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I use a Linksys WRT54G its as easy to set up as plugging it in.  It will function as a Gateway router for your internet connection, or you can set it up with full router functions, although that isnt necessary at all.  I love it, havnt had any problems with it yet.

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The Linksys WRT54G can be used ither Wierd or Wierless, I have one in my home network and it was quick and painless to get setup with my DW6000, now have two computers on the same conection. Not to mention, Linksys has free 24/7 tech support, and there people know what there doing, always had a great experence with them.

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Nope Linksys is junk, we bought a wirless card for his laptop, and tried to use the linksys router to make it all work. Never worked, never had a signal or anything from the Linksys router. However we were able to get on to his neigbors. So my expericence with my Netgear prompted him to go buy a Netgear wirless adapter, and router and had it going in 5 min. Never a down time yet.

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Hmm, Sorry you had a bad experence, but for my money, linksys is the only way to go, never spent more then 5 minutes settin it up. And the one time i had to call them up, which was just for a question I had at like 3am, they guy was very helpfull, and knew what he was talkin about. Buddy if mine had a Netgear, lasted about 6 months before it went right in the trash can, he bought a linksys, and 2 years later, its still chuggin away.

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I dont know if its luck with these types of routers but everyone has their own opinions. Ive had mine for about 3 months and no issues. The advantage I have found over others routers is the range I get. I can go anywhere in my house, which is not small but I dont want sound spoiled. The only complaint I have about netgear is their customer service, just like direcway outsourced to INDIA. Its been 3 months and I still havent got my rebates. I have sent so many emails it all automated responses.

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Big thanks for the replies, however, I failed to mention that the folks I work for are slow to catch on...were still using wires ^(. I'm guessing they will visit wireless networking in the next 6 months or so.


doesn't mean they are slow to catch on. using only wired equip in building has the advantage that you're not broadcasting vcompany info to anyone that cares to go through the trouble of listening in. so if there is no real need for wireless, meaning all work is done sitrting at a desk where there is a port, why bother with it.

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Nope Linksys is junk, we bought a wirless card for his laptop, and tried to use the linksys router to make it all work. Never worked, never had a signal or anything from the Linksys router. However we were able to get on to his neiGBors. So my expericence with my Netgear prompted him to go buy a Netgear wirless adapter, and router and had it going in 5 min. Never a down time yet.

Ive never had eney problems with linksys  :shock:
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depending on how large your company is, rigging i for wireless will mean multiple access points. these should be properly planned with possibly directional antennae, definitely seperate channels for each access point to minimize interference (think cell phone network) and of course a preinstall mapping of the building(s) to detect any shadow areas from structural features like rebar, girders and the like to optimize placement of access points.

but like i said, if the office people don't need to move around much, then they don't need it. maybe keep it confined to the factory floor (if there is one and people need to be able to move around with a laptop a lot) but working on a laptop while moving is kinda hard, even with a tablet pc, so you might be better off having a few fixed terminals instead of a mobile solution. (cheaper again, too, as you can set up 3 or 4 stations for the price of 1 tablet pc.)

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I was wondering which router works best, fewest issues and most reliably with the DW 6000? At present, we've been using a switch to share the connection and enabling ICF on each computer in our home network...Mega Thanks in advance!!!

When I had Direcway, I used a D-LINK DI-514 with the modem connected to a LAN (not the WAN) port, with DHCP disabled on the router.  It worked fine with the DW6000 and I consistently got 1 Mbps down if other networked computers were not in use.  Never had any issue with the router.  It was always something at Direcway's end that was the problem.

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You bet, Linksys all the way.

have you done a search on linksys i wasted money on 3 of those things but the wrt is the most reliable one the have. belkin is blowing them all away with there new set up  after having three linksys i will never buy another. using link now till i go pick up mn700 which i have had great luck with but want the belkin but a waste of 100 dollars i just don't need 4 routers lol
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a D-Link 10/100/1000 Gaming Router with Super G 108MHz wireless feeding my desktop, RAID/PVR Server, PVR Client and my 24 Port D-Link DSS-24+ Switch (which has a 256k / port packet store and forward buffer.)  The rest of my network is all going through my 24 port switch.  Works fine, last long time.

I like the D-Link stuff, we use it everywhere.  Many like Linksys (which is the consumer grade CISCO stuff - I don't like CISCO though, their stuff is often overkill for what it's used for and requires a freeking twisted backwards CISCO engineering degree to set up - remember CISCO sales equipment, service AND training.).

I have some who like Netgear but it's not as well liked in the field as LinkSys and D-Link.  I know D-Link has US based support which is normally pretty good to me when I call, not sure about the others.

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