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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. get a new computer , that processor is way to slow for gaming
  2. lol the same thing happened to me, i was unaware that i was using my neighbors connection( which is rr) and i also have verizon and i realized that my dls were really high. Now i no longer use neighbors connection
  3. the mirror download is prob alot closer to where u live than the regular download. post dl from mirror
  4. OMG that is insane, i want
  5. Will you be gaming on your computer?
  6. yes i am sure there will be enough usb ports, that usb adpater seems fine to me. Its a netgear rite?
  7. They supposevely have better precision than the traditional ball mouse
  8. wow this is a long thread
  9. that is hilarious, i like the police one too
  10. Wholly crap that is awesome
  11. some of those are harsh....but some are funny
  12. i dont think those speeds wil be a prob for online gaming
  13. U prob dont qualify for the 6mb service so the best they can get u is 6mb in you particular location
  14. Wow this turning into a political topic, and it started off with Dlewis23 showing off how much $$$ he has
  15. Limewire is full of viruses to download, just dont do something stupid. Have u virus guard running at all times, alot of files are viruses in disguise so watch out for those.
  16. I had a similar problem before on one of my hard drive, i eneded up taking it in to get fixed and they had to low level format it. Im sure there is a utility out there that can do this for you, Low level formatting is not ur typical formatting method because it rewrites all of ur sectors
  17. I have tried and have: maxthon, opera, and ie, ff and FF just seems to run smoother than all of them on my computer and i am so used to it so i can't change
  18. Ur speeds are very good for your package i have the same advertised download speeds and here is wat i get: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1341 Kbps about 1.3 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 164 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Sat Feb 11 2006 10:52:25 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 24X faster than 56K 1MB download in 6.24 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 28.46 % of your hosts average (verizon.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-3UC4OGTVD with tweaks....... The only reason the avergage is that high because of the fios customers, fios offeres 5/2, 15/2 and 30/5 packages
  19. I admire your bravery to go out and fight for our country, i dont have enough courage
  20. I have learned alot from answering questions
  21. I know this may be stupid question, but is there a os on the hard drive or is it completely formatted? If it is formatted then it would not boot from startup because there is nothing to start up from
  22. My 1 year anniversary is not till July 21, 2005, 12:49:24 PM
  23. I had a similar problem before with the same keyboard and mouse as you. Just replace the batteries and maybe check so see if the reciver is too far away.
  24. Congratulations
  25. http://www.tampatrib.com/ read mine aswell
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