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WOW speed good

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With zonealarm down!

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 46547 Kbps about 46.5 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 5682 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Mon Jun 20 19:34:32 CDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 831X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.18 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 2617.28 % faster than the average for host (swbell.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-CVQYNMH3B

Don't ask me I cleared everything!

humorman, it's hard to take that statement as gospel with a username like yours.  just jokes.  anyway, bottom line: there is something going on, most likely on your computer, that is interfering with the test results.  these results do not accurately portray your connection at all.  disable every program that has to do with the internet (firewalls, antivirus real-time, spyware junk, instant messengers, frickin weatherbug, ALL THAT!) then try again please.  no jokes, no offense intended.  if you want the most accurate test result, it has to be just your browser, the internet connection, and the download test.

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  I now I now I never said I believed that shit lol! I just wanted to show what I got like I said don't ask me or don't ask me how. I know what I got and what I get I just thought it was funny! I know that testmy.net is very accurate I have been around a very long time. I don't know how I got them usaully I get like 2.5 mbs or so! Like I said don't ask me how I got that. I think maybe sbc installed a cache thing or something not sure!

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  I remeber you from like a year or more ago how is it going? Do you remeber me? I am shane or shanee or shanee86 or whatever had many names! But oh no now I am going to be banned again oh well not the first time lol! I just thought I would tell you who I was. And yea cable it is me nice to see you again! You know that there are alot better forums around here I spend most of my time on them! Yea I used to be one of those oh testmy.net the best around yea I still like it ok but I hate some of the mean people around here! And know I hang out at forums with like 500,000 members or more! Not like this site but it is growing! Well I might get banned now oh well! I just joined again because I wanted to talk to a friend on here! Because I have relised that this site is not all that any more with people who hate others and you cable saying you only mod people with at least 800 post and I see alot of mods with not even close to 800 posts what is up with that? I have been around for a long time seems like years well at least I think it has been a few years I have been at this site! Well anyway go ahead cable if you feel like banning me go ahead I might be back under a new name maybe not since I really like others sites better now I don't know! Yea you can ban my ip but it changes every time I get online lol! So unless you ban anyone with sbc or something I can alway s sing up again lol Well thanks! ANnd maybe bye if you choose!

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I remeber you from like a year or more ago how is it going? Do you remeber me? I am shane or shanee or shanee86 or whatever had many names! But oh no now I am going to be banned again oh well not the first time lol! I just thought I would tell you who I was. And yea cable it is me nice to see you again! You know that there are alot better forums around here I spend most of my time on them! Yea I used to be one of those oh testmy.net the best around yea I still like it ok but I hate some of the mean people around here! And know I hang out at forums with like 500,000 members or more! Not like this site but it is growing! Well I might get banned now oh well! I just joined again because I wanted to talk to a friend on here! Because I have relised that this site is not all that any more with people who hate others and you cable saying you only mod people with at least 800 post and I see alot of mods with not even close to 800 posts what is up with that? I have been around for a long time seems like years well at least I think it has been a few years I have been at this site! Well anyway go ahead cable if you feel like banning me go ahead I might be back under a new name maybe not since I really like others sites better now I don't know! Yea you can ban my ip but it changes every time I get online lol! So unless you ban anyone with sbc or something I can alway s sing up again lol Well thanks! ANnd maybe bye if you choose!

Whata Bone.

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I remeber you from like a year or more ago how is it going? Do you remeber me? I am shane or shanee or shanee86 or whatever had many names! But oh no now I am going to be banned again oh well not the first time lol! I just thought I would tell you who I was. And yea cable it is me nice to see you again! You know that there are alot better forums around here I spend most of my time on them! Yea I used to be one of those oh testmy.net the best around yea I still like it ok but I hate some of the mean people around here! And know I hang out at forums with like 500,000 members or more! Not like this site but it is growing! Well I might get banned now oh well! I just joined again because I wanted to talk to a friend on here! Because I have relised that this site is not all that any more with people who hate others and you cable saying you only mod people with at least 800 post and I see alot of mods with not even close to 800 posts what is up with that? I have been around for a long time seems like years well at least I think it has been a few years I have been at this site! Well anyway go ahead cable if you feel like banning me go ahead I might be back under a new name maybe not since I really like others sites better now I don't know! Yea you can ban my ip but it changes every time I get online lol! So unless you ban anyone with sbc or something I can alway s sing up again lol Well thanks! ANnd maybe bye if you choose!

Why would I ban you again?

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  Well Hi everyone! I am back! I have been for awhile I was just tired of trying to hide who I was! I have been around since before s1 I am pretty sure and been around since before when troll guy was around alot more! And was around when this site was alot smaller I think just like 1,000members or so it has grown alot! I was around since before php was I think! But anyway yes I spell bad sorry as stated in past and before I speak 3 languages so when you think of everything 3 ways it can get mixed up lol! But anyway cable as for the s1 thing I was talking about the past and I can't so you those because he got rid of them! But that is in the past sorry for bringing that up! I remeber you told me to stop and I will sorry forget I brought that up! It is nice to be back and I promise I will try not to do the things I did in the past! Oh and troll guy you know s1 is taking or saying you used to use all the time the you are on my list thing! Well anyway thanks!

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Your sentences are still not making much sense. Yes, I had a list thingy before I went to 4/1 Mbps. It's gone now, because of a format/change of computer. I might want to start a new one called "Those that need a grammar check badly" with you as the no1 on it.

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  Very funny! You try talking in 3 languages and see if you can speak one perfect! Whenever you think of a word and in your head it comes up 3 ways you are bond to get stuff mixed up lol! And yes I know spanish english and french! How many you know? Lol no need to answer I know you probably don't know anything but english! But anyway thanks and do you remeber me troll guy I have been around since the old days lol!

welcome back...

i know a guy that speaks 8 languages...italian is his main language...and he speaks perfect english...grammar and all...don't know about the others...i only speak english...but i've heard from someone that his spanish is perfect as well...as his german and french...i don't know anyone that speaks the other languages he speaks. so you really can't claim speaking more than one language as your reason for bad grammar...are you artistic or an artist?...some artists could care less about spelling and grammar.

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Exactly,I speak English,Greek,a little Spanish and a little Russian,you dont see me coming here and saying I cant spell because I speak many languages.

Sorry dont want to get this topic off topic  :haha: Just wanted to stick my 2 cents into something finally :lol:

BTW,why are we getting so many negative people in here lately :?

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What do you mean .s1 throwing a fuse  --- show me some threads

:shrug:  id like to see them too.. Got annoied, mabey.. thrown a fuse over something online no.. Mabey cause my car is totaled with water in the engine, and / or even mabey cause it was then broken into it and all my competition audio is gone...but i dont throw fuses over online nonsense.

Well Hi everyone! I am back! I have been for awhile I was just tired of trying to hide who I was!

Yea.. um.. trust me.. we deffinatly knew who you were for a while.. your not that slick... :lol:

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Go Cache!!!

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 73298 Kbps about 73.3 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 8947 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Wed Jun 22 01:31:00 CDT 2005

Bottom Line:: 1309X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.11 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 5635.37 % faster than the average for host (grm.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-LK8RCE7OZ

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  Very funny! You try talking in 3 languages and see if you can speak one perfect! Whenever you think of a word and in your head it comes up 3 ways you are bond to get stuff mixed up lol! And yes I know spanish english and french! How many you know? Lol no need to answer I know you probably don't know anything but english! But anyway thanks and do you remeber me troll guy I have been around since the old days lol!

Let's see... Dutch/English and a bit of German/French. That argument of yours is worthless.

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Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 6299 Kbps about 6.3 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 769 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)

Test Time:: Thu Jun 23 16:59:13 EST 2005

Bottom Line:: 112X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.33 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 74.88 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-ZTEOFQHAI

For those who have the ridiculous speeds easily done by copy and pasting through word or any editing program. I dont.

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copy/paste doesn't work...there's always the validation link to check to see if someone has done that... insane speeds are from cache and those posted in this particular thread are just to be funny not trying to fool anyone...check out the comcast: board or the "show off your scores" board...faking it pretty much doesn't happen much at testmy...all those roads are covered :)

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