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What you addicted to ??

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I'm really liking this new "black cherry-vanilla coke" in the stores...anyone else try it ?  :D

btw it is awesome with captain morgan.


Of course I've tried it, I mean, it replaced Vanilla Coke, so I had to taste it.  I thought it wasn't very good at all.  I've observed that it really isn't selling that well even though it is new.  I'll give it a year at the most.  I wouldn't have a problem with it existing if it wasn't replacing Vanilla Coke, but it is so I hate even looking at it.  I mean, We have Cherry Coke (which is also bad) and Black Cherry Vanilla Coke out at the same time.  Why can't we have Vanilla Coke and Black Cherry Vanilla Coke?  It's not necessary to take one soda off the market in order to put out a new one, besides, from my experiences Vanilla Coke sold more than Cherry Coke.

u should email coke...let ur voice be heard...they can't know how the public feels if they don't hear from the public...and i'll bet u won't be the only voice

Actually I've been planning for a while to send them a handwritten letter, I have just been busy lately.  I hear they pay a lot more attention to handwritten letters than e-mails.

I believe most humans have something they hate to live without. It does not have to be drugs, beer, or anything bad. It can be anything. Exercise,Tv,Church,Food,Sex,TV So on and son on.What is your Number One addicition. The one thing that living without would drive you nuts.

Mine would Pepsi.

Ummm lets see,BEER, ciggs,left handed ciggs,pootintang,tattos,piercings,computer,and sevaral other things. :evil6:

j3grizz:  When I was a kid we put our peanuts in RC Cola as it

was about the most drink for the money.  I would eat the peanuts

with the drink.  That is Royal Crown Cola, don't know if everyone

got those drinks or not.  The peanuts came in a little round card-

board container for a nickel and about 50% would have a prize of

1, 5, or 10cents in them.  They sold a bunch of peanuts.  Ah the

good ole days, only no A/C back in those days and I gotta have it.

You can't pay me enough to drink Diet drinks as the sweetners they

use in those are poison.  Google it and you will see.  You can't trust

the FDA or CDC as they are in the hip pocket of the Drug and

Chemical Companies.  You will live and learn that a large portion of

your State and Federal Government is for sale to the highest bidder.


:haha: :haha: :haha:

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