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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. thats a nice lil deal but notice the upload still did not change i want more upload for that i want an ftp
  2. Hold on exp[lain the american way????? Because lets c us americans have come into tons of countries univited and taken over the latest exemple of this iraq Oh but we are not criminals Nevermind that we have pictures of solders humiliating prisiners making them strip and peeing on them Never mind that There are solders out there who have and are rape womanin other countries Never mind that we unlesh the deadlidt wepon ever created the atomic bomb never mind that we still have tons of nukes yet a country such as N korea tries to just built one and points it our way ALL HELL BREAKS LOSE I dont c much diffrence anyway this country is based on immigrants immigrants made it strong immigrants will make it stronger
  3. Are u nieve we have tried to convert just about every country to try to teach english as a MAIN LANGUGE instead of their own It is actually a law that if you are doing buissness in a foreing contry and theres one JUST ONe american who cant understand the native languge everyone no matter how many speak the native languge have to talk in english Now thats a load of shit like it says at the bottom as my signature I think we risk becoming the best informed society that has ever died of ignorance. ~Reuben Blades
  4. Yeah but that has never been about saving your home your family Many homes will b broken and tons of families will be split up if the bill takes effect It has never been about that plus this time we have tons of supporters a half a million in dallas ,another million or so in NY 25,000 here in austin 60,000 in phonix and a shit load more all over the place oh and those numbers where from last time those r sure to go up Hech i even herd that in a small town in tx (brownsville,tx) The mayor had shut doen schools and other goverment related jobs
  5. Ok now we all know whats been going on here and whats suppose 2 happen tommorow I just want to say that i belive in human rights I have personnally seen the strugles these ppl go through and even thought i will not skip school tomorow i will not spend a single penny tommorow to show my support for immigrants IF YOU BELIEVE IN HUMAN RIGHTS I AM ASKING ALL OF YOU PLZ PLZ DONT SPEND ANY MONEY TOMMOROW OR IF YOU DO KEEP IT TO A MINUMIM I believe in human right i believe in helping Thy Neighbor This country was/ is based on immigrants no matter where everyone is in an immigrant personnaly im 3rd genertion hispanic my famally has been here for over 30 yrs but that doesnt make me any more better than the ppl who just arrive here today. Im american but i also speek spanish i have never spend more than a night outside of the US yet that one night was enught to open my eyes and realized the pain and anguish suffer by those on the other side as they leave in hope for a better living these ppl are not criminals they are hard working individuals who have dreams and want to accomplish them like everyone else How would you feel forv exemple if you had an idea for a buissness but everytime you tried to get it all legalized the goverment keep telling you next year you will have the permision you need and the next year the same thing eventually you would break down and break the law in the persuit of your dream thats the same thing that has happen to these ppl they have dreams but their dreams keep being put aside by the goverment/or the men I wish i would have posted this earlier but whats done is done better late than never I know some of your oppinions are strong on this but IF YOU BELIEVE IN HUMAN RIGHTS PLZ PLZ DONT SPEND ANY MONEY TOMMOROW OR IF YOU DO KEEP IT TO A MINUMIM
  6. Plus AMD delivers more bang for your buck plus amd has had more innovation than intel in the last few years i support Inovation I support AMD Plus amd is very good here in austin for the local economy Im looking at getting a svcholarship with them or ibm which also has helped austin 4 years
  7. Provide link ill give u $20 to buy and mail me a copy
  8. So linux is the wrong way to go??????? I could not get one 2 work on it
  9. Ok i heres my question i ran into a 200 mhz computer system. What can i run on it ? What operating system is there out there that will allow me to run it on a 200 mhz system btw it has 192 mb pof memory. i tried a few linux kernels but with no luck i would just like it to do basic browsing and maybe a word document with it so it doesn't have to b a constand strugle 4 the only pc in the house if my bro only wants to check his e-maIL is there any hope 4 this system or is it just trash?
  10. TRhx Every1 i figured iy out sry i did not reply sooner
  11. u can do mouse gestures on ff too theres a plug in 4 it
  12. Video cards the culprit
  14. You can istall it as many times as u want on one computer PLZ PLZ provide link
  15. Yeah but the cant really afford to put in higher and lose to the xbox cause of price I too will ebay it out
  16. If your just trying out linux i would go with buying a new small maybe 10 gb IDE Harddrive from a computer shop linux ussually doesnt like sata
  17. There are free operating sistems out there its called linux and in my opinion linux its better for the average guy
  18. yEAH THERE WAS SOMETHING IN ONE of the things were the pins go to in the motherbord so when I put in the cpu the pin got bended and made more bent fucked up 2 cpu before i figure it out
  20. I killed 2 again i repeat 2 soket 7 cpu in the last 24 hours i 'll share the story later i got 2 run
  21. Can we keep politacal stuff of this forum the 9/11 the flag one and now this one and those are only the ones i am aware of
  22. Ok this is really dumb i transfer things from one folder to another but its hidden i know its their cause i can open it up in WMP How can i unhide them?
  23. iolo.com also has a nice one
  24. We were trying to do this at school but with a sattelite dish it work but the school shut down the operation
  25. There Is ads in this site? Wow call me blond (im not) But i never noticed that Hey every1 click on them at lest once in a while so they can found this site its awasome
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