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You like helping other people with their computer problems?

Do you think you can compare with the big boys?

No way to prove it?

Do you want to show your "client" or who ever you are helping out that there is nothing to fear, you have expertise here, but have no way to prove it?

This quiz will score you on your level of expertise in each area of computer technology, ranging from anything hardware, to network, to being great with overclocking or if you are best with software, etc!

This quiz will score you on your general level of understanding of the computer and will display your major in either your signature, or next to your name.

Got a short temper with the guy trying to teach you the basics of pressing the power button where you actually are smart enough to hack in to Bill Gates' computer and tell him to up his security?

This concept of a quiz to represent your level of knowledge in the subject will help those messy arguments and the I already know about all that now can you tell me something other then the basics?

This is just an idea I came up with, and I am definently NOT going to follow through.  :haha:

Maybe the top admins could build this up with their own leet know how to help everyone better understand each other and not expect a noob who would scored an 1 to know how to powercycle or something?

Just a thought! xD

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One other point ! :haha: We could all take the quiz and post it next to our sig's and when you answer a question the level of expertise could be taken into consideration to follow  the advise or wait for another opinion. What a wonderful way to profile a member :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know this might sound dumb, but there are 10 enlisted mens levels, and10 officer levels, in the military. The first enlisted being no stripes, newbie, or don't hurt yourself. There are also 20 levels at 5% segments. If you gave each 5% segment an insignia and a nickman, that might work. Example (5%, No stripe, Plug it in; 10%, One Stripe, Don't hurt yourself; up to; 5 Star  Elite testmy.net user.  :newbie: to :angel4: I

I don't know, just thought it might help.

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