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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by jay173

  1. http://www.averatec.com/notebooks/6240series.htm Is this a good notebook to buy?
  2. i stoped using firefox along time ago
  3. http://www.anandtech.com/storage/showdoc.aspx?i=2480 great for gamers or sound editors
  4. this is longhorn as longhorn was codename its called microsoft vista beta 1 and beta 2 look good to me of longhorn and ie7
  5. dude atleast backup your database tables
  6. What kind of wireless router are you using, and what kind of range do you get with it? What kind of opsticals do you have? <just for fun postings>
  7. wpa is same as wep with added features and the key changes every few minutes wpa is not backwords compatible with wireless b devices because older wireless b devices onlyuse wep somthing to think about when setting up your network
  8. cat6 will transfer more data at same ping, but i havent got much else out the upgrade
  9. i upgraded all mine from cat5 to cat6 and my ping is higher but more data gets transferd sec on my 100mb router
  10. if your using encryption it will slow the speed a bit, i would still use it
  11. CA3LE d-link makes a gigabit router and it has wireless g , it is a gaming router but will still work i have motorola sb 5000 cable modem and a befsr81 8 port router with qos sorry i have no pictures
  12. motorola is most compatible easy to use
  13. i get what im supose to get in speed wise just latency is high peak hoyurs almost twice as high
  14. my latency on my cable connection fluctuates between 50 and 400 over hours or bounces up and down every few seconds i get 768 download and 128 upload how can i improve or fix this?
  15. even small towns have this problum
  16. What does QOS offer, My router supports qos priorty?
  17. some routers having signal loss or drop issue b being a standard that gets italot wireless g gets it less since the speed has more speeds to drop to can try buying linksys wireless g wrt56g router or upgrading firmware to fix
  18. could be satelite postion, distance cause iraq has no mountins, or they could be limiting bandwidth per user
  19. What happend to the wireless-A standard? Why do they still make the A version mixed with G products?
  20. make it test off site, that way you can toy with it
  21. right cable, but i want it available to everyone, the code
  22. I would also like to know what popular linksys and d-link routers have a feature to limit bandwidth? I don't see any reviews stating this, so what routers?
  23. wow all those 12 meg tests, lol
  24. looks nice, tests run better and are more accurate sounds like good update
  25. I would also like to know what popular linksys and d-link routers have a feature to limit bandwidth?
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