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Everything posted by biker9075

  1. Installed fine for me, I do somtimes have trouble installing other updates though, but usually works the next day.
  2. I used DAEMON tools awile ago and that worked
  3. Doesnt look like they are giving out anymore keys
  4. All you AVG fans using vista will be happy to know that after a compatibility update from automatic updates you will now be able to use AVG
  5. Try to disable your firewall, it could be a port issue
  6. I got 768/128 and I dont notice much if any lag in online gaming.
  7. Still, alot for a console when I could get a decent PC for less then that.
  8. Shuttle and ISS tracking is here: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/tracking/
  9. Another scrubbed launch due to weather, there gonna skip Moday and wait until tuesday at 2:38pm EST to try again. Although scattered thunderstorms still predicted.
  10. NASA also has a TV channel, I dont know if its on comcast but I know its on DirecTV.
  11. Confirmed no launch today, they will try for launch tommorow at 3:26 EST, although isoloated thunderstorms tommorow as well
  12. They got 4 minutes to resume the countdown
  13. T-9 Minutes and holding...this hold will last for about 45 minutes, we will also find out if its going to be a go/no go launch during this time
  14. Now at T-20 Minutes and holding, they will poll the teams at T-9 minutes and holding for a go/no go launch.
  15. So you know, Vista Beta 2 is now closed to new orders...the download links will remain active until July 14th for those who have the key but still need to download.
  16. Well considering its only alpha probally. Wait until Beta it will be alot more stable
  17. Heres a nice looking laptop http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Toshiba-Satellite-Notebook-PC-M55-S3315-/sem/rpsm/oid/141558/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do Has a Pentium M 1.73GHz, 100GB hard drive, 1GB of ram, ...I have 2 toshiba laptops and there great
  18. Skype is completly free to chat and make PC to PC calls, and until the end of 2006 you can make FREE phone call to landlines anywhere in the US or canada
  19. I like skype betterr
  20. btw, anyone know of a good free firewall compatible with Vista? All the ones i tried are incompatable.
  21. You should have no problem running Vista then. My system runs it smoothly with its current specs.
  22. whats your system specs? cant be any worse then mine
  23. Heres some shots, and no lauphing at my system specs
  24. I had to set it up the connection manually but I got it to work
  25. I don't know what it is, it displays other Wireless connections but not mine, it downloaded drivers from auto update. I'll try to get drivers from the website though. Its not a router problem cause it connects fine on my other laptop.
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