Another scrubbed launch due to weather, there gonna skip Moday and wait until tuesday at 2:38pm EST to try again. Although scattered thunderstorms still predicted.
So you know, Vista Beta 2 is now closed to new orders...the download links will remain active until July 14th for those who have the key but still need to download.
Heres a nice looking laptop
Has a Pentium M 1.73GHz, 100GB hard drive, 1GB of ram, ...I have 2 toshiba laptops and there great
Skype is completly free to chat and make PC to PC calls, and until the end of 2006 you can make FREE phone call to landlines anywhere in the US or canada
I don't know what it is, it displays other Wireless connections but not mine, it downloaded drivers from auto update. I'll try to get drivers from the website though. Its not a router problem cause it connects fine on my other laptop.