i quit before for 9 years...long story why i started again...let's just say it was a joke but turned out joke was on me...

she'll do it...when she's ready :)

Vanilla Coke, which was taken of the market at the beginning of the year.  I looked all around town for leftovers about a month ago and I found one 12-pack at Walgreens.  I've only got about 4 cans left and that's it.  I'LL MISS YOU VANILLA COKE!!!  :cry: :cry:

I'm really sad.  :cry:

Did they actually take it off the market? Why? thats one of my favorites :cry:

A nurse-practicioner told me the secret was to not quit but choose not to smoke Every morning when you look yourself in the mirror and speak out loud to self that you choose not to smoke anymore. Took me 3 years to get over the urge. That was 11.5 years ago. Stopped when I was 37. Now if I could convince my wife to stop, I'd be happier.

nothing worse than a quitter. i don't smoke, never have. both parents did however. so i don't even really smell smoke. used to it. it's hilarious to see former smokers turn into anti smoking nazis themselves just because they quit and now don't like the smell. those people can be soooooo annoying...

Actually, even an alcoholic has got to want  to quit. If they do not want to quit it will not ever actually work. And if they are not quiting because they, not you, are wanting to, again it will not work. You cannot make anybody quit. Only in front of you. Thereby comes deceit and lies, and heartache. Just thoughts on addiction of any type.

Only then can they work on quitting! No pressure  :D

resop...r u following me? j/k lol...true i don't like the smell...but never did, even when i was a smoker, i still hang out with smokers, go out to places where there is smoke everywhere...go out on break with coworkers that smoke...i doesn't bother me...try to avoid talking to anyone about their smoking...unless they ask about mine...did razz a friend a while back, because he had like 4 boxes of patches that he had never used (i got excited cuz i thought he drug them out to finally use then) he was giving them to a friend...when he's ready...

peanuts just take the fizz out. before energy drinks were all the rage we used coke we saturated with sugar (keep mixing in the sugar till it doesn't dissolve) then add about half a cup of instant coffee powder (of course not decaf...) per 2 liter bottle. that helps keep you awake...

Vanilla Coke, which was taken of the market at the beginning of the year.  I looked all around town for leftovers about a month ago and I found one 12-pack at Walgreens.  I've only got about 4 cans left and that's it.  I'LL MISS YOU VANILLA COKE!!!  :cry: :cry:

I'm really sad.  :cry:

I'm really liking this new "black cherry-vanilla coke" in the stores...anyone else try it ?  :D

btw it is awesome with captain morgan.


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