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Everything posted by cholla

  1. I have PMed Van Buren to see if he will explain RTT related to latency.I'm sure he can do it better than me.
  2. If oil & gas companies are not the problem then why are there profits up so much this year?If 25% pays for everything from the crude barrel to the pump.Let me explain more on why the plan I suggest works.If the oil company storage tanks for gasoline are completly full then the storage tanks for crude get completly full then there is no place toput the crude oil from OPEC in the oil barges.Then they will lower the price until they can empty the storage tanks as much as possible.Opec can't just let the tanker barges just set until they are unloaded either.This is also why the don't start rationing.And Bush is president that is self explatatory. Of course 1 day boycott won't do this. I'm all for the states &federal gov. lowering the taxes on gasoline most of it goes to support education the largest business in the USA.But that's another subject.
  3. Team i2d CorP: if I understand your topic you are talking about Central Offices of Phones Companies.I think the term for mini C.O.'s would be remote terminals.They do have these but they are expensive so the proffit generated by customers has to be enough to warrant a remote terminal.At least that's the way I understad it.
  4. I said this above but I will put it shorter. If everyone would only buy a 2 day supply of gas at a time this would lower prices.
  5. jay173 I don't remember a boycot of French products could you tell us when this was? On the imports paying taxes well thats true . If the products being imported were manufactured in the USA the income taxes on the manufacturer & employees now making the product in the USA. These taxes would be far more that the import taxes.This should lower the income taxes for everyone because more money would be coming to the government than the import taxes were generating.This doesn't count the increase of revenue from sales taxes since American made goods are priced higher in general
  6. Edit This is a link on doing the test & explains the adding 28 to the results: http://www.dslreports.com/faq/5793 Hey guys All that tested If 1472 tested right
  7. Hey guys I can't believe no one is interested in doing this & posting the results.
  8. Netmasta I think the reply from address is where my ISP blocks the ping.That would be:
  9. I thought testmy banned any warez links.
  10. kamil234 let the rest of us know what you did to solve the problem .We might have the same problem sometime.Unless it was something like a dead hamster blocking the air intake.
  11. Not to get too political I think it was all planned from before 9112001.Then declare war & zoom up went the petroleum prices.No real suprise with
  12. I hadn't heard about the boycott but now I will support it.But let me give the way to really affect gas prices by supply & demand.Figure out the gas you use in two days; for most this is not a full tank.for this case lets say half a tank.If this was done by everyone continually then the petroleum doesn't have the storage it usually does in the empty half of the your tank.This means they have to have tanks to store it when their storage tanks get full & petroleum barges are still coming in they have to drop the price to get people to buy more.The mistake that is made is when the price drops people go ahead & fill up.This gives the petroleum back the extra free storage in your vehicles tank.Which helps decrease supply & increases price.If people would continue to only buy Half a tank or less the price would continue to drop. The exception would be traveling like on vacation.Then fill up.The problem is you have to go get gas more often.But if everyone did this it will work.
  13. cholla


    I would like to see a list of the countries that send aid to the Katrina victims.Since some countries said the USA did not send enough to the Tsunami victims of Indonesia.I'm betting the same countries send nothing to aid Katrina's victims.So if anyone sees aid from a foreign country post it. Off the soap box .My thoughts & prayers are with the victims of Katrina.
  14. Edit This is a link on doing the test & explains the adding 28 to the results: http://www.dslreports.com/faq/5793 My ISP blocks ping but I could with my old ISP.Here is something for you to try.
  15. My ISP blocks ping this is what blocked ping looks like. C:WINDOWS>ping testmy.net Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from Destination net unreachable. Reply from Destination net unreachable. Reply from Destination net unreachable. Reply from Destination net unreachable. Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
  16. I am posting in this topic.I linked to it the other day in a post. This topic is still not locked & it has not been removed at least not at this time.For this reason I saw no problem linking to it or even posting in it today. It has been in general discussion open & was last posted in March 26 ,2005.I have taken care not to put anything offensive in this post
  17. Due to a topic I started being removed recently I would like to suggest some procedures that might be added to this. 1. When a topic is completly removed that it be put in a file that is available to administrators & moderators.Instead of completely gone. So If the offending member would like to see the offending parts that caused the removal they can be PMed to that member.With a warning not to copy & paste them back into the forum. 2. The offending member or members should be PMed explaining the reason for removal of the topic.As detailed an explanation as possible. 3. If it is only one post that is the problem then only that post removed or edited.(I know this is already done sometimes) Still with a PM to the member that posted explaining why.Or a short explanation in the post like if it too explicit a picture for example. 4. Off Topic should be allowed a great deal of leeway before a topic is removed.And in off topic freedom of speech should apply in most cases.
  18. I would still like to know exactly why the first topic
  19. audidiablo The PC with the problem is 98SE I'm not sure if the backup would fix the problem the S3 video chip on the motherboard is kind of pickey
  20. First go to system propertiesdevice managerdisplay adapter Highlight S3Inc. Savage4 then select properties. select driver tab then update driver button.Then specify the location of the driver (advanced) then Next button.Then display a list of all drivers in a specific location,so you can select the driver you want. Then Next button then show all hardware.Highlight S3 under manufacturers & S3Inc. Savage4 under models then next. you will get a warning box select yes there you will get the windows is ready to install box select next.then finish. If you don't have the file on your os it will not finish.I have the updated driver for my display adapter in a folder on C: you may have to get an updated driver from S3 but I think you already have that.You can browse to it on the floppy disk if thats where you have it.after this you will need to restart but first remove both standard display adapter(VGA) from the device manager.At least the screen shot showed these.
  21. cholla

    Download Problems

    Glad it worked I guess that means you got the Sygate firewall to work?
  22. duffman1234: Does the memory optimizer program you used have a restore defaults or backup some software does. Or can you do a system restore to a point before you use the memory optimizer. I use cc cleaner,easy cleaner ( don't use the duplicate files function unless you are an expert), & regseeker for a registry cleaner.All are freeware.I don't think any of them will change the memory settings back to default though.
  23. I have taken your suggestion & PMed you & another mod. Edit : Thanks RTB & Swimmer for PMing me back on this .I decided to PM CA3LE to see if I can get the exact reason.
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